
Of Sunflowers and Bees

When Fallon proposed an evening stroll, Lady thought he's going to bring her around the garden.

But it turned out that he was guiding her towards another place that she had no idea about. She's aware that there are tons of luxurious venues that encompass the hotel's circumference. But this particular setting is a bit different.

It's another garden that's more soothing to the eyes – the walls surrounding them are decorated with leafy vines that climb to the very peak, a ceramic water fountain stands magnificently at the center, and a tantalizing plethora of flowers are cascading all over the grasses and stones. If she doesn't know any better, she'll be thinking that he has brought her to a perfect place for a date.

'Seriously, though, is this guy hitting on me…?' Lady thought before glancing at Fallon with an incredulous, deadpan expression.

'No matter how you see it, this place looks so romantic it's gross – or maybe it's just my wild imagination speaking? I almost feel inspired to write a love story because of this.'

Out of the corner of her eyes, she found a sunflower lying on the ground. It seems slightly withered but not in the sense that being stepped on is the cause of it. She bends down to get a close look at it, and she must say — a garden full of this is exquisitely stunning. Then, before she knows it, she's already reaching out to grab the sunflower.

Lady was about to take a sniff of its fragrance when she spotted a stray bee in its petal.

"Oh, hey, look! A bug!" she chirped, brightening up.

She turned to show it to Fallon but then went still when she came face-to-face with his fingers barely inches away from her eyesight. It was as if he was about to touch her then. Baffled, she blurted out, "Ummm… Is there something on my face?"

He got startled, going by the way he immediately pulled his hand back. Clearing his throat, he then averted his gaze and covered his mouth with his knuckles. For a moment there, she could see his cool, mature facade fall off, replaced by a little bit of boyish shyness.

"Ah, no. Must've been my reflexes…" Fallon eventually replied, darting his gaze back and forth until he finally caught sight of what Lady was holding the whole time.

"Hey, wait. What's that little thing there?"

"Uhh… A bug?"

"No, it's a bee! It's a freaking bee!"

Appalled by the idea of its sting and venom, he hastily backed away from her. He couldn't believe that she could remain calm with this small yet terrible wasp around. One wrong move and she'd really get a taste of it.

However, she merely blinked at his frightened reaction, unsure of what got him cowering in fear. He even looks like he's about to run and call for his Daddy. Seeing him lose his cool for good was unexpectedly satisfying, though.

"That's what I said. A bug," she said, blinking some more.

"Put it away, idiot! It'll sting you!" he bolted out, terrified.

"But it looks pretty docile. Besides, it has no queen bee to protect. Oh, wait! Its home must be somewhere around here. Let me go look for it. I'll help it return."

"No, wait! Just leave it alone!"

"I'll be back! This will be quick!"

With that, Lady went ahead and searched for the lost bee's nest, ignoring Fallon who had no choice but to chase after her.


"They went to do what?"

Somewhere in a dark corner, a man clad in all black silently lurks.

He's been secretly following Lady and Fallon since they've gone out of the event hall. By moving in the shadow, he remains undiscovered until now. His footsteps are stealthy, his actions discreet.

And he watches in silence, waiting for the perfect moment.

"To help a bee, Sir," he said through a communication device, his tone comically serious.

"A... bee…? Ugh, kids these days…" he heard his boss grumble, and he knew he was getting impatient.

"Just get this over with. Do it by force if you have to."

"Yes, Sir. Don't worry. I'll get started soon."

"I have faith in you, Xavier."

And the call ends.

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