

Lucas admires every inch of Adrian's body. 

He traces all of his curves, from his head to the lower abdomen. 

Maintaining eye contact, he slowly starts from Adrian's perfect eyebrows, thick eyelashes, long and perfect nose, swollen red lips, bulging Adam's apple, his perfect muscular chest, abs, navel and to the mermaid lines. He wonders around the lower abdomen a bit but he didn't divulge below it.

"So beautiful and perfect," a sigh let out of Lucas's body.

"What's there to admire? Unlike your's smooth and tender skin, mine has only ugly and unsightly scars," scrunching his nose, Adrian spoke in a disapproving tone.

True to Adrian's words, his body does have many scars. He had a bullet scar near his heart, ugly scars near his abdomen not to mention many scratch marks on his back. 

Besides the one near his heart and one big slash on his back, all others he has gotten during his time in the military.

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