

Next was Herbology, just like what you would expect, taught by Professor Sprout who was a little witch who wore a patched hat over her flyaway hair; there was usually a large amount of earth on her clothes and her fingernails due to being around plants constantly.

The class was held in a magical garden so that studying plants and their uses was more hands-on. The class was also handy since the theory overlaps with content that is not covered but relevant during potion-making. The right ingredients are usually chosen for a reason and knowing their use will come in handy.

Potion making was interesting. Professor Snape had a deep hatred for Harry during his stay at Hogwarts in the original which was still very apparent in this world. It was funny watching Harry get scolded for doing nothing, Snape would just find any reason to take points away from him.

During potion-making Snape praised me and Hermione for being the first one's to make the selected potion correctly. He begrudgingly gave points to both of us which somewhat counters all the points lost. Neville being the useless wizard that he is, fucked his potion which made the cauldron explode.

This resulted in not only points being subtracted but Neville having to be carried to the infirmary for healing. Some of the students around him even had their shoes melted, thankfully it was mostly just him that was injured. Hermione was losing it at her classmates, she really disliked Ron and Harry for being the ones to lose points for the house the most.

Astronomy was held every Wednesday at midnight in the astronomy tower which was a pleasant change of pace. I enjoyed gazing at the stars since they had a sense of mystery to them. Sure, we were studying the stars and their meaning which in my opinion was complete nonsense but there had to be some truths to it if they were teaching it at Hogwarts right? The teacher who taught this was Professor Aurora Sinistra who often wore olive robes and a pointed hat spangled with astrological signs.

Through the telescopes, we were told to buy we observed the constellations and learned of their meaning.

Next up was charms, which I have to say is one of my favourite classes. It was taught by Professor Flitwick, who was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. He was known to be a half-blood due to his Goblin blood which was the cause of his little stature. Wearing green robes and a pointy hat with long white hair, Professor Flitwick was a rather enjoyable and funny character.

During his classes, he would tell us stories about his life, fictional stories that made the class including me laugh which made it much more immersive and enjoyable.

Then there were Flying lessons with Madame Hooch who was also the quidditch referee at Hogwarts. She had spiky grey hair which was cut short and had piercing, yellow, hawk-like eyes, usually hidden behind goggles. She usually wore a white button-down collared shirt and black necktie with the Hogwarts crest which could be seen under her cloak.

As we made our way to where the class was being taught, we soon came upon Madame Hooch who was standing next to two rows of broomsticks. They seemed to be a very old model which made me question what Dumbledore was doing with the school funds. Such a prestigious school having such bad broomsticks just seemed out of place.

"Welcome, you can call me Madame Hooch. Now! Go and stand behind a broom that has been placed on the ground. You are not to touch the broom until I say so, understood?" she said firmly.

"Yes, madame Hooch" we said in an unsynchronised way.

Her face scrunched up at the sound.

"No-no-no, you must say it together in synchronisation. Now, Good afternoon class!" she said as she walked down the middle.

"Good afternoon, Madame Hooch" we said much more synchronised this time.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick." She said strictly with her hands on her hips.

"Come on now, hurry up!" she commanded

We all stepped forward at once and stood to the left of our brooms.

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say "up"!" she instructed as she demonstrated the action.

Soon the voices of all the kids rung out as a constant "up" could be heard.

"up" I commanded to which the broom instantly flew up.

Hermione looked at me indignantly. She repeatedly tried to no avail.

"Command the broom. You're not asking it, otherwise it will not obey" I instructed.

Hermione tried it again following my instructions this time and was able to do it successfully.

I looked around the see how the others were doing and was not surprised to see Malfoy grinning arrogantly, Potter who was marvelling at the broom in his hands and Ron the idiot who got hit on the face with his broom causing the surrounding kids to laugh.

"Now! Once you have got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight, you don't want to slip off the end." She instructed again as we followed during instructions. After seeing that all of us were able to do this successfully she moved on.

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward and land back on the ground." She instructed as she moved around to all of us to ensure good form.

We all did as we were told and succeeded only to hear the sudden scream coming from Neville as he floated upwards. It was just like the movie, he flew around aimlessly and before long was left hanging from the sharp end of a statue.

He soon fell and a loud cracking noise could be heard. Presumably Neville's wrist breaking. Madame Hooch ran to his side and then took him to the infirmary again. Naturally, that wasn't the end. Of course not, Malfoy wouldn't be Malfoy if he wasn't an annoying prick. And we always need a hero to save the day, so Harry had to get involved.

The same scene played out, Harry caught Neville's toy and both Malfoy and Potter were "punished" by their respective houses. Funny how the punishment involved making Potter the seeker of Gryffindor. Old man Dumbledore just couldn't help himself could he.

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