
The four klavigars

Leo nodded towards Ion.

"My first question is why did you specifically choose me?"

"A very simple answer, mostly because of the lack of better options. I have been trapped in that pocket dimension for a plethora of years and in all that time I have seen two people, with you included."

"And why did you not choose the other person instead of me?"

"His chances of succeeding were slim, he was a coward. It wasn't a coincidence that he found me there."

Leo sighed before asking his next question

"That moves us to my second question, what do you exactly want of me?"

"To put it simply I want you to safeguard what I have built over the years before I got imprisoned here. I have gotten the information that some of my followers have split off from the main religion to follow their own selfish desires, you probably know them by the name of neo-sarkites."

"Alright, I got it."

"I also want you to actively hunt them down and eliminate them, have them know that they are not accepted."

"What is your goal, Ion?"

"What do you mean with that?"

"What are you trying to achieve?"

"I am currently undergoing the process of apotheosis, the process of becoming a demi-god. Once I reach that stage I will be able to break free from this place. Once that happens I plan on ruling my empire once again."

"And what will be in it for me when you return to our plane of existence?" asked Leo

"You will be my right-hand man, my personal advisor. You will assist me in capturing this world and spreading the sarkic beliefs. Once that is done you will be serving me during my eternal rule."

Leo snorted upon hearing this.

"Yeah, no. That's not going to work for me."

Ion was dumbfounded and looked at Leo with an angry expression.

"Do you not know how many people would be willing to dedicate their entire life just to meet me once? How dare you refuse such a position!"

"I have my own goals to achieve, and they don't mix with yours.."

"I should have you killed right here right now for daring to speak to me in such a way! even my klavigars dream of always being at my right-hand side at all times yet you dare refuse it since you want to work for yourself!?!"

"What about it? You and I know just as well that you can't simply kill me, if you do so you can start all over with your so-called dream empire. The only reason that I am considering helping you is because you help me. Let me tell you about my personal goals. My main goal is to overthrow the foundation and get rid of it, my second goal is creating a utopia for humans who have never sinned in their life, those who haven't betrayed others for their own benefit, the selfless one's. Destroying the foundation and creating my utopia pretty much go hand in hand. If you bestow me with powers to reach my goal I will help you build your empire. If you are willing to adapt to my ways we might be able to figure something out."

There was silence for a while before Ion spoke out again.

"You truly have gone mad, but have it your way. Just know that once you become useless to me I will dispose of you."

"How about you first return to the human world?"

"Now I have a question for you Leo, who is the other entity backing you?"

"Figured you would know about him, honestly I don't know a lot about him, he goes by the name of Sogrith. He has similar goals to you however he is my main backing force, he supports me in my quest to get rid of the foundation. And to be quite honest with you, he isn't all too fond on you also using me for your goals. You should have a talk with him personally."

Ion nodded.

"Ion, this will be my last question for now. After completing a quest I received a part of Nadox's seal. Who is Nadox and what do I get once I complete the seal?"

"Ah, Nadox is one of my four klavigars. They are the second in command. The seal you are gathering will allow you to either meet them spiritually or physically."

"Tell me some more about them."

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