
A friendly chat with the elderly

"Thomas Knight and I arrived here from England a couple of weeks ago," I responded casually.

"Ahhh, that explains the accent then. And I assume you're here to attend Ilvermorny?" the woman asked with a knowing smile. I froze at her words and stiffly turned my head to face them.

Noticing my reaction, the old couple chuckled to themselves for a bit before the old man explained, "We are the people who will be taking you to the school after all. Don't act too surprised." He said with a laugh before grabbing a handful of weird looking seeds out of the bag to his left and feeding them to the pigeons on the floor.

[Ahhh, very interesting.] said Drak suddenly.

'What is?' I asked

[you'll find out soon.] he said vaguely. I really hated this part of him. He always says something but never explains.

"So, what is your aspiration boy?" asked the old woman suddenly.


"What is your aspiration? What do you want to achieve after school?" she rephrased her question. Her words stunned me for a moment. That was actually a very good question. What would I do after I finished school? A sudden sense of loss dawned upon me. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I mean, all my plans are based around my revenge and the war that will come after it, I never really thought about what I would do when it was all over.

I sat there in silence experiencing what appeared to be the beginning of an existential crisis. I was completely lost for what to do. The woman seeing my reaction laughed slightly.

"Don't worry lad, you are young, it was merely a question. One that does not necessarily need an immediate answer. But one that should be pondered over seriously. After all, we can't be kids forever, right?" she said with a smile.

Her words brought some clarity to my blurry thoughts. she was right, I didn't have to worry about it now, but I couldn't put it aside either.

"This conversation was a very big eye-opener for me. I thank you for your time. I must go, but I will be seeing you in two days' time." I said as I got up and waved at them before leaving.


Back at the bench the old woman who was smiling suddenly stopped.

"That boy has monstrous magical energy coursing through him. It almost feels… ancient. And I haven't seen tattoos like those since…" the woman paused, a frown etched on her wrinkly face.

"…Since Jackson. He had the same ones. maybe they're connected?" said the old man as he finished the woman's sentence. There was a short bout of silence before the woman spoke again.

"It seems that this year will be much more interesting than years past." Said the woman with a sigh.

"Let us hope all that starts well ends well." She said before snapping her fingers. Her appearance changed and shrunk to that of a house-elf with some slight differences and disappeared with the pigeons. The old man stared deeply in the direction Tom had left in and soon disappeared too.


"Ahhhh. This is nice, after a long day, a comfy bed is the best." I said as I laid on the soft white covers.

"Young master, what would you like for dinner?" asked Alfred as he walked through the doors.

"Hmm, let's go with some fish and chips," I said with a nod. That should be nice.

After a long and sumptuous dinner, training commenced again and a long arduous journey to perfection awaited me.

Two days went by quickly since I didn't leave again once I had returned to my room. I had spent the day walking all around the town and decided to spend the last day practising my wandless magic. Even though I had gotten very proficient at it, there was always room for improvement. And improve I did, I was able to decrease the time taken to perform harder spells and charms.

The use of a wand was to allow the wizard to better manipulate magical essence into a single point (the wand) and move it in a certain way to invoke a spell, charm, jinx or curse. With wandless magic, the problem of manipulating magical energy grew. Since the Wizard no longer had a focal point, they needed to be able to control it at will and accumulate it, shape it for the desired effect, and cast it out. It was hundreds of times harder, evident by the lack of wandless wizards around. Even Voldemort, Grindelwald and Dumbledore still needed a wand.

But their problem was that they didn't have enough perceptiveness towards magical energy. They couldn't perceive it to a high enough level and were, therefore, unable to control it to cast complex or continuous spells. That was the difference between me and them. Because Drak was made out of pure magic, and him being sealed inside of me since birth, I have involuntarily gained a much higher perceptiveness towards magic energy. Added with the recent trials that reforged my body and I can now do wandless magic.

But the problem was the manipulation. Even though I met the criteria to do wandless magic, the control over it wasn't there yet. I could perceive it clear as day but moving it toward the desired location fast enough proved to be challenging. And that was what I was currently working on. Although I had improved the time taken to cast spells, it was still not within the one-second time frame I had set for myself.

If I couldn't cast it fast enough, many things could go wrong. I could fail to save someone, I could fail to kill an enemy and last but not least, I could fail to save my own life in a critical moment. Even with all my abilities and powers, control of magic was a fundamental practice I needed to master as quickly as possible.

[Finally, you got it! it seems I will need to push forward my plans for you.] Drak chimed in as I reached the end of my thoughts.

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