

"What the hell do you mean that I am suspected of assassinating the executive agent?!?!" Yelled out Leo.

He expected to be questioned about the death, but not suspected of fucking murder!

"Control your emotions or we will be forced to give you sedatives." said the agent questioning Leo.

Upon hearing the word sedatives Leo calmed himself down.

"Let's start with the questions." said the man.

"Leo, would you be able to list the cause of death?"

"Well, due to the drop in blood pressure a seizure occurred, resulting in death."

"And how do you think these symptoms originally occurred?"

"Honestly, I have no idea."

"Leo, traces of cyanide were found in the body of agent Moris, upon investigation of the tools you used during the surgery we found out that your scalpel was coated in a layer of cyanide, do you have anything to say about this?"

a cold shock ran across Leo's body.

"Cyanide... As in the poison...?" muttered Leo.

"Yes, your scalpel was coated in it."

"You have to believe me, I would never do something like this! I've dedicated my entire life to saving people, I am not responsible for this!"

A smug smile grew on the agent's face.

"That is where you are wrong, as the lead surgeon you are responsible for making sure your tools are sterilized."

"I fucking sterilized my tools an hour before the surgery! How am I fucking supposed to know someone would fucking try to assassinate agent Moris!"

At this point, the agent sighed.

"Doctor Leo, cut the act. We all know it was you."

Leo stood up as he was getting angry at the baseless accusations.

"It wasn't fucking me!"

"Sit down, doctor. I don't have to remind you about the sedatives, do I?"

Leo sat down and buried his face in his hands, he felt like crying.

"Allow me to present evidence #1 to you, the camera and audio of the research lab."

The agent pulled out a small tablet before logging in.

"This was recorded about an hour before your surgery, this is footage from bio lab beta located in the medical sector where various kinds of poisons are located." said the agent before playing the footage.

Nothing could be seen but a door was heard opening.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" asked Leo.

"Wait for it." said the agent."

After a couple of seconds, nothing appeared in the vision of the camera, but a sound was heard.

It sounded like someone hit something, and shortly after that, a voice was heard.

"Fucking hell! My toe!"

The agent stopped the footage.

"You may not be in vision, but the audio graph almost perfectly fits your voice, now tell me, what did you have to search there?" asked the agent.

Leo was once again baffled.

"I never was in the biolab..." responded Leo.

At this point he was questioning everything.

He even wondered if he really did coat the blade in cyanide but quickly brushed that off, he never would.

"What about Lynn, my assistant should be able to testify for me..." responded Leo in a dazed tone.

"Testification will be held in the final trial hosted by the ethics committee, until said trial is held you will be held captive. And between you and me, I heard that the overseer herself will oversee your trial."

Normally this would come off as another shock to Leo, but he was already numbed at this point.

"Is there anything I can do?" asked Leo.

"Honestly, no. All will depend on the testifications and additional camera footage we find, but I don't think we would be able to do a lot since you are still responsible for your own tools, I am sorry, doctor." said the agent.

"Do you have any final questions?" asked the agent.

There were hundreds of questions racing through Leo's head, but he didn't ask any of them except one.

"When is the trial."

"The trial will probably be held within two days since the overseer is working on your case, you will be summoned when the time comes, anything else?"

"No, that is it." said Leo.

At this point, he was broken mentally.

"Alright, in that case, this interrogation is dismissed, you may be summoned for an additional meeting tomorrow."


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