
A devil father and a royal mother (part 2)

The two parents, human, and devil, were happy to be parents. The caring, kind mother cherished the little boy with unconditional love in her expression. The father was happy to have an heir for his lineage not to be interrupted. Both enjoyed the feeling of parenthood. Even though their motivations were different, they both loved their child, that was all it took.

Until that burst of energy was felt.


No. No. No. No. This couldn't be happening. I can't lose anyone else. Please God, devil, please don't take my child from me, please… The woman looked crazed. The pain in her eyes was more than evident. Not a physical pain, but an emotional one. The pain she felt upon realizing the death of her family members. Mother. Father. Grandfather. All are cruelly murdered for a stupid cause of equally stupid people. Now, this?

When she woke up that day and found her prince not awake, she felt quite satisfied. The two had a great time yesterday as the son tried to walk towards her every few minutes quickly exhausting his baby stamina. She felt happy and slightly bitter as his tiredness was partly due to her and her constant motivation. But then everything changed suddenly.

Alice was having the worst experience of her life. One moment her son was fine, lying with his back against the bed support, and the next he was writhing in pain as an exorbitant amount of dark energy left his body. Dark energy. The accidental blast of magic he emitted before he had those dark smokes manifesting in him was so strong it nearly broke some of the shields. So powerful magic!

But what was that energy?



Alice was scared thinking it was an obscurus. But it didn't make sense. Everyone knew that for a child to develop an obscurus, it must develop disgust or fear for its magic. The magic then developed itself into a parasite that would consume the mage, returning the evil magic to nature. As simple as it seemed, it was rare for an obscurus to be born. Your child shouldn't even be aware of magic yet. She had realized, however, that that energy was not the magic commonly used by wizards. The signature reminded her so much… The devil. Did the devil do something during his child's conception? With revenge? No. No. No.

Her son was half-demon, so it wasn't wrong to conclude that that energy belonged to the boy who came from that part of him that was a demon. If she used logic then that demon who was her boy's father must know something about it... Yes, it made sense, her son had that dark energy. But he was still in pain, what was she supposed to do? Alice thought. There was that square piece of paper with a strange sigil. The demon said it was a magic circle. She had taken it from him while they were mating. It was a green circle written on square parchment. Praying in a low voice not to disturb the unconscious child she injected her magic into the circle, which spread and the figure of Ajuka emerged from it.

She had seen the crest before. It was from his books on demonology and was the sigil of one of the 72 minor keys. Astaroth. The devil the sigil represented. The devil previously introduced himself as Ajuka Beelzebub and not Astaroth... Alice feared she would summon another demonic being instead of her son's father, but even if it was another being she wouldn't mind as long as she helped her boy. She could do anything, even give her soul to be consumed. No problem. Luckily it was Ajuka who was sprouting from the expanded sigil...

"Where is he?" The question caught her off guard, but it wasn't long before she pointed to the bed. It was no surprise to her that he knew about the boy. He was a demon, he must have powers that she, as a human, didn't understand.

"He'll be fine?" The woman asked with obvious concern. "Please, regardless of the price, save my son. You can have anything you want from me... anything." Ajuka stared at her. Alice looked torn apart, a few strands of her hair seemed to have been pulled out and her skin was pale. She loved the boy then. Curious about this he just nodded. Ajuka liked this human woman. Even though her beauty was quite tall, almost compared to a succubus… add to that and the satisfaction he felt while they fucked, and she was his favorite human these days. It also helped that she say why he could claim her as his nobility now.

Maybe making her part of your nobility is a good thing. Can he learn his magic and how did the wards work? It was possible.

"We can discuss later. Let me check out the boy." She replied as she looked around the room she was in. It was very tidy and quite spacious for a 1-year-old boy. He thought it was a bit exaggerated but didn't comment. He just reached out and touched the boy's body.

Ajuka hadn't bothered to create his nobility, even though he created the pieces of evil and had his pieces himself, he never added anyone. Now this woman, the mother of his child, could be a suitable pawn or bishop. Besides, she was human and would die too soon. Ajuka wanted to avoid what he knew his son would miss his mother. He decided to ask the woman when they got closer to each other. He decided.

"His bloodline was stimulated in some way and is now overflowing. Unfortunately, the human world doesn't have enough demonic energy for change and so I need to instill demonic energy into it directly." He explained the green-haired demon. He was pleased with this because he knew that many halves were incapable of using demonic energy, but there was a baby hybrid with reserves so high and pure... "He has one of the strongest bloodlines I've ever seen in my life... Even being a hybrid, that's impressive."

"You won't hurt him, will you?"

"Why would I hurt my offspring, woman?" Ajuka said with irritation.

"I didn't mean to offend…too much. It's just that you're a demon and my ancestors warned me not to trust you." The woman apologized without apology. "I just don't... know what to think or do."

"Your ancestors seem to know very little about demons considering that the abilities your family inherited were given to your ancestor by the strongest demon," Ajuka commented sarcastically.

"As far as I know, Lucifer was an angel…and a friend of my ancestor. Not a demon..."

"Well...wrong aren't you." Ajuka thought. And she wasn't. True demons, in the literal sense of the word, were just her children with Lilith. Considering... what she said was true. Lucifer was not a demon... "That said, Lucifer created the demons, no, it would be more accurate to say that he is the 'father' of the demons, if that means nothing to his family then I think you are quite wrong."

"He'll be fine?" She changed the subject, not wanting to continue this discussion.

"You've already asked this 4 times in this half-hour. I've already told you what he has and what procedure to help him with. Please stop bothering."

"I'm nervous. My son suddenly started to feel pain and now I have a demon inside the family mansion that shouldn't be known to strangers... I just don't know what to do. I'm nervous and I still haven't heard your agreement to accept a deal. For all I know, you're helping me ask for my son's soul as payment later."

"If you don't have anything better to do just get me something to eat. Sweet, preferably."

"I'm not a maid." She retorted without thinking and didn't regret it.

What a bold woman! Ajuka would like to subdue her.

"Here I am, using my energy to save our child and you refuse to get me food." He smiled coldly. "What an ungrateful mother you are. Demons are quite hospitable, you know? We offer food and drinks to visitors."

That sort of pissed off and embarrassed the woman who soon left the room in search of food for the man. Salty, she thought poisonously as the man smiled. He didn't like sweet foods anyway. Ajuka just focused on the task. The little one's body was devouring all the energy that came in and he felt quite worried. Would this body be able to handle the energy overload? Typically hybrids have relatively weak bodies compared to demons.

To make a comparison... A peak human, at an almost superhuman level being represented by a unit of measure in the supernatural world... A demon would have a physical body naturally 10 times stronger than this powerful human. A superhuman would be 5 times stronger than an average human so a demon would be 50 times stronger than an average human. That was the estimate for demons who don't physically train to increase their strength. Only the gods know how much stronger one of these would be. Usually, a hybrid is born with one of the demonic characteristics. Or affinity with demonic energy and the element that rules the bloodline or the frightening ten-thousand-year vitality or magical talent. In any case, vitality is ALWAYS a hybrid trait, but in contrast, physical strength is NEVER added to hybrids.

Sairaorg Bael was one of those demons that trained their bodies. He was initially very powerful physically, but he didn't inherit the clan's ability to use the power of destruction. This was no big deal as with demonic energy even without an innate ability he would still be strong in other spells, but the demon chose to focus on enhancing his physique. So... a demon like him has 10 untrained strength units and increases his strength units by 2 every time he breaks the limits. Sairaorg was able to use touki easily in their fights and it is known that the level of strength needed for this was almost absurd for so high. He is supposed to have about 5 times the strength of an end-class demon. Anyway, a body like his was the perfect vessel to contain demonic energy... which he never used.

Now, hybrids are known to inherit random abilities from their demonic parents, but never inherit the absurd strength. The problem with this was that a demonic body can only hold a certain amount of demonic energy without breaking down. As the energy was too volatile to be contained in a weak vessel so hybrids are rarely proficient at it... and those that are burst from energy overload. Interestingly, the boy didn't seem to have a problem absorbing so much energy even with the body of an average human.

It didn't take long to probe and discover that some of the demonic energy was fading into the boy's soul. Um...soul? Is this sacred gear? If it were, Ajuka would have even more reason to be happy with this child. Demonic society valued and respected the strong. It was a fact. So having a strong heir was almost a requirement among noble devils. Serafal was the only one who didn't truly care about it. He, Sirzechs, and Falbium were very anxious to have children... and he was the first to have one.

In a more serious perspective, Ajuka looked at her son and felt even closer to the child. The boy looked a bit like him, even though he inherited his mother's eyes, which he still hadn't seen, Ajuka still felt a lot of affinity with the boy. Said whose was unconscious, but his appearance was already changing little by little. His hair, previously black, had acquired some green streaks and tips typical of the Astaroth clan. His features thinned and his skin became more and more refined. A consequence of demonic energy makes the boy more and more attractive.

Ajuka just continued injecting demonic energy into the child's body without holding back. He felt the boy was a bottomless sack, but he was happy about it as the more demonic energy his bloodline demanded, the more talented the little one was. A child who was half-demon and descended from King Solomon. This was a harbinger of unprecedented talent. A strong bloodline needs a strong body and so Ajuka also began to refine the boy's body with demonic energy himself, breaking down and rebuilding flesh, marrow, and bone. It was a pretty meticulous procedure and any failure would seriously hurt his son, but he was the genius demon of the underworld and there was no chance he would hurt anyone he didn't want to hurt.

"How is he now?" Alice returned with some snacks on a silver platter. Ajuka smiled at the woman's tantrum as he began to eat with one hand. The other is still connected to the boy's body, providing him with energy.

"He's still going to be out for a few hours, as far as I can tell. Awakening a bloodline is not an easy thing to do outside the Underworld...although using my energy guarantees a higher quality of its future powers." The demon explained.

"What do you mean by that? Will he turn into a demon?"

"Would that bother you? If you're not comfortable with that I can take you with me…" retorted the man under test.

"Not over my dead body!" cried the human woman. "You will not take my child from me. Never!"

Ajuka was surprised. He was inside this house now, there was nothing to stop him from hurting her, but she still faced him like that. Didn't she fear death? The demon knew, however, that display of courage depended a lot on the little one currently unconscious in bed. She was acting that way on behalf of this child. Her son. Ajuka admitted that he liked that in the human woman. More because she was his child's mother and he knew she loved him. Children should be loved, he validated that, for that reason he didn't kill the human for the humiliation of before.

"I see." The demon smiled before using his momentum to paralyze the woman. "But how would you stop me?"

"Let me go…" Alice felt suffocated. She couldn't move or breathe properly. She didn't even have time to pull out her wand. Damn, even wandless magic was difficult to emanate normally, much less under this kind of pressure. The demon's face was simply indifferent. The slight smile on her face made her furious, but what could she do? He had his hands on his son, even if she was free and could use the mansion's defense mechanisms, she wouldn't use it for fear of hurting her child.

"I don't hate you… oddly enough, after all. This boy needs a mother and I won't be the one to take that away from him. Do not worry." Ajuka said before releasing Alice. The woman was surprised by what was said.

"Won't you...suck our souls?"

"Is that what humans think demons do? Well, to be honest, it's possible to take human souls, but we can't eat souls... That would be stupid. Well, we can still use energy as fuel though." The demon revealed with a wry smile.

"So you're not… bad?"

"Demons are…people, I think. There are bad demons just as there are bad humans, as far as I know, humans can be more vicious than the worst of demons. I'm not saying demons are good guys here. We are sinful beings, so it's normal to do things that humans deem amoral, but we don't go out of our way to harm people just for that. Well... there are still people who do things like that in the underworld, but the same can be said of the human world with all its wars and terrorists."

"This…" Alice was confused. According to the records, demons were unreliable, vicious, and cruel. They existed only for destruction and chaos. But here was a demon, helping to heal his son. Sure, he was his son too, but where was the vile nature of demons? If she was sincere, she was never afraid of Ajuka like she had of Voldemort's minions. So... how can it be? She felt that compared to Voldemort, Ajuka was thousands of times stronger and more experienced. A thousand years of life have this kind of effect. But still, she wasn't terrified of the man's presence as much as she was in No-Nose's presence when he came to try to convince his family to follow him. That was…unrealistic.

Were the records wrong?

The feeling she had of Ajuka was that he was a majestic lion and she was an ant walking by with a leaf on its head. The ant knew the Lion was a predator, but she didn't fear him because the proud feline wouldn't go out of her way just to crush her. Unless of course, he crushed her by accident, which wasn't an impossible thing to happen after all.

"You look confused." Commented the devil.

"Don't you hate me?"

"Why would you think that?" he asked amused.

"I...my family forced you to...you know..."

"Fuck you?"

"Call it what you. But that didn't bother you at all?"

"Well, you are an attractive woman. It helped that you were a virgin and incredibly good in bed. I wasn't hurt either... although my ego was affected and my pride made me think murderous thoughts..."

"So…how can you…be so relaxed and calm? Shouldn't I be a thorn in you?"

"In a way…but not so much. You gave me a child. You know, it's hard for demons to beget children. Almost a thousand years old and this boy is my first child, that might give you an example of what I mean. Our race has very few children being born these days and it was difficult to even with the polyamory practices we employed. You gave me a bigger gift than I expected to have..."

"So before... You..."

"I figured I wouldn't be able to fertilize you, yes, a pretty dangerous arrangement since my part was just to fuck you…I was never told I should get you pregnant. But ironically, you got pregnant." Ajuka sighed. He still didn't know how to handle the situation. A human woman, from one of the many magical communities, was the mother of her heir.

"I see."

"What's the little one's name?"

"Vitra. Vitra Von Benno."

"I think maybe you should add my last name to that, no?" Ajuka asked with a serious expression on her face. "Although I have the title Beelzebub, my natural surname is Astaroth. Perhaps Vitra Astaroth Von Benno?"

Alice was amazed. Does he want... to take the child as his son? But…well, it wasn't an extreme request. Alice liked knowing this man wanted to take responsibility. The feeling of raising a child alone was both satisfying and terrifying. She liked not being alone in this anymore.

In addition, putting the surname Von Benno last made it easier for the son to enter the wizarding society since in the wizarding world the final names are those that determine the family origin. Of course, she didn't know it was the opposite in Devil society. The first surname was what determined someone's family background. Of course, even if she knew, there wouldn't be many fights. Such a situation was better than if they argued over which the last name would be the main one.

"This is a viable order." The woman nodded. "Vitra Astaroth Von Benno. Looks good."

"Good." Ajuka smiled as she looked into her boy's face. Vitra, huh? It was a good name. "Let's talk about reincarnating you as a demon now, shall we?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you would do anything for me to help our child... although I would do it even without an agreement yet you declared and I think you must honor your promises."

"Who the hell said you wouldn't? I just don't understand what you mean by demon reincarnated."

And so Ajuka began to tell the story of demonic society and factions existing in the supernatural world. She needed to know that if she wanted to fit into her new status in the future...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KuroBastard69creators' thoughts
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