

Our conversation however caught the attention of Harry and Ron.

"Any problems Potter?" I asked the boy who was staring at me like an exotic creature added to the zoo. "I just can't believe you would want to go back to the muggle world," he said.

"It is not a matter of want, Potter, but a matter of having backup plans, and backup plans FOR your backup plans. If, by some stroke of bad luck, I can't use magic again I will have to return to the muggle world and live an ordinary life. And if that's to be the case then having a way out is a smart way to go," I said with a shrug.

"All you guys ever do is study, you barely go anywhere, and it was a shock seeing you at that quidditch game, why put so much effort in, where's the hurry?" said Ron with a puzzled and annoyed look.

"It is very simple Mr Weasley, there are two reasons why. Firstly, because knowledge equals power, the truly powerful have studied the art of magic for decades in order to reach truly remarkable heights. Magic is a science, not something you can pick up as a hobby. Secondly, it's because we aren't purebloods like you, so you can't understand our hurry," I said simply.

"Hey! What do you mean by that? We treat muggles-borns fairly and with respect!" he said angrily. His outburst caught the attention of others.

"Who said I was being specific to you? All I'm saying is that no matter what, pure-blooded families will always have the upper hand when it comes to getting jobs, especially in the ministry of magic, take the muggle-born minister of magic years back. How was he treated? People threatened his life at every possible occasion," I said.

An older student that was nearby cut in before Ron could answer, "Tom, you're wrong about that, new laws have been introduced in order to avoid such unfairness between us all," he said flatly neither overbearing nor servile. Others seemed to agree as they nodded at his words. I on the other hand chuckled while shaking my head.

"No, that will not stop pure-blooded families from retaining their huge advantage. They hold too much power over the ministry to have their voices go unheard. Their offspring will be born with half a foot in the door at the very least. Muggle-borns will always be looked down upon as long as these radical families exist," I said as a trace of helplessness could be heard from my voice. "Sadly, there is no peaceful way to fix this, and I wish there were more families like the Weasley who are more tolerant of muggle-borns or even accepted them," I said truthfully while looking at Ron and the Weasley twins who had joined in.

Everyone was silent, some had dark expressions as they got the hidden meaning in my words while the younger, more naïve ones like Ron were happy at my praise. "That is why being studious is so important, it allows for the accumulation of knowledge and as I mentioned before, with knowledge comes great power. And what does great power give to a person?" I asked while looking around. Some of the students seemed to have an answer but let me continue while others, like Harry and Ron, were clueless but were looking on very much interested in the answer I would resent.

"The answer is simple! It gives us the standing and respect necessary in order to not be stepped on. No one in their right mind would try to hinder Dumbledore or Voldemort, and why is that? Because they are the most powerful wizards of their time! Power, ladies and gentlemen, Power is the answer to all these problems. With power comes opportunity, with power comes the right to be heard and taken seriously," I concluded while looking at the crowd before picking up my things and walking out under the fervent gazes of everyone present.

On my way out I saw some of the teaching staff standing around, apparently listening in to my speech. Only now did I realise that a lot of students had gathered to listen in. Even Dumbledore had appeared and gave me a mysterious smile. I only nodded with a slight grin before making my way to the shower area. I needed to cool off after that speech.

[very passionate speech kid, I like it. And you are right about Power being the key factor in all of this, as for getting rid of the radical purists, HA! I look forward to accomplishing our goal,] he said with a chuckle. He was right, that part was me giving them my solution to the overall problem. And that was my end goal, to burn the purist radical families like the Malfoy's to the ground. And build something new from their ashes.

Sure, it would not get rid of the muggle-born hate completely, but it would not be as prevalent as it is now. There will always be people who think differently no matter the outcome, take racism for example. In my past life, it was frowned upon to be racist, but there would always be that one person who still bore hate in their heart.

But like my past life, I aim to get rid of the commonly seen hate for muggle-borns. It would be challenging, and many would strive to hinder me, especially Voldemort, which gives me that much more of a reason to train and study harder. I need to get stronger so that I can look down on everyone from the highest peak, an unreachable, uncontested peak where everyone else is forced to bow.

[Kid, tomorrow, make sure to suggest to Luke that we go to Hawaii for the summer holidays, there is an active volcano that has deep ties with me. It will be incredibly beneficial to increasing your control and strength over my power.] What he said surprised me, since so far, I was able to use a fair bit of his strength to boost my body, making me vastly stronger and faster than others. But I had not used it since there had never been a reason to.

Now it seems that I have another way to increase my power to an even greater height. And thinking about next year and the basilisk, there will be a need to increase my strength in order to take it head-on. I can't risk becoming lazy since I don't know how much of a butterfly effect my presence has caused. I can already predict that things will not end well if I don't step in since I took away the brain from the golden trio.

Finishing my thoughts, I stepped out of the shower, got dressed and headed to my classes like usual.

An: Sorry for only one chapter, I had other things to do that took up much of my time. It will be back to two tomorrow. Apologies.

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