

Well, well, well., if it isn't The Good, The Bad, and The insanely Coocoo Wild Cat... Belzor.. In his human form was seated on a king sized chair... A tall figure, hugely built.. His hair was jet black, and it literally touched his waist... He had it tied in a low ponytail... He looked older than them, but not too old... Maybe he was around ages twenty-six to twenty-eight...

Beside him was a cheetah, who was seriously looking at the Trio like he had seen an enemy.... It was almost like he was awaiting orders, so he could pounce on them and dig his teeth and claws into their skins.... He even licked his lips with his wet tongue a gesture that made the trio seriously uncomfortable...

I mean his continuous stare was one thing, but now it licked his lips like he saw dinner....and being dinner was not part of their plans for this night....

Long time no see Belzor.... Zairo said as they sat down...

Well it hasn't been that long.... You were here two weeks ago, asking for information on those ehhh... What do you call them.... He flicked his fingers several times trying to remember....

Cats... Jato helped the man... Ahh yes... Those cats... So see it was not that long ago... So I wonder what brings you here this time...

Well can't we come visit our friends.... I mean we came because we missed you.... Zairo said in a seriously sincere manner... A sudden silence fell on the room.. Then that was followed by an outburst of laughter from everyone.....

"you m..miss me?.... We are not friends, would you miss me... We are more like business partners.... I don't like people or demons breaking the rules, and you don't either... You come to me for information I give it to you..., and in return, I get something from you.... See? Business.. Partners..

Yeah you are right, so I'm sure you know why we are here... We need some information Belzor.... Zairo said.. He was already tired of beating around the bush...

"what will I get in return?? Belzor asks without even knowing what they had come for or the kind of information they needed...

" you don't even know what information we need, and you are already asking for something in return... What if you don't have the information we need huh?? Chinju retorted firmly...

You would not be here if you you thought I wouldn't have the information you wanted, would you, my dear wild cat?? He asked with a sly grin on his face..., Wild cat, did he just call her his dear wild cat.., chinju was about to explode but Jato held onto her and kept her seated at all costs...

"okay fine you are right, so what do you want... Zairo asked... Tell us huh what do you want....

" on a second thought, let me here your request first... Who knows, I might ask for something smaller depending on the kind of information you need.... He shrugged facing chinju.. Who was still boiling...

This guy was just unbelievable, on second he wanted to have his own request first, and the next second, he wants to hear them out first... Oh how she wished she could just smash her perfect boots into his face, and dig a hole in it... That would be her biggest request....

"OK then I'll go straight to the point... There has been a series of kidnapping in an elementary school, and we found out it was one of your kind who did it...

But the thing is, we don't know who he or she is, where he is, and we also feel like kidnapping all those children, he or she must have had a reason for that.. We think he was acting on orders... Zairo completed his inspirational speech....

Belzor was stroking his chin like he was trying to figure out something....

The silence was getting annoying, especially for Chinju.., I mean do you or do you not know about this... Why does he have to be quietly stroking his chin like an intelligent detective from an action movie...

The silence went on like that for almost ten minutes..

"would you just answer the question.... Chinju cried out in frustration... I mean what are you thinking so hard about huh, just tell us if you know about it or not....

OH I know about it... Belzor finally spoke... I'm just trying to figure out what I should collect in return.... Was what he spat out of his mouth.... So he knew, and he was just wasting their time... Oh this guy definitely deserves a beating... Oh how she wished she could just.., just...

"okay I know what I want in return... You see the lady who has been taking the kids has something I really want... His words were serious, no hint of joke in them...

Her name is Alia., she has been taking kids for decades, but since it wasn't my business, and she never came near me, I had no problems with her... And you are right, she has a lot of my kind working for her.... He made sure to stress the words My Kind....

"so do you know where her hideout is, or where she keeps the children... Jato who had been silent since asked..

Belzor takes a piece of paper, writes something inside it, and passes it to Zairo... That is where you would find her... But be careful, she has some of the best of My Kind working for her... So it won't be easy to penetrate her fortress.... His words sounded like a sincere warning...

You haven't told us what you want yet...

Her necklace.... You see, Alia has in her possession a very special pendant, that she always wears, bring it to me... That is all I want in return....

Just a necklace with a pendant.. It sounded rather easy, but they were actually happy it was that easy this time... Most times, he often asked for annoying things, like them helping him go after some set of his kind that betrayed him... One time he made them sing in his bar because the actual singers didn't show up... Just like this, his requests were mostly simple, but very annoying... They were quite relieved that this one was both simple and not that annoying....

They stood up to leave.... Chinju could still feel his eyes on her...

"what huh, what are you looking at".... She yelled looking at him in his eyes like she was ready to rip them out...

Be careful.... He says with a gentle smile on his face....

Careful of what huh?? She stood like an Amazon warrior ready for any challenge....

Not you my dear Wild Cat..., you can obviously take care of yourself... He said winking at her.....

Oh my gosh, did he just seriously wink at her, and he was still calling her his dear wild cat..., that's it, they better moved out of this place, or else she was definitely ready to spill some demon blood....

I mean them... He uses his head to gesture Zairo and Jato.... Be careful of Alia.., her subjects may all be my kind, but she is not...

She is an enchantress.....

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