
Made To Be Taught: Chapter 12


"Dot?" A knock on the door sounded as Conri peered into the room.

I looked up from my curled up position in the chair next to the window. It was raining today and the world outside looked dreary with fog.

I hummed in acknowledgement as he stepped further into the room. He held a wide grin and seemed to bounce on his toes. I cocked my head curiously. He'd just brought me lunch an hour ago, so I didn't expect him back until later tonight.

"Are you ready?" He said, but the next words sounded like gibberish. He scratched his head, looking for different words. "Uh… you're going to learn today. Help speak?"

I brightened noticeably and Conri let out a laugh. A wide smile spread across my face as I jumped to my feet.

"Where?" I asked eagerly, slipping on my slippers. Every other pair of shoes didn't fit my petite feet, so I've just been wearing these. I didn't mind though because they were exceptionally comfy and kept my toes warm.

"Follow me!" Conri held the door open and gestures for me to leave the room.

I practically danced through the doorway, but as soon as I turned, I came face to face with my Daddy. With a cry, I nearly fell backward if not for the arm he coiled around my waist to steady me.

His massive hands splayed across my back and almost burned me with the intensity of his touch. My eyes dilated as a light feeling filled my belly. I stared into his icy blue eyes and my breath caught. His mouth parted, and he looked as shocked as me. It felt like eternity that he held me, but in reality it was only seconds before he quickly released me, like the touch of my skin on his felt equally as intense. His face flushed and I knew he was just as caught off guard as I was.

"Come along," Conri chuckled.

I huffed in embarrassed, though I didn't want to admit it. Bowing my head forward to hide my red cheeks, I followed closely behind Conri as he led me down the staircase. It didn't escape me that the Alpha tailed us from a few paces back.

We only descended one set of stairs before Conri led me to a door. He pushed it open with a grin, and I nearly shrieked in glee at what I saw.

"Dot!" I heard from amidst the crowd of familiar omegas.

"Blue!" I cried and threw myself into the taller girl's arms.

"Are you hurt?" I released her seconds later as my hands fluttered about her face. "Safe?"

Blue nodded, her brown curls bobbing about her shoulders. "Safe and rested. You?"

"Yes!" I grinned. "We're gonna learn today!"

"Dot!" Another voice squealed as arms encircled me in a tight embrace. "Missed you!"

I instantly recognized Bell's voice and familiar touch. My eyes welled up and I sniffled. It was such a relief to see my friends. I wanted to cry, but I held it in. The other girls couldn't contain their tears though and they flowed freely down their cheeks.

I looked around for Conri and saw him at the front of the room. I shot him a grateful look and he returned it with an expression of relief.

Still in the embrace of my closest friends, I peered around and took in the rest of the room. Long tables sat in 3 rows with padded chairs tucked in. It was a relatively plain room with one wall being floor to ceiling windows, partially obscured by luxurious blue and gold drapes.

"Hello everyone!" Conri spoke, but no one seemed to hear him. He cleared his throat and repeated in a louder voice. "Hello, everyone!"

There was a chorus of gentle shushing from around the room. I noted the other strangers dotted about the room, but it seemed there weren't any Alpha's amongst them.

I shushed Blue and Belle, curious for Conri to speak.

"Please sit." He gestured to the plethora of chairs in front of us. The other omegas shared a hesitant look, to which I rolled my eyes. Though I was uncertain of the other strangers in the room, I was no longer suspicious of Conri and his presence comforted me.

I tugged at Blue and Bell's hand with an encouraging smile and pulled them to the table closest to the front of the room. "Learning today!" I assured them.

Slowly, the rest of the omegas followed our lead and settled into the chairs. As soon as everyone sat, I noticed the number of us. We were a much smaller group than when we were at home. I frowned, but shook my displeasure away to listen to Conri.

"Thank you." He looked gleeful and said words I didn't understand, so I doubted anyone else did too. He chuckled, but continued nonetheless. "We want to speak with you."

Many ears of the others perked up at this. Excitement bubbled in my chest. I was tired of feeling like I was in the dark. We only knew a few words from the encounters with our caretakers. I probably knew the most, but that was only because I was the favorite of one of them. His name was Vilkus, and though he was nice to me most of the time, he wasn't always. A shiver went down my spine at the thought of him.

"We'll teach you." He continued. "You will learn." He placed a hand to his chest. "I'm Conri."

He paused for a moment as he struggled to find words we could understand. "These wolves, these people will help you learn," he gestured about the room at the other strangers. "They'll teach you. They're your teachers."

I glanced about. Some omegas had eager eyes, some looked uncertain, and a few looked utterly confused.

"Good." I spoke to the rest of them. "Good. Safe." I nodded to everyone with an excited smile. "Conri good."

"Thank you Dot." He beamed at me and I returned his grin.

Next he introduced the other strangers. Waya was a lady with deep wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. She was shorter than the other strangers and her back was hunched. Another was named Ylva. She was noticeably younger, but still held a compassionate look like Waya's. Two Beta males were introduced as Remus and Raul. The last person however, gave me a strange feeling. He was an omega who looked harmless and held a sweet smile, but something about him made my skin prickle.

"We'll put you in groups," Conri explained gently, but his next words were a jumble of numbers that escaped my comprehension.

I shook off the uneasy feeling I got from the omega stranger, and returned my attention to the front. I'd keep an eye on the man, but hopefully I was just being paranoid.

The next little while consisted of all of the teachers separating us into groups and leading us into smaller rooms. I bounced on my toes all the way. Blue, Belle, 3 others I wasn't as close with, and I were all assigned to a group with Waya as our teacher.

"I'm Waya," she repeated her name after we all settled into our chairs in the new room. "What're your names?"

Two of the other omegas looked confused, so I started. "I'm dot."

She shot me a knowing look. What she knew though was unknown to me, but I liked the way her smiling face crinkled so I didn't think she meant any harm.



The other three said their names: Sweetie, Spots, and Hush. Waya looked pleased as she clapped her hands. She pulled a bright blue bag from beneath the table and passed it to me.

"I have backpacks for you." She patted one of the bags so I assumed that was the name of the item. She passed each of the other omegas a bag of varying colors. "Gifts. To help learn."

I frowned. I didn't like gifts. Every time Vilkas gave me a "gift," it always meant I had to give him something in return. I once tried to offer him the best of my meals, but he merely laughed and insisted on touching me in uncomfortable places instead.

Waya must have noticed the look on my face because she hurriedly added, "It's safe. Look inside."

Hesitantly, each of us unzipped the backpacks. My eyes widened as I pulled out a spiral notebook and pencil, just like the ones some of our caretakers had! I gasped in delight as I pulled out another item.

"A tablet?" I questioned with an excited look at Waya.

"Very good!" She cooed. "A tablet for you!"

The other Omegas and I looked at each other gleefully. We'd seen these countless times before, but we'd never been able to touch one!

"To keep?" Blue asked eagerly. "No trouble?"

Waya chuckled. "Yes dear. I'll show you, er… teach you to use it." She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. "It'll help you."

I smiled widely as I pressed the button on the side that I knew turned it on. Just as what happened when the caretakers pressed it, the screen immediately lit up.

The grin on my face couldn't have possibly stretched any wider. Maybe having a Daddy wouldn't be so bad if I got to stay at a place like this.

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