
Chapter 51: Carrying the Giant Turtle.

''Looks like Gnome needs a few pats to recover'' Asta said carrying gnome.

''Just do it...'' Sylph said.



Asta threw the turtle as if he was throwing a small stone towards his enemies.

The Soldiers of the Diamond Kingdom only watched as the turtle quickly fell on them crushing them and turning them into bloody paste.

''D-Do we finish?'' A Magic Knight asked feeling tired of this sight.

''Nop, They wanted to attack us, right? now it's our turn to attack'' Asta said showing a predatory smile.

'This man has no piety' Every body thought

''The Diamond Kingdom It is made up only of soldiers if I am not mistaken right?'' Asta asked making everybody nod agressively.

''Let's see how these soldiers react when a turtle of 500 meters with Magic Knights falls on their tower'' Asta said and then carried Gnome again, all the magic knights began to jump one by one on the turtle, a gentle wind draped around them to secure them.

''I'll show you how to make peace with invaders'' Asta said with a big smile.


Diamond Kingdom.

Thousands of soldiers stood guard around the Kingdom, not knowing what was going to fall from the sky...

''Dude, i can't wait to take a noblewoman Hahaha'' A soldier said.

''Their bodies must be like the sky unlike the ones we kidnapped from villages, they don't even last long they end up dying some time later'' Other soldier said.

''I hope Ladros hurry up-''



The Soldiers were crushed by a giant turtle.

''The defense of Gnome it's something out of this world'' Asta said sitting on the head of Gnome.

''...'' All the magic knights looked at him speechlessly, isn't this man just a monster in front of Julius? they definitely don't believe that Julius is capable of doing these feats, happiness could not help but assault their hearts knowing that this man is on their side.

''What is the plan now?'' Luck asked.

''Kill every soldier don't leave a single one, keep the kidnapped people safe'' Asta said coldly, everyone began to move going to his orders, Luck stopped and looked at Asta, then asked:

''What are you going to do?''

''Oh, I'm going to tame a turtle. Maybe my wives gonna like to have a pet'' Asta said flashing a warm smile.

''Pet!!? That???'' Luck was confused, but don't ask more and go with the other Magic Knights.

''Alright Gnome, Someone is very angry and I'm not that person'' Asta said as his neon green eyes shone intensely, the turtle opened his red eyes and looked at Asta then let out a scream.

''GRRRRRRHAAAAAAAA!'' The area began to be covered by rock spikes, Asta avoided every spike easily, a wind explode behind him making him approach Gnome instantly.

''It's time to see how far these muscles can go'' Asta said taking a melee combat pose.


The body of Gnome started to tremble every wind punch that collides with his resistant body.

''I can't help but remain in awe of your wonderful defense.'' Asta said speeding up.


The robust body of the turtle began to be dragged by Asta's punches, destroying all the bases around it, many soldiers rushed towards Asta trying to stop it but it was just like an unstoppable beast, the least soldier who tried to get close exploded into a bloody mess.

''Gnome!'' Sylph emerged next to Asta, her body was of a translucid green color, Asta's body began to tremble as he felt Sylph's emotions.

''Sylphie, sweetheart can you control please?'' Asta said softly as he continued punching the turtle.

''Hit him more harder! Are you caressing him?'' Sylph said angry.

''This woman...'' Asta looked at Sylph with his eyes closed, then his right hand squeezed defining the veins in his arm.

''W-Wait i was kidding!'' Sylph tried to stop Asta but it was too late.


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Hours later...

''Keep pushing people, we are going to win this war!'' A Magic Knight said.


Even though there were practically no soldiers left to kill, their commander's battle seemed bloody eternal and chaotic.

''Thunderous Storm!'' Portal openeds again, and then Thunders began to rain at the last soldiers killing them.


Luck and Finral fell, their bodies were completely covered on blood like the other Magic Knights.

''It's over?'' Luck said beetwen gasps.

''Maybe our fight yes, but the fight of our commander no'' Finral said and stood up.

''Do you think if we will see?'' Finral asked to everybody.

''Yeah maybe he is tired and i need our help'' A Magic Knight said, making everyone nod at him, then Finral create a portal and they enter.


The Sun was slowly peeking out, beginning what would have been a beautiful sunrise if it wasn't for the bloody disaster in the Diamond Kingdom, in the center of the place it was completely flat, Asta kept hitting the turtle, his whole body was sweaty his ash-blond hair Ash clung to his face covering his expression, but the smile on his lips betrayed how much he enjoyed using his abilities.

Asta's shirt was nowhere to be seen showing his body that seems chiseled by the Gods themselves, Sylph was in her translucent form by her side and instead of being worried about Gnome she cheekily looked at Asta's body.

''Hit more harder Daddy...'' Sylph muttered as she bite her lips, her cheeks had a red tone too.

''...'' Asta heard Sylph's seductive voice constantly as he continued to hit the turtle, unconsciously he began to hit even harder while more dirty words came out of Sylph's delicious little mouth.

''Flex more those muscles Daddy!''

The wind that gently danced in Asta's hands grew wilder as the sylph's dirty words sounded.


''Harder Daddy! Harder!''


''More! Daddy! More!''

Crack Crack Crack

''...'' Not far away, Asta's team looked at the destruction, and the state of the turtle was speechless. Luckily they didn't listen to Sylph because she started whispering dirty things in Asta's ear.

''M-Monster...'' Finral said looking at the body of the turtle, defending that turtle is out of this world but this man managed to hurt him.

''If you're done, start heading back to the Kingdom, I'll catch up with you later.'' Asta said his voice sounding strange and breathy.

The magic knights respected his decision, and began to advance. They weren't going to deny that they felt a bit worried, this man kept that turtle away until dawn, and even killed half of the soldiers easily...

All that respect they feel for their commander would go out the window if they heard that a spirit is saying dirty things to motivate him, but if they saw the appearance of Sylph they would understand instantly.

''Yes you are coming to the end!'' Sylph said with a naughty tone as she slowly swayed her wide hips seductively sideways


''Hmm?'' Sylph tilted her head tenderly.

''Look what you've done...'' Asta said ponting his crotch, Sylph's eyes widened and her cheeks turned deep red seeing Asta's thick and large rod that had broken the pants, because the great erection that it brings.

''D-Do you need help?'' Sylph asked shamessly, without waiting for Asta to answer, she hugged his back and started touching him brazenly.

''This horny spiritt...'' Asta said as he bite his lips trying to control himself and not take down Sylph right here.

''Just for you...'' Sylph said as she bite Asta ear.




Many citizens of the Kingdom were waiting outside, since among most of them were families of those who went out to the war commanded by Asta, a full day had passed and everyone kept their hopes that everything would have gone well.

A portal was created several meters from them and all the magic knights began to come out one by one, the citizens exploded with emotion when they saw that they had survived. But they were confused, where was the commander?

It is not possible that the commander has fallen and only they have survived right?

''Finral!'' Finesse pounced on Finral and filled his face of kisses.

''I'm here Finesse'' Finral said as he gently caresses the hair of his wife.

''You are unharmed'' Vanessa walked towards the group with Vienna sleeping on her arms.

''Yes'' Luck and Magna said.

''They look terrible'' Yami said as he approached them, the other captains were behind him.

''Where is he?'' Charlotte asked looking worried, he wouldn't have died after having talked so much, would he?

The body of all the magic knights tremble unconsciously upon hearing who she were referring to, the image of that man fighting with bare hands against a gigantic turtle came to their minds.

''Are you kidding me!? You all survived but he died!?'' Charlotte said seeing how they reacted, an immense amount of mana hung over the magic knights, This is unforgivable, he dared to die even though they had pending accounts? she will have to go to hell itself and get him out of there, of course Charlotte assumed that he is in the hell because even though he looks like a saint she thinks it is the opposite, having so many wives is the main reason.

''N-No Charlotte, he didn't die'' Finral said.

''Then, Where is him!'' Charlotte asked impatiently, everyone in the area looked at her with their mouths open, the captain of the blue roses. a woman who is cold and indifferent in front of all men, is she worried about a man?

''He is-''


The people in the area turned their gaze towards the rumbling mountain and could not help but freeze, a gigantic 500-meter turtle loomed over the mountain and with a terrifying appearance, all the captains began to summoned their grimoires alerted and ready for combat.

Everyone was nervous in the place, the turtle climbed so damn slowly as if it wanted to despair them. But little by little the gigantic 500-meter tortoise could be fully seen, its features were totally sharp as if it were a tortoise from the prehistoric era in addition to the cracks in its body giving it a feeling of a beast that has fought eternally. The body of the people in the area became completely rigid as if that imposing and gigantic was pressing down on them.

People began to notice that something was wrong with the turtle, his eyes were not even open and he seemed to be floating. After a few movements they could see something that caused their breaths to stop, their hair stood on end and their eyes trembled uncontrollably as if they couldn't believe the sight before them.

A man carried the gigantic 500-meter tortoise while singing happily, as if this feat were a walk through the garden of his castle...

''Climbing the mountain~ Never coming down~''

Sorry for the delay the damn power went out just as I was writing, third world stuff xDDDD

Loh_creators' thoughts
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