
Chapter 111: Bloody Witch... Her true personality.

Vanessa felt a sense of danger thanks to her mana sensor, her body trembled slightly with disgust looking at the gigantic dark silhouette looking at her with a lascivious expression.


Thousands of threads surrounded the whole place, Dante felt that his body began to wrapped.

''Oh? Interesting!'' Dante said he began to feel curiosity about this woman. From the corner of his eye he saw Zenon entering the base of the black bulls in his shadow form, He couldn't help but smile knowing that he would take them by surprise.

''Mother!'' Vienna said feeling scared.

''Don't worry Daughter, don't take these out of your eyes and ears'' Vanessa said with a motherly smile, she covered her daughter's eyes and ears with threads.


''Eh?'' Dante's eyes widened he felt that all his limbs were cut off immediately.

A lot of blood splashed on the ground...

''Dog... Do you want to know why the people calls me Bloody Witch?'' Vanessa's eyes became of a purple neon, her hair lifted as if it is defying the gravity as she approach Dante.

''They always end up as a meat paste, I don't have mercy.'' Vanessa said, Dante who had instantly regenerated was cut again.


Vanessa's threads that glowed purple resonated.

''You're good, be my woman!'' Dante said, he instantly regenerated himself and grow 5 meters with a demonic form, Both were so close that she almost feel his breath, despite his demonic form, Vanessa felt no fear and looked at him with a dangerous expression.

''I am not anyone's woman, and much less I will be of a bastard'' Vanessa said then thousands of threads spun around her leg, then a strong kick collided with Dante's balls...



The sound of something exploding and cracking resounded and then a thunderous scream came from Dante's mouth.

''ARGGGHHHHHHHHHH!'' Dante fall on the floor touching his crotch covered in blood.

An immense purple and pink mana shot out of Vanessa's body, the trees around were taken as if nothing but Vienna was still totally fine.

''M-Mother!'' Vienna screamed feeling her mother's mana, she unconciously made a sword of blood ready to help her mother, she didn't know but her heat was beating extremely fast. She was feeling that something was awakening inside her.

''I'm okay Daughter, stay there'' Vanessa grabbed Dante's hair and brought her face close to him.

''Get ready, I am not merciful with people who threaten my daughter's life or mine, as the last Queen of the Witches it would be something I would never forgive myself for.'' Vanessa said with a dangerous look, but Dante didn't seem worried because he wasn't serious.

''Hahaha Queen of the Witches? The witches are extinct crazy bitch.'' Dante said as he grab tightly Vanessa's arm.

''Hahahahaha!'' Vanessa laugh loudly as she lift up her face, she looked a bit crazy... She lowered her face and looked at Dante with a scary expression that make him feel goosebumps.

''Are you sure about that?'' Vanessa began to release a mana that Dante had never felt in his entire life...


Vanessa was suspended in the sky she looked like a Queen about to make a decree to assassinate whoever threatens her reign, she let out a soft sigh and looked with a bored expression at Dante.

''Witches aren't dead... Me and my Daughter are the lasts.'' Vanessa said with a warm smile as she look at Vienna then she pointed a finger towards Dante.

Dante was totally blown away. This woman seemed like a totally normal mother. But she suddenly showed a strong,proud and crazy personality, he wanted this woman, she was the second woman he had seen with this kind of personality and beauty.

''The harder to get is more better.'' Dante grow up 10 meters, a gravity began to invade the place but it didn't affect Vienna but Vanessa yes.

She slowly down close to Dante, she never stopped pointing her finger at Dante and still flashing a smile.

''What? Did you became crazy?'' Dante asked with a funny expression, he was about to touch her face but the next thing that happened led him to take this seriously.

''Mana Zone: DESTRUCTION!'' Vanessa flashed a wild smile, she is finally able to break free and go a little crazy, being controlled by Yami all the time bothered her.

Since that day that she got drunk and ended up making a big mistake, she was sorry, because she couldn't live with total freedom as she liked. ''It wouldn't hurt to free myself a little bit, would it?'' Vanessa muttered.


Millions of thick threads emerged dragging everything along with Dante, there was a muffled sound and then as if a nuclear bomb had fallen on a kingdom, a huge explosion occured.



The destruction... It was a totally chaos. Vanessa caused a destruction of more than 5 kilometers.

Dante was in the midst of destruction on his knees without his transformation, his hair was mess and his crown nowhere to be seen. His expression was totally surprised, if it wasn't for his regeneration he would have died because of his stupidity...

His gaze stopped at the woman who is a little far from him, she was sitting in a throne made of purple mana. A neon purple witch hat covered her expression but he felt great disdain and contempt without even seeing the woman's expression. She crossed her legs and her daughter flew and descended on her lap, Vienna hugged her trembling slightly.

''M-Mother I'm scared... T-They come for us again?'' Vanessa said as she hug her mother, Vanessa bite her lips feeling her daughter's body trembling.

'Don't worry, even if the world comes against us, your mother will always protect you.' The voice of Vanessa resounded in Vienna's mind calming her down.

''Hmm!'' Vienna nodded tenderly and hugged more tightly her mother.

Vanessa slowly lifted her chin, her empty eyes and dangerous expression can be seen. Dante felt frozen, like he's a prey and Vanessa is a huntress. She looked at him as if she was seeing a subject of hers who had committed a crime and was about to suffer a Queen's decree.

''Don't dissapoint me, All of my enemies fall on the same trick, because i look weak, but it's all an image... An image to deceive them.'' Vanessa said as her skin turn a little pale and her hair grows longer reaching the ground.

At that moment Dante remembered Zenon's words, and swore to himself from now on not to take everything as a joke. This time he would throw away his pride and go all out... Slowly he raised his body his eyes glowing a deep red.

Vanessa flashed a wild smile as she watched Dante transform and unleash a monstrous amount of mana.

''Congratulations now you reached me up to my knees'' Vanessa said and touched the armrest of her throne.


Dante was cut into several pieces but he instantly regenerated...

''Compress!'' Dante said, The compressed gigantic rocks of more than 1Km of size and throw it towards Vanessa.

''Mana Zone: Yggdrasil...'' Vanessa said her voice sounding bored.

A gigantic tree of magical threads and more than 2 kilometers high was formed behind her throne. Millions of threads shot out of the tree, exploding the gigantic rocks into pieces. Dante created a throne of rocks larger than Vanessa's and sat his gigantic body on it. He settled with his hand on his chin and began to launch his attacks.

''Presence of the Demon King.'' A disastrous pressure hung over the place but it didn't seem to affect Vanessa, Dark spheres began to form around her... They hadn't even started to fight well and the place was pretty much a mess except for the Black Bulls base..


Yami and Luck ran out of the base together and in sync, serious injuries could be seen on their bodies, Zenon was chasing after them. Yami and Luck's expression was practically terrifying and dangerous, as if a family member had been killed.

Yami was fighting in sync with Luck, Luck's thunder danced on his Katana with Dark fire too, he grabbed Luck by the arm and threw him towards Zenon, Luck's body filled with thunder and he looked at Zenon with a dangerous expression, Yami reappeared in front of Zenon and Luck's Kick collided with Zenon's bone magic.



Zenon was shot backwards, and at the same time members of the black bulls from the base came out, among them there were two dead...

Yami looked at the lifeless body of Gauche and Gordon and trembled with rage, his body hairs suddenly stood up as if he had a bad feeling, and the crazy laugh of a woman he knows a little bit confirmed the bad feeling even more.

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'' Vanessa looked like a Mad Queen in her throne throwing gigantic lashes of threads that collided against Dante's gigantic meteorites, the fight seemed like a total disaster of two monsters who don't care about anything around them...

Yami's eyes trembled... The last thing he wanted to happen was for this woman to come back, they were supposed to live a normal and quiet life for their daughter. But she broke that promise...

'She's back and I can't stop her again.' Yami muttered and he took stance turning his gaze to Zenon.

''Dimensional Slash...'' Yami's voice resounded throughout the place..

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