
Just playing

Nate walked out of the kindergarten with his pups. Scarlet was still hugging him, covering his face with light pecks and sometimes even professing her love.

Jaden, meanwhile, was doing what he was the most proficient at: asking difficult questions.

«But why do we have both a mommy and a father? How do you make kids if you are two? I thought my mommy did most of the work.»

«She did,» Nate agreed.

Lara had brought them in her belly for months, giving birth and then raising them all alone. She had done almost all the work.

«Does she need you to have another baby? Or can she take another man?»

«She can, but I don't think your mother will look for another person to have a child with.» Not with Nate so available, at least.

She only had to ask, and he was ready to have as many pups as she wanted.

«Then why is mommy examining the babies there?» he continued.

«She's just playing.»

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