
Golden and Silver's First Experience Part one

Sora looked the the direction of he Golden Dragon King and Silver dragon king and siad :"Come to the Throne Room".

When both of them heard that they stoped thier practice and teleported to the Throne Room.

Bent on one knee and asked :"What are the Orders my Lord".

Sora looked and them and shook his hand having them stand .

Looked deep in thier eyes.

Which made Both on the Blush .

Sora said to the :" There is a Faster way to make you Supreme"

This Shocked them, They knew how hard it was to Master there Rules and Integrate with the God Realm.

If it was easy then the God Kings is the Soul Land God Realm would have become Supreme Many Years ago.

Sora thought for a while and said:"A Sixth Dimension Being can Integrate Rules from Being's below his Dimension.

So I can Integrate both your Rules and send it back to you through Intercourse.

By doing this you can become Supreme Faster.

Of Course this is your Choice to make ".

Both the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King ware shocked and Blushed and looked at Sora like he said the most Unimaginable.

It's not that they haven't had the thought of this.

If they could have Intercourse with Sora and have a child then there would be no fear about being Dominated by any power appearing in the future.

As they come to the God Realm first and knew the potential of this God Realm, They knew Sora would bring many Talented Individuals in the Future and Most of them would be Human's .

And even if Soul Beasts had the two of them.

They knew the Talent of the Human's, And how fast they Become Stronger.

So they thought as long as Sora mentioned of them about procreating, They would agree and try thier Best to have as many children as possible.

Sora's Gene and them their Children would have enough Potential so that the Soul Beasts would have a Promising Future

And now Sora wanted them to have Intercourse to make them Stronger, They decided to try thier best to have a Child.

They didn't knew if they had a chance again after they become Supreme.

So Golden Dragon King and Silver dragon king looked at Sora and said :"Lord we would be Honoured to Procreate with the Lord and Breakthrough Supreme".

Sore Looked and then Suprised when they said Procreate and used his Power of Destiny to see throught thier Choice and understand and laughed and said :" You two you're power is still too weak.

When you Break through to a Higher Dimension Begin, I will grate you a child.

Now we can only have Intercourse to make our self Stronger.

There are Stronger enemies who we will face in the future.So we need to become Stronger Faster".

Both of them were sad when Sora said they here weak to have his Child and when he agreed to give them Child in the Future they wear excited .

And when they heard they will be facing Stronger Enemies is the future they were more eager to make them stronger.

And hey were a Frightened a little about how Sora called Strong Enemies.

Sora was the Strongest Being they have seen.

So when Sore called Strong they knew that they had to become Stronger or won't even have the qualifications to go to the battle with Sora.

Sora looked how they seemed afraid and said "You don't have to worry I will not face them until I have enough strength to go against them "

This made them both as ease.

Sora made sure they wear relaxed and while he was sitting is this Throne and looked at them and waved his arm.

Which brought them closer to him.

And both of them who wear Brought closer to Sora wear wear shocked and looking in Sora's face they understand and Blushed.

Sora brought one Arm around Golden Dragon King and the other around Silver Dragon King and pulled them closer and made them sit on his Lap Facing him .

They both Sat on each leg of Sora and Straddling him and He Pulled the Golden Dragon King first and held her chin in his hand looked at her eyes and slowly came Closer to her lips and when their lips touched the Golden Dragon King was about to kiss back but Sore suddenly forced her mouth open and kissed harder as there tongue intertwined with each other.

They could feel thier energy in this Body's keep circulating through their kiss and Golden Dragon King felt her mind blur a little and she raised her arms up and around Sora's Head and her breasts her pressed against Sora's chest and Sora pulled his face apart making Golden Dragon King taking deep breaths to calm her self .

Sora looking at the Silver Dragon King who was looking at them envious .

Sora smiled and went to her .Had a quick kiss on her lips before she could be prepared and waved his arm and disintegrating her Clothes having her naked and still Straddling his leg .

Silver Dragon King was Shocked and Looked at Sora who was looking at her like he was about Devour her, which made her Blush and making half her body light pink.

Sora held her breast in his arm felt how soft they were and lifted one up and kissed it. Make the Silver Dragon King Shiver.

Sore pulled her closes and kneading the the other breast while he starting sucking on the breast he first held.

And this made Silver Dragon King arch her head backwards and and felt sensation so new to her but made her like every second of it.

Golden Dragon King looked at all this and felt left out and then got off Sora and knelt in front of him and pulled his pants down . Which Sora helped with, even though he was concentrated on the Silver Dragon King he knew what the Golden Dragon King wanted to do so he used hes power to Pull his pants down.

If he didn't then even if Golden Dragon King used her full Strength it would not come off because it was made with high-end products that the system gave him along with the God Realm .

After Golden Dragon King pulled his pants and saw his huge dick she was frightened about how huge it was and then later though about how if would feel and held it in her hand and started felling it and later after she got used to it she started to lick it.

And Sora felt it and was still focused on the Silver Dragon King. This made the Golden Dragon King mad and put the tip of his dick in her mouth and went further and further till she had her mouth full and there was still a lot left so she started sucking on the dick which made Sora turn to her . Which made the Golden Dragon King feel she won against the Silver Dragon King.... continue

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