
Chapter Eleven : To the moonlit town.

'Where?' Scorpius asked for he had never heard of a place like that.

'We're going to escape to the moonlit town.' Lily whispered. When Scorpius continued to give her confused looks she said, 'Just wait here. Let me get changed and then I'll show you the place.'

He did as asked and waited till she came out of her wardrobe which was also her changing room. 'What's with the outfit?' He asked when he noticed she was wearing sweats.

'We might get late. I'll pretend I went for a walk if mom or dad or worst case J or Al see me in the morning.'

'Are you sure you want to escape?'

'Definitely.' There was fire of excitement in her eyes.

Opening the window, they hopped on Scorpius's broom and flew towards their destination. A little later when they finally reached there, Lily stepped down first and said, 'Welcome to the Moonlit Town.'

'What is this place?' Scorpius said, trying to absorb what stood in front of him.

'This is an amusement park called the Moonlit Town.' She took Scorpius's hand and led him inside.

Just like a child who visits an amusement park for the first time, Scorpius looked amused, exited and lost at the same time. His eyes were trying to take in as much as they could while his brain tried to make sense of the rides he was seeing in front of him.

'I wanna go on that one.' He started to walk towards a 'Drop Tower'.

'Ah....May be we can try that later.' Lily wasn't going to let her first date with him turn into a nightmare for her.

'Please.' He pleaded.

'We need to buy tickets first. Come with me.' She led him to the ticket counter and pretended to ask for tickets, then announced they're out of it.

'But there aren't many people here. How can it be sold out.' Scorpius asked like a child.

Lily huffed and gave up. 'Fine. You go alone. I'm scared of it.' And Scorpius started laughing.

'You didn't think I would whine like a child to go on a ride leaving you alone on our first date, did you?' She looked at him and he hugged her. 'I was kidding. I'm a scared cat like you too. There's no way I'm going to ride that.'

'Thank God for that.'

They went on the rides which both of them agreed were not scary, then ate candy floss, held hands and walked around, giggling, telling each other things about daily lives and glanced at each other every now and then, with love. It was then that Lily realized why her father had brought her mother to this amusement park when they were dating.

Harry Potter, the name was enough for people to come rushing at him, Ginny was no less popular, and when she started playing for Harpies she became a household name. This added to both Harry and Ginny's woes, for whenever they went out to date, they would get mobbed by people. To escape from the world where they were known, they came to the muggle world to date.

Just like when a muggle enters the wizarding world and it's magic for him, similarly when a wizard enters the muggle world, especially places like an amusement park, it's magic for them. For some things in themselves are simply magical.

'Are you enjoying?' Lily asked. They were sitting in the Ferris Wheel.

'Hmm.' Scorpius said looking outside and admiring the view form the top.

When they reached exactly on the top, Lily held his hand and said, 'Scorpius,' He turned to her. 'I love you.' And before he could give his reply she kissed him, which not only he accepted but also reciprocated. They continued until they were back on the ground.

'Are we leaving now?' Scorpius asked as they were headed towards the entrance.

'Just one more thing to do, then we'll leave.' Lily said and pulled him towards the corner where a photo-booth was placed.

'Where do I look?' Scorpius asked as they sat inside the booth on the chairs.

'There.' Lily pointed at the mark where camera stood. 'Smile.' And they got some pictures clicked.

Lily kept trying different poses when Scorpius looked at her and said, 'Lily.'

'Hmm?' She said still posing for the camera.

'I was going to say it first but who cares....' She turned to face him and he said, 'I love you too.'

Since he hadn't replied earlier, Lily had thought Scorpius wanted some time or that he wasn't in love with her yet but now hearing it from him felt surreal. The rush of emotions forced Lily to get up from her seat and climb on top of Scorpius's lap.

'Say that again.' He held her by the waist and pulled her closer.

'I love you.'

'You do?'

'I love you Lily Potter. I love...' She put her lips on his before he could say it again. Scorpius moaned as she grabbed his hair fiercely. Biting her lower lip her placed a hand on the small of her back and then slipped it under her sweat shirt. His cold hand when touched her warm back, she inched closer to him. They forgot that the camera was running and clicking pictures of them making out. Things could've gotten more heated but thankfully the booth operator came and cleared his throat.

'No PDA allowed here!' Lily got up immediately and giggled along with Scorpius who got red with embarrassment.

'It was fun.' Lily announced as they exited the amusement park.

'It indeed was.' Scorpius agreed and glanced at Lily. He was happy that he decided not to fight his feelings for her anymore for she made him smile like no one else did.

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