
Jailbreak (3)

Leo found out that site Phobos was located in Delaware and was disguised as a massive warehouse complex above ground.

It was a pretty remote site, the closest settlement was 10 kilometers away from the site.

The light containment zone was above ground as was the entrance zone.

However, the thing that really caught Leo's eye was something entirely else, he could use it for his revenge after all.

All he would need was level four clearance and an identity.

And due to the tactical information left behind on the captain's device, Leo knew where to get it.

"Assistant site director Dirk will be located in meeting room #2 in the light containment zone in order to tactically give orders and receive reports from combative units, he is not to be disturbed and will be guarded by no less than two security brigade members."

Leo checked the digital map and saw that the meeting room was quite close by, and the guards wouldn't really be a problem for him.

Leo picked up the radio and activated it before speaking.

"Hotel Foxtrot to Assistant site director, a situation has occurred which I am unable to report in via radio as it contains restricted information, reporting to meeting room #2 in ETA 4 minutes, over."

"Copy Hotel Foxtrot, hurry up."

Leo made his way over to the meeting room.

On his way to the room he didn't encounter any troops whatsoever.

Leo kept checking containment cells on his way to the meeting room and after checking about 5 of them he found something which he considered to be useful.

Leo stood in a chamber which was labeled SCP-170.

The entire chamber was empty except for one small locker.

Leo held his clearance card against the RFID lock and the sound of a lock disengaging could be heard.

A small yellow tube lay within the locker.

Nothing was odd about the tube except for the fact that it had no manufacturing information on it and the only text on the tube was the word "SUPERGLUE."

Leo had already skimmed over the information about the SCP and quickly picked it up before stuffing it in one of his pockets.

He quickly left the containment chamber and started heading towards the meeting room once again.

After walking for a while longer, Leo arrived in front of the meeting room.

As expected, two guards stood in front of the door, stopping anyone from entering.

However, when Leo approached they moved aside, letting him enter.

Before Leo entered the room he faced the two guards.

"Listen lads, you've done a swell job so far, once this is over and you two survive we will go grab a beer sometime, how about that?"

One of the guards faced Leo and saluted before responding.

"Yes, sir!"

The guard wondered why the captain was suddenly so unprofessional to him but he did not question it, instead, he hoped he would be able to get a promotion at some point.

Leo entered the meeting room and saw a man in a suit sitting in front of him.

"Captain Haiden, take a seat and tell me what you have to report.", responded the man in a cold tone.

Leo sat down beside the assistant director.

He had already thought about how he would kill the assistant director since he couldn't make all too much noise as the doors still couldn't be properly sealed.

Leo also couldn't afford to get the clothes of the assistant director bloody or the guards outside would notice.

"Assistant Director Dirk, I am sure that you are aware that SCP-6840-1 is being contained in the light containment zone, right?"

"Of course I am, what about it?"

"SCP-6840-1 is no longer in containment and we've been unable to locate him, the reason I came here to tell you this is because an O5 ordered his containment personally and I figured that the information would be kind of classified."

A doubtful expression appeared on the assistant director's face.

"Wait, you're not supposed to know that..."

The dots slowly started connecting in the assistant director's head but it was already too late.

He wanted to scream out but found himself unable to as a fleshy substance entered his mouth, eating away at his vocal cords.

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