

"Isaac what happened?"

"What happened, Isaac!"

The pups who had been gathered around the cellar door with Finn after he appeared from the woods rushed to Isaac's side. His eyes were squinted closed in pain, and he clutched his leg as Finn set him down.

"You're going to be okay, little guy," Finn said reassuringly.

Greta came running out of the woods with Alice and Clementine following behind her. When the pups all heard Isaac's cries coming from the basement and realized August was likely down there with him, the two girls had rushed to go get Greta for help.

"Finn, what happened?" Greta asked as she rushed to kneel beside the boy.

"I-I don't know Miss Greta. Somehow they ended up trapped in the basement with a bunch of bears," he stammered with a bewildered expression.

"Where's August?" she asked.

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