
Royal Revelations

Henrietta shakes her head as she releases a sigh, "Let us forget politics for now. I want to talk to my friend... Louise, how have things been for you since we last spoke?" she abruptly asks, changing the subject.

Louise' mind still lingered on the earlier subject, but for Henrietta's sake, she changes her focus for now. "Not well I'm afraid Henri... Even with a year at the Academy, I'm unable to cast even the simplest spell... Everything I do ends up with an explosion. Even my familiar ended up being better at magic than me." she admits.

Henrietta crooks a brow at the mention of Louise' familiar, "Your familiar... You don't seem as angry as I imagined you would be at the mention of him." she says as she is intimately familiar with how quick Louise usually was to anger.


Louise gives a pitiful look as her breathing quickens slightly, "Princess... I have something to admit... I... I let my familiar escape!... I helped him..." she admits with tearful eyes.

Henrietta has a surprised expression on her face upon hearing this. From what she'd been told, Louise' familiar killed Guiche and took her hostage as he tried to escape. But apparently, there was more to the story than she initially thought.

"Why? Was he not the one that killed Sir Guiche?"

Louise nods, "He was... But it was an accident! Michael said so, and I could see how sorry he was... He didn't deserve to be executed for a single mistake!"

"Killing a noble isn't merely a 'single mistake' Louise... What would you have done if it was me who was killed?" Henrietta asks, feeling that Louise wasn't thinking about this rationally.

"T-that's totally different! You and Guiche hold completely different statuses..."

Henrietta shakes her head, "And if I was merely an Earl's son? Would it still have been a 'single mistake'?"


Henrietta's question stumps Louise, as she'd separated the person from the rank. Partly to deal with the fact she was partially responsible for someone's death. Now that Henrietta was addressing it though, she knew she was just making excuses for her borderline treasonous actions... Letting a criminal escape simply because he was her familiar was comparable to the way corrupt nobles acted.

Louise face drops as she slumps in her chair, "I-I'm sorry Henri... But... I'd still do it again if given the choice. I don't think I could bear watching my familiar be hurt like that..." she moves from the chair and kneels before Henrietta, "I-I'll take any punishment you see fit to deliver... It is my responsibility to endure it!" she exclaims.


Henrietta just shakes her head and stands, kneeling down beside Louise and wrapping her into a hug, "Don't say such a thing Louise! I understand how you feel... Even if you are responsible, I won't let my closest friend throw her life away for, as you said, a single mistake... I have no one else to seek comfort, Louise... Not my mother, not other nobles, not my servants... Only you, Louise." she says, raising Louise's face and kissing each of her cheeks. "Let me be selfish for now and forgive you on behalf of Tristain... And Guiche de Gramont."

Louise can't help but burst into tears, clutching her best friend as they kneel on the floor of the room... If anyone else were to have witnessed this, they'd likely have many questions for both Louise and the princess. After all, it wasn't common for such an intimate and emotional occurrence to happen within the Palace.

An hour later, Louise and Henrietta are sitting back at the table, each with a cup of tea in front of them. After the former's earlier outburst, they decided to simply ignore politics and the like for a bit and simply talk as friends. How they used to talk before they were forced to shoulder so many responsibilities.

Eventually though, Henrietta has to address the reason she invited Louise to the Palace. "Louise... What will you do now that you are no longer a student at the Academy?"


"I'm not sure, Henri... I will likely be tutored in my wifely duties and be married off to a lower family's son... I doubt my fiance, Wardes' would want someone like me who is unable to even use magic." she solemnly says.

Henri nods and sips her tea, "Louise, I want to make you an offer... I don't expect you to answer right away, but I feel I must ask... Will you join me in the palace as my Royal Attendant?"

"H-Henri I-" Louise starts but is cut off as Henrietta continues, "You will have full access to my magic tutors, allowing you a good education even outside of the Academy... I dare say, the quality is even better than the Academy... Not only that, but this will allow you to accompany me at almost all times... It'll be like our childhood again!"


Louise lowers her head in thought, while it might sound fantastic, she knew that this position would put a lot of pressure on both her and the princess. Being a Royal Attendant was something only the most qualified were allowed to do, it would be seen as an insult to those who were trying for the opportunity, as Louise was far from ready for such a thing.

This was especially so if Louise made use of Henrietta's own magic tutors... It might even be perceived as Henrietta pitying Louise... And if not that, rumours of some sort of illicit relationship may begin to stir.

She's about to reject the princesses offer, but Henrietta sends her a stern look as she begins reading the letter sent by Osmond, obviously acting as if she was too busy to speak to her right now.

Louise releases a heavy sigh as she sits quietly in her chair, still intending to refuse Henrietta's offer... At least, that's until she hears Henrietta release a strange squeak...

Louise looks up and finds Henrietta locking eyes with her, "You will become my attendant." she states in a stern tone, without any chance to refuse. Afterwards slapping a letter in front of Louise... She looks down and her eyes widen as she spots the line which Henrietta was pointing at...

"Princess Henrietta de Tristain, there is a high possibility of Louise de la Valliere, being a Void Mage. One of Brimir's true descendants."



Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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