
Sabastian – Trainwreck

Watching Leo's past was like watching a trainwreck. He made all the wrong choices. He thought he was blindsided by his friend's betrayal, but anyone looking in could have seen it. Leo was blinded by his love for his friend and their friendship. He refused to see what was right there.

I could not tell what was going through his head now that he was able to see himself from the sidelines. I would be pissed or a little starstruck. That Neil guy showed every sign of hostility ever since they were young. If Leo would just see it. It was obvious from the beginning that this girl was Leo's mate. Mist would not be showing him this memory if she was not. And he fucked it up.

The mist portrayed the scene where Leo searched for his friend Neil after they fought. He found his friend at the waterfall the kids often visited. He sat beside the boy on a rock.


The boy glanced at him through the side of his eyes. "Hey."

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