
You've Seen Me Naked Before

Nothing is going to happen, Mimi kept telling herself that. But no matter how many times she tried to assure her mind, it still didn't stop it from conjuring different scenes of how the night would end up.

Come on, Mimi, he's a Casanova and a Mafia, both traits are a lethal dosage for you and your sex life notwithstanding that he's good-looking. Yeah, she had to admit, Victor was sexy, but so was Marcel!

While Marcel is sexy in a dark and brooding way, Victor was er.... what could she term it? Yummy? He was like a piece of candy -sweet and nice- she could just sink her teeth into and take a chuck of..... 

Alright, hold those teeth, lady! We are not taking a chunk of anybody - even if he's as hot as hell. I'm not some vampire for crying out loud, Mimi battled with her mind. 

"Huh?" Mimi was startled when someone touched her on the shoulder and turned in time for Victor to announce, "We're home," 

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