
Chapter 39: Secret plans

He hadn't planned on coming clean with his suspicions about Jon's parentage to his lord father this early. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing and he counted his lucky stars he had the presence of mind to do so. Because his father planned to have Jon shipped off to the Gift and take up the lordship of one of the castles with uncle Benjen as the regent. Harry's warning about the White Walkers and the army of the dead along with Jon's status as the prophesied Prince(which he really didn't believe in but came extremely useful) has made his father reconsider those plans. The proximity of the Gift to the danger posed by the Others was more than enough reason for Lord Eddard to set aside his plans for Jon.


While Harry didn't personally give any credence to prophecies his warning seems to have done the trick. Most prophecies were vague, downright trouble and often self-fulfilling. That doesn't mean he was not above using the pretext of the prophecy to keep Jon close by. The enemy beyond the Wall was not an easy foe for Harry to not take every possible precaution.


Prophecy or not, Jon was dear to Lord Eddard. The Lord of Winterfell would not take any decision that'd endanger Jon's safety. Taking Harry's word about the threat looming beyond the Wall, his father concluded that it'd be better if seasoned lords of the North take the lordships of the castles along the Gift.


To that end, there were some serious changes made to the status of the lands near the Wall. The western parts of lands closer to the Glover lands were integrated into the demesne of House Glover. That was a lot of fertile land being offered for House Glover not to mention the assistance of building two castles. In return, the Glovers were to provide wood, stone and smallfolk for the construction of a port and castle on Sea Dragon Point. There were even some talks with House Tallhart to provide some material and manpower aid for the revival of Sea Dragon Point.


The main issue was there were hardly any roads leading to that sliver of land capable of transporting men and materials. So, the first task before them was to create a suitable road network connecting Sea Dragon Point to Winterfell, Deepwood Motte and Torrhen's Square. There was also the issue of proper surveys to be conducted to find a suitable spot for the castle and the proposed port. To that end, his father has charged Lord Manderly to share their experts who were maintaining the port city of White Harbor.


While everyone else was running after castles, ports, fleets and roads Harry identified two critical components for the North to truly rise economically and militarily. The two components were food and people. The North lacked both according to some of the reports Harry managed to nick from Maester Luwin's study. The lack of people to fill the vast expanse of the North was not something that he could remedy so easily. However, the food problem was something he could resolve. He was confident he could realign the natural magic of the land to increase the fertility of farmlands and triple the yields. He managed that by using runestones in the Northern Mountains. He didn't see why he can't replicate the same in other pockets of land spread out throughout the North.


That's why Harry was present in his father's solar with Lords Manderly, Ryswell, Bolton, Glover, Tallhart, Hornwood, Umber, Karstark, Mormont and Lady Dustin. There were even some of the lords of the Northern Mountain clans present.


Harry sat on a chair by his father's side. He was present along with Robb. They sat on either side of his father who stood pouring over the map of the North sprawled out on the table. The Northern lords and Lady Dustin also stood around the table looking at the map.


"My lords, Lady Dustin. As you have probably heard by now, my son Harrion is gifted with abilities we've only heard of in our youths from stories and legends about the Age of Heroes." Eddard began.


Many pairs of eyes turned towards Harry who greeted them all with a polite smile.


"Many here already know my son and brother led an expedition to Skagos and the island of Skane. In their journey, they encountered a threat to the North."


"Are you seriously asking us to believe the fanciful tales of flying wights, my lord?" Lord Manderly asked incredulously, not at all ignorant of some of the fanciful tales spreading in the castle after the expedition returned.


"Not just wights Lord Manderly. The White Walkers, the ancient enemy of the First Men have risen from their slumber beyond the Wall. They're building an army of dead men, giants, mammoths and other dark creatures the North has forgotten from ages past. If we do not prepare for what is to come, all that we know and all that we love shall be wiped away by the coming storm." Harry quietly said, his voice carrying through the room leaving the lords of the North staring at him in disbelief.


"My lord. While I'm sure your son is a gifted lad surely you do not expect us to take this seriously?" asked Lord Rodrick Ryswell, a man of grey hair and dark eyes. Amongst the gathered lords, Lord Rodrick was the oldest and some would say the wisest.


"I'm afraid I'm asking you to take this very seriously Lord Rodrick. I've ascertained the truth by speaking with every man and woman in the expedition who witnessed the wights. Should any of you doubt my word then I can call for those witnesses including my brother and make them recount their experiences right now." said Eddard, silencing the lords who remained sceptical.


"My lord nobody here would question your integrity. It's just that we find it very difficult to accept that some of those children's tales are suddenly true." said Lord Hornwood, in a tactful manner to not offend the Warden of the North.


Harry stood up from his seat and walked towards the window. He pushed it open and turned towards the occupants of the room.


"I understand it's difficult to comprehend. It's a tall task to ask any man or woman to believe in wights and white walkers. But, if this information came from one of those legendary creatures in those stories..." Harry felt a familiar presence appear by the open window. "...then you'll be forced to confront the truth."


The lords of the North including his father and Robb gasp in surprise. Some were so shocked they stepped back in fright. While others were sporting bugged-eyed expressions on their faces, frozen to the floor unable to move an inch.


"My lords, let me introduce you to our honoured guest. Her name is Spring. She has travelled from beyond the Wall to warn us of the coming storm." said Harry, helping the Spring down from the open window into the room.


Even Robb and Lord Eddard were left flabbergasted. He had not warned them about Spring nor had he told them that he'd bring a Child of the Forest for this particular meeting.


"I'm afraid this is the best proof I can produce before the lords of the North. The only other way is to smuggle a wight or a white walker through the Wall. But, seeing as that's what we are trying to prevent..." Harry let the hang for a second.


"The Long Night will descend upon the world of men. Darkness shall once again cover this continent from the North to Dorne. I've come here to warn the Starks of Winterfell that the ancient enemy is stirring beyond the Wall. My work here is done." said Spring, her eyes finding Eddard, Robb and Harry. "The rest is in your hands. Pray to the Old Gods that you've enough time for what is to come. Prepare your people."


With her piece said, Spring took her leave through the open window. For dramatic effect, Harry subtly pulled the window using his ring to close it startling everyone gathered in his father's solar. Going by the flinching he saw on the many lords of the North he succeeded. Harry was quite relieved Spring's presence seem to have a positive effect on the lords.


"I hope that proves not all stories are merely fictional. Sometimes stories tend to hold some grain of truth." Harry said, returning back to his seat by his father's side.


"Last Hearth is closer to the Wall than any other settlement in the North. For centuries, we've not heard a peep about the Children. If one has come here in Winterfell to warn us then I'd take that warning very seriously. The Old Gods blessed the young Stark here with great powers for a reason. House Umber will do whatever the Starks of Winterfell require and we shall face the coming storm together." said Jon Umber, his usual gruff voice bringing some life back into the room.


"Aye. The gods themselves have spoken and given us the means to tide over this coming calamity." said Lord Manderly, nodding respectfully at Harry.


"All of North will suffer if we stay complicit. All our resources are yours to command, Lord Stark. What would you have us do?" Lord Ryswell asked, his grey eyes now far more alert and serious.


"We need to build back our fleets and expand our roads for better connectivity. We also need to resettle the Gift and build back our defences along the Wall. We need better yields and storage capabilities to ensure food security. We need to reinforce our castles and prepare an army capable of defending the North." Eddard said grimly, leaving no doubt about the arduous task ahead of them.


"But first, we can begin by securing our food supplies. I believe I can be of aid in the venture provided I have the support of the North." Harry offered.


He was greeted by agreeable nods from the Northern lords some more reluctant than others. Either way, it was a good start and he was confident he could gain their trust in time. By the time their meeting concluded, everyone swore an oath of secrecy to keep what happened here a secret. Without the permission of the Lord of Winterfell, the information about the white walkers or their plans to turn the North into a fertile land was not to be shared with anyone.




The Northerners were tough people. The challenging climate, terrain and the wild creatures that inhabit the vast lands belonging to the North required the people to be tough and unyielding. Because, it takes a lot of strength for the old people of the North to abandon the villages and towns when the winter sets in so that the young have enough to feed.


The sad fact was this was no isolated incident happening in a specific area of the North. From the Gift to the Neck, the good people of the North have sacrificed themselves so that their children and grandchildren survive the winter. The youngsters of the North have grown up watching their elders sacrifice for their sake. So, there ought to be no surprise when most of the Northerners grow up to be hardened men and women, not so easily impressed.


By virtue, the lords ruling over these people were bound to be more stubborn. That's why Harry selected the lands of the principal Houses of the North in the first phase. Not to mention these Houses were close to some of the largest settlements in the North. By turning the lands closer to castles like Dreadfort, Last Hearth, Deepwood Motte, Torrhen's Square, Hornwood, White Harbour, the lands belonging to the Mountain clans etc fertile he could increase his reach.


The reason he included the Mountain Clans in this grouping was that they were particularly vulnerable to food scarcity. They were far too isolated in the mountains and most importantly Spring had keyed him in on a little secret. The White Walkers and their army were particularly vulnerable to Dragonglass. The Northern mountains hold a large deposit of the substance for some reason. Usually, Dragonglass was largely found near volcanoes. As far as he was aware, there were no volcanoes among the Northern mountains. He had checked that detail with Maester Luwin after Spring informed him of the huge Dragonglass deposit and their use. Most likely there was a hidden volcano perhaps an underground one that has remained inert.


"My lord." Anya called out to him emerging from the section of the Godswood dedicated to the Unicorns.


Anya was not alone. She was followed by her fellow sisters of the Valkyrie. Kyla and Adela were carrying two small clay pots in their hands.


"We have completed the task, my lord."


Harry nodded accepting the two pots into his hands. Inside the clay pots lay small pieces of Unicorn horns his Valkyrie managed to procure.


"Did the Unicorns give you any trouble?" he asked, securing the horns into a bottomless pouch.


"No, my lord. We were careful to not inconvenience them in any way. And Adela was quite proficient with her songs which made them more docile as you predicted." said Anya.


"Good. Now come. We have work to do. The cure for Spring sickness needs those immersing runes to increase the vitality of the potion." said Harry, leading his students to his new rudimentary potion lab.


There was not much in his potion lab. Just a few pots that were simmering under magical fire with some of the magical leaves he found from Skane. One particular potion was for keeping healthy teeth. The red-mint leaves he found in Skane were quite suited for the potion. Theoretically, a paste made of red-mint leaves blended with ashwood dust and powdered dragon bones should be ideal for mending injuries as severe as fractured bones in a few hours. There was only a limited supply of dragon bones in his possession which made the paste quite valuable in his eyes. So, he was planning to produce a limited quantity of the paste and the tooth-restoring potion until more dragon bone was available for him.


Harry focused on the task of crafting the runestones after he secured the potion under preservation charms in a bronze vessel. The need for more glass utensils and vessels was becoming more and more apparent. After all, potions tend to lose their magical lustre if they are not kept in inert containers. The metal vessels won't damage the potion but over time the quality of the potion diminishes. Glass, on the other hand, appears to behave neutrally to magical potions more so than the clay pots that are commonly used to make them in the first place.


While he was working on the runestones he charged his three students to focus on their runic studies. Nothing too complicated. He was teaching them a chain script used for detection wards.


A knock on the door made Harry look up from his work. His students made to stand but he waved them away. With a sharp tug of his hand, the door swung open thanks to the power ring. On the other side, there was Robb, Jon and surprisingly enough Theon Greyjoy.


He had seen the Greyjoy heir in the castle and the training yard but he had never got the chance to interact properly. He pitied the Greyjoy heir. To be a hostage in enemy territory far away from home was not something he's wish on any kid. If memory serves him right the kid lost two elder brothers in the failed Ironborn rebellion.


However, what took his attention was the happy faces Jon and Robb were sporting.


"You two seem to be happy. What happened?" Harry asked.


"We just heard Maester Luwin talk to father about the auction in Braavos. The Lannisters won the bid." Said Robb, his blue eyes lighting up.


"Harry you won't believe the sum of gold they are going to cough up. It's more than four million gold dragons!" Jon said excitedly.


"Oh. That's good to know." Harry shrugged before going back to the work he was doing with runes.


"Four million is a big number isn't it?" Robb quietly asked Jon and Theon.


"It should be." Jon whispered back.


"Then why isn't your brother excited?" Theon whispered back at the two.


"I don't know." Jon and Robb chorused.


Harry was keeping tabs on the exchange between the three kids with some amusement. Spellforged steel and its sale was not exactly a huge topic of concern in his mind. While he was happy his craft was valued at such a huge price he was nonetheless not so surprised. The moment his father had appraised him about the auction that was being held by the Iron Bank he had expected something of this sort.


Instead of concerning himself with such trivial matters, he was completely engaged in more important matters like the defence against the Others and their master. Spellforged weapons were merely a means to an end. It was good for amassing wealth but that was not his only medium of gathering wealth. His plans would see to it the North become a vital exporter of finished goods. A little more work needs to be done to improve things on the ground. And from that prosperity, he'd build an entirely new culture in the North, one that'd facilitate a thriving magical society. Perhaps in time, he could spread that influence to other parts of the Seven kingdoms. There were bound to be more people with magical potential just waiting to be discovered.


This was just the start.

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