
Getting Information As Much As He Could

Lu Feng nodded and sat back on the chair. 

"It was one of the Natural Cherishes," she said to him and turned around to him and Fin Weici also came beside Lu Feng and sat there. 

Lu Feng looked at her, his heart was beating fast as he saw her. But he looked at Su Xilin trying to hear everything. 

"Natural Cherishes are the things which are formed naturally, Heaven and Earth is their creator. This Cursed Icons is one of them. There was a legend that Cursed Icons are 12 pieces, once you collect every piece and place them together, you will achieve immortality. And the way to Divine Immoral Land will open, there was no one in the record were able to enter the Divine Immortal Land with Cursed Icons, and no was able to collect every single one of them. There are only 9 ways to the Divine Immortal Land, this is one of the" Su Xilin said to him. 

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