
Chapter 252: Logan, Skilton

Logan pulled out his phone. Other than an affirmative that the others had received his update, there was no news.

Should he update the others? What the hell should he tell them? Playing possum in the toilet?

Kelsey wouldn't hesitate to do something. The problem was that Logan didn't know what he should be doing.

Before he could overthink it, he tapped Kelsey's name and started tapping out a message to her and her alone.

Followed into men's restroom. We're both waiting the other out in a stall.

Logan hit send, then thought better of it and added one more line.

Thoughts on next move?

He knew it wasn't terribly likely she'd be able to see these and reply, but he could hope. The senator's staff were kept on a tight leash, and Kelsey had somehow gotten herself into the thick of it all.

A foot scuffed the tile.

Logan lifted his head and listened.

There was the slightest rustling of fabric.

Was Oliver making a move?

Logan's screen lit up.

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