
Better In Bed

Arianna woke up with a splittering headache and a swollen eyes. She had cried herself to sleep last night after that confrontation with Marcel.

She was depressed.

What happened last night? She threw herself on Marcel, like literally gave herself to him. And Arianna knew that if Marcel had pushed any futher, she would have done it with him last night. And that was what made her more angry, no, she was disgusted with herself! She wasn't supposed to harbor any feelings for that bastard, but here she was, sexually attracted to the man who kidnapped her.

To make matters worse, she was suposed to be in a relationship with Elijah. God, she doesn't know anything about Elijah anymore. Does she still like Elijah? Yes! And she wanted to remain loyal to him. But she had failed the faithfulness part by making out with Marcel. She cheated on him.

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