
Chapter 1: Rebirth and the start of an army

MC-Where am I?

Oh your here to reincarnate hurry and chose your 5 wishes and I erased most of your memories so that my your probably feeling lost and not hole

MC- um ok ominous voice so the only memories you left me with are from things like manga and anime our kid tv shows I used to watch when I was a human I guess I want to reincarnate in Steven universe as a Diamond of my creation with my own picked of abilities 1000 years before white diamond is born? Created? Anyway

granted but you well have a limit of 10 abilities and you have to start with three and unlock the others throughout time

MC- ok on to my next wish I want to have the half breeds ability to be able to fuse with humans I don't want any of its human weaknesses though

alright fine

MC- I want my own dimensional space that I can store anything except for living organisms unless it's a life form like a gem and I want it to have an endless library that shows me all the dark knowledge like curses dark magic and forbidden arts and even things like those books from gravity falls that gives me the information on the various creatures of the universe

hm I'll allow it but you can only unlock certain things once you pass a certain level of strength

Mc: I want the ability to manipulate Space and Antimatter

granted but for you to be able to manipulate antimatter you most gain the strength of someone like galactus or a celestial

MC- and for my final wish I want to have a kind of mental tracker for all gems diamonds and half breeds that shows me there location were every they may be even if there in a different reality or universe and they can't feel this connection at all

granted I'll see you on you way then

as the rob said that I awoke in a jungle full of apes and a tree in every direction I already know this isn't earth because those apes had hollow eyes there was nothing there and there was a three eyed owl after I was done observing the area a screen showed up and it had 4 empty slots and at the bottom of each one was a description box

1: perfect Gem Implantation


Allows the host to secret a liquid out of there hand that implants a perfect gem seed into the surface making perfect gem soldiers and others

2: Rank up/Down


Allows the user to strengthen a gem soldier by holding there gem power up reflects on the host power and saying the rank that they want to give also works by lowering there rank Combat/guarding ranking Rank 1 Diamond Bodyguard, rank 2 Supreme General, rank 3 General, rank 4 High Commander, rank 5 Commander, rank 6 Captain, rank 7 Secondary Captain, rank 8 Squad leader/Captain, rank 9 Super Soldier, Rank 10 Soldier, Intelligence Ranking Rank 1 Diamond's personal informer, Rank 2 Infiltrator, Rank 3 Informer, Rank 4 Assistant, Rank 5 Worker

3: Cure Corruption


Permanently Curses the corruption of a gem that is kissed by host giving them immunity to corruption

4: Gem Corruption


Gives Corruption to any gem's gem that is touched by the host only if willed and can not be temporary or permanently healed unless the host wishes to they can Olson be forcefully controlled threw the corruption

5: Gem Reformation


Reforms and shattered or cracked gem with the kiss of the host

ok now that I'm done I should start with Perfect gem implant to start my army Gem Corruption for any enemy gems or rebels but there's a very low chance of that happening and gem reformation so that when my soldiers gems crack or they shatter I can bring them back now for my first soldiers I'll make them brutes they'll be like jaspers but 5 to 10 times there hight gray skin with bulging muscles but not to the point that it looks unnatural they well have long light gray hair and sometimes black that covers everything except there face and we'll be blind but have a great scent of smell they won't be the smartest but there not Idiots and they'll have rough skin? and an abnormally strong gem so even falling all the way from space into a planet wouldn't hurt them much or things like lave or the vacuum of space and it's extreme cold so compared to the future gems it is probably one of the most powerful they also have abnormally sharp teeth with four giant canine teeth ripping threw titanium steel like paper with there teeth or brute strength also sharp and untidy ogre like toe nails and finger nails always specking in broken sentences and love to eat metals and stones I'll make like 500 of them although I kind of like these planet and it's flourishing jungle full of life I most do these for the future of earth

time skip 1 month

it's been one month seen I've implanted the seed of this new gem and there suppose to be born today so I'm here waiting for them to burst out of the ground and I've been thinking of what to call them Titium because of how strong they are yea that's a good name sometimes I really Surprise myself with my intellect and as I was thinking that they all burst out of the ground shocking me ass soon as they were out of the ground unlike other gems from the future they weren't born with the information of what to do so they just stood there like statues so I just sent them mentally there purpose and what they are

wE SrV QueN

they said in a rough voice of broken words from there tone you would have thought of them as male but they're female in feature like all other gems hm maybe I should try making some male gems as I was thinking this out of the crowd of Titium came 3 bigger than the rest at 9.48ft and the one in the middle was much bigger braking the limit that I had put at 10m times the height of jasper at 14.26ft he also had some kind of black crystal on his elbows and such with white hair instead of light gray or black so I guess abnormalities can happen even with this power

we StRoNG choSE LeAdEr in a half normal half broken sentences guess they can speak better than the others and the 14.26ft one just grunted and made Gestures to witch he suggest all of them to fight to see who is the strongest like a fighting pit I like it I thought and then announced that to whoever the last standing I will bestow upon them a name and assign them to train the others and themself (I guess that's all for your lazy author see you next chapter 1160 words

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