

Omnipotence and beyond omnipotence which is beyond logic only special beings like me lie outside what lies outside omnipotence moving beyond spacetime without trying yeah these type of feats easy. Controlling the concept of death to bring death to things outside of reality the laws of the multiverse is under my control concepts like damage speed and don't apply to me anymore distance is not a thing to me i move without it meaning there's no distance in anything i do. there's infinite dimensions and universes that are infinite in size. All I have to do is manipulate nothingness, nonexistence and life just to gain a new type of ability. with my power i can destroy every dimension and universe in -0 seconds. But technically I already did. I'm omniscient. I know the past, the present, the future and everything that lies outside of it incomprehensible and abnormal concepts exist in me. I control them all. Plato concepts exist within me. All numbers exist in me. Illogical structures exist within me. and I'm able to move beyond the concept of dimensions. But you're probably wondering why right now. well i'm beyond the dimensionality nobody who is bound to dimensionality can interact with me even if they did they would just die. Anyone who knows of me can comprehend me even if beyond the concept of death itself they get erased. Even though there's nothing I can't manipulate, I can manipulate anyone and anything I please to manipulate. All powers/ability to do anything is stripped within my presence. You would no longer be able to do anything even if u could manipulate anything. My abilities are all paradoxes. I'm a paradox too. I have an ability that lets me bind someone to a concept by unbounding them to a concept. Which makes them bound to that concept no matter what they do and say. Enough with my introduction though it's time for me to destroy the multiverse and the dimensions. {By being out of it 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001} of my power i shall destroy everything. and with that being said meta destroyed an inaccessible cardinal the infinite amount of multiverses infinite amount of dimensions infinite amounts of space and time she destroyed every concept law number though idea mind fate dream infinity itself and gained full authority over stories in one attack.

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