
Reincarnated Love

The first round has started and some teams have already fought in stage.

Cali, Mica, and Zen are in the oval shaped corridor below the audience seats of the Colosseum, watching the participants fight.

The big bells rang across the arena which indicates that the previous battle has ended and the winners have been decided.

The participants left the stage and the bells rang once again.

This time it signals that a new match will start.

Familiar looking faces have entered the stage. Its the Agham's national team, Shine, Matt, Pete, Tania, and a new member of the national team, Prince.

Cali: "Huh?"

Mica: "Isnt that your friend from last time? what is he doing there?"

Cali: "I dont know. I doubt he is studying in the academy, but how did he joined them?"

Mica: "It shouldnt be allowed if thats true. Only students from the academy could join the national team."

Cali: "Must be the doing of higher officials, I suppose."

The team steps in the elevated stage while Prince is walking with confidence.

Prince: "Are those the enemies? Bunch of small fries?"

The opposing team heard him and got insulted.

Pete: "Great, now they wont hold back."

Prince: "They could go all out if they want but the result would still be the same and it will be our victory."

The enemy team's assassin rushed towards Prince.

As soon as he approached him, he swinged his sword inefficiently and knocked the enemy out of the stage, which is a great distance.

Prince dashed towards the enemy.

Shine: "Wait!"

Prince knocked out the other four in just one hit for each of them by slamming the flat surface of the blade to the opponents.

Shine: "....."

Matt: "I already hate this guy."

Tania: "If not for the princess' request, we should have rejected him."

Sitting in the VIP balcony is Princess Manna watching her knight fight, silently cheering for Prince.

Manna: "Thats right! Show them what you've got, Prince!"

The bells rang and both teams left the stage to return to the their rooms.

On their way back, they saw Cali, Mica, and Zen.

Zen: "That was an amazing performance, especially your new member. Whats your name?"

Prince: "My name is Prince. Nice to see you again, Cali."

Cali: "What are you doing here? I thought you're too busy with your job to go in the tournament?"

Tania: "He joined by the order of the royalties."

Prince: "Its part of my job now. Manna wanted me to go here for some reason."

Tania: "Why are you using the Princess' name do casually? Who are you anyway?"

Shine: "Calm down, Tania."

Prince: "Im one of her royal knight."

Pete: "I heard only the most powerful soldiers get to be one. How did you join? Are you really that strong?"

Cali: "Alright, you dont have to answer that one, Prince. Trust me, you dont want to."

Shine: "I guess were gonna go ahead, Cali, Zen. Good luck on your match."

Zen: "Thanks. See ya!"

Zen: "How did you knew each other?"

Cali: "Its sensitive information that could get you in trouble. Are you sure you want to know?"

Zen: "Im telling no one, dont worry."

Cali: "We met just last week. We were hired to save the kidnapped princess. Its a top secret mission."

Zen: "That sounds unbelievable."

Mica: "Right?"

Cali: "I mean we already fought some skilled killers and won, which is just as unbelievable."

Zen: "No, not even close. Its the current most powerful princess of the continent (probably even the whole world) we are talking about."

Cali: "Is that so?"

They continued observing for some time while theyre waiting for their turn to fight.

Cali saw Biel coming.

Biel: "Guys, they said were fighting next."

Cali: "Lets head back."

They headed back to their room.

Mica: "Are you two ready?"

Ceed: "Im ready."

Biel: "We feel better than earlier."

Cali: "Good. Now listen, I have a plan."

Few minutes later, the bells rang.

Cali: "Are there any questions?"

Zen: "Everything, why do we have to do this plan?"

Cali: "All I can say right now is you just have to do it."

Mica: "If you say so. Lets go."

They headed back to the corridors and entered the stage when the bells rang again.

They met their opponents. Its the mysterious couple earlier.

Mica: "Just the two of them?"

From the audience's seat, next to Mister and Miss Rosace is Kupkop, saying: "Only two enemies? Isnt that against the rules?"

Mrs. Rosace: "I think so too."

Mr. Rosace: "I cant see them losing this one. They shouldnt."

Biel: "Dont let your guard down."

The girl: "What should we do, Matthew?"

Matthew: "Its fine, Kate. All we have to do is to finish them quickly and effectively, dont let your fear get too much of you."

Kate: "Easier said than done."

The game starts as soon as they enter the stage but both teams are waiting for their opponent to make a move.

Kate fired a concentrated arrow to Cali without charging up the arrow. She's Ranger class magician. The arrow was hundred times more powerful than Massa's despite being cast in such a short time. A extremely powerful magic that is only possessed by one in a hundred thousand people.

Cali thought to himself: "Its more powerful than expected. However, Ive seen stronger ones."

Mica stopped the arrow completely but she lost great amount of mana.

Mica: "I did it, Cali!" she said as she pants.

Cali gave the opponents a serious glare.

Both of them felt nervous.

Matthew: "Looks like we will be dead if we did that again hahaha... Right now lets focus on his allies."

Matthew rushed towards Ceed so fast that it seems he teleported. Matthew is Rogue class with a comparable power level to Kate.

Ceed dodged his attack and vanished.

Biel ran to Kate while theyre separated.

Kate fired multiple powerful arrows to Biel but he deflected all of it.

Kate: "What?!"

Kate and Matthew withrew. They were only few steps away from the edge of the stage.

They felt more nervous and breathes heavier.

Matthew: "These guys are strong."

Kate: "But we still got a chance."

Zen crushed the floor they were standing on to either force them to come closer or to make them fall from the stage and get disqualified.

Both of them came closer. Matthew attacked again but this time he headed for Zen.

Ceed tried to interrupt.

Matthew felt his body being manipulated by outside force, making him retreat.

Matthew: "What kind of sorcery?!"

Cali thought: "Damn it, I wasnt supposed to use that. Now he will suspect it."

Matthew: "Just now, I felt weird. Something is strange with his magic. I feel like its controlling my body directly."

Kate: "You think he can also use it to empower his allies?"

Matthew: "Most probably."

They both breathed heavily.

Kate: "?!"

Matthew: "He might be forcing us to feel tired."

Kate: "We didnt notice because we usually dont fight this long."

Cali: "Congratulations, but its all over. Mica."

Mica: "Alright."

Mica created tiny barrier in their throat to prevent them from breathing.

Except for Sage class, usually its not possible to directly manipulate someones body using magic. If a non-Sage magician tried to do this, his spell/magic would just get overpowered by the magic of the owner of the body, therefore the spell would get cancelled. The only way to do this is when theyre exhausted in mana.

Kate and Matthew got onto their knees and started suffocating.

Cali: "Thats enough."

They finally breathed but they remained on the ground, not planning to stand back up.

Matthew: "We give up."

The big bells ring as a sign of the end of the match.

Cali approached them and helped them stand up.

Cali: "You two are strong."

Kate: "Strong? We lost on the first round." She laughed.

Cali: "Well Im pretty sure that out of all the people here, only you two could win the tournament."

Matthew: "If youre not one of the opponents that is." He laughed.

Cali laughed with them.

Cali: "Its nice meeting you two. You even figured out what I can do and what I was trying to do. You two are smart" He laughed and left.

Matthew: "Wait how did he..?"

After that, Matthew and Kate left the arena while Team Cali rests back in their room.

"I cant let you die because I liked you already, Matthew. I cant do anything about it..." -Kate

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