
Old man who are you?

Zairo had been living in this house with Old man now for ten years.., and he had no idea, no clue that this kind of room existed anywhere in the house. Old man was more secretive than he thought.

They walked down the stairs. Old man ran his hand on the wall, for the light switch and then 'click'.., the dark basement was illuminated.

What they saw made their mouths open up in wonder and administration. It was wider than they expected, it was filled with gadgets and gizmos, some they knew, and some they had no idea what they were or what they were used for. The swords in the training room were nothing compared to the ones down here. They were beautiful to behold, they were all nicely forged in different shapes and sizes, it made you wonder what kind of blacksmith made them. He must have been very skilled.

There were nicely carved bows and arrows, the kids didn't even know people still used them these days. Each sword and bow had a name and it was boldly written on the shelf they were placed on.

All they could say was "WOW.., WHOA., WOW

" what is this one.., and that one.., what is that thing used for., can I touch it.., WOW.., this place is amazing.., I don't even know if that one is a knife or a hook.., what is that??.. They kept on moving around, checking out everything. Everything just seemed so cool, so intriguing.

They wanted to know the names of everything and anything in that place, and to know what they were used for.

At on corner of the room was books, and maps, and scrolls, some were written in languages they had no idea existed.

"What in the world did you really do Old man" Jato said.., "this place is totally AWESOME" chinju added.

"Ten years.., ten years.., I have been in this house for TEN YEARS, how did I not know that this place existed huh.., I can totally stay here forever" Zairo said with a big grin on his face.

"seriously Old man who are you really, these things are not just for a guy who catches bad guys, they are just too cool" Zairo said, he was really fascinated and excited.

"Well I told you the truth, I used to catch bad guys..., or more like bad demons..., I used to be a demon hunter"

This room was shocking enough, but what Old man was saying now was much more mind-boggling.

"take a seat children" Old man said, gesturing them to sit on the chairs around a table there. They sat down obediently like five year old kids who were about to listen to a story.

"I was born into a family of ehhh.., what you might call a family of demon hunters. It was my destiny from birth. Most of the things you see in this room were passed down from generations to generations, till eventually, they ended up with me. And some, I had to acquire myself through difficult means.., You see children, in this world there will always be good and evil. And as you have cops, chasing after petty criminals, so you have people like me, chasing after demons who chose to destroy people and other good demons."

"So there are good demons?? Chinju asks, looking curious and hopeful.

" Of course.., take Zairo for instance, I know he is half human, but he also has demon blood in him, will you say he is bad?

"Zairo.., No of course not. He can be naughty, but he is not bad" Chinju answers smiling at Zairo.

"exactly., there is always light and darkness.., I have met my share of bad demons in life, but I have also gotten to know a lot good demons..., even way more better than some human beings. I have been saved by a demon before.., in fact, I once had a demon friend named....., he suddenly stopped talking, like he had said something wrong, or something he wasn't supposed to, you could see the sudden change of expression on his face, his eyes where suddenly sad... They noticed this and Chinju was going to ask what was wrong, but Zairo held onto her dress, and stopped her... It was better to not ask..

"Anyway, my time as a demon hunter ended sixteen years ago, and with what happened weeks ago, with you having to face two demons in one week, also losing someone to one of the demons, I think it is high time the world sees the rise of a new age, a new set of demon hunters..,

"Although you were not born demon hunters, I could make you into the best there was, is, and ever will be..."

The words he was spewing out of his mouth sounded rather funny now. By 'You', he meant them. He was going to turn them into demon hunters, facing the two they had seen was terror enough, now he wanted them to make it their way of life?? But come to think of it.., being a demon hunter would be cool, you get to save people, and save people.., and save people....., they tried to think of all the benefits of putting their life's at stake for others, but nothing came to their heads. They could only see the terrifying faces of demons... It was not a road they wanted to go through....

"you want us to be demon hunters?? Jato asked.."we were not born demon hunters like you.., what makes you think we would make good demon hunters?? Zairo added.

" I don't think you would make good demon hunters, I know it. The three of you have your strengths and weaknesses, but together you could become a wrecking ball.

" Old man Sam, to tell you the truth, I am scared.., killing that demon the other day made me feel awful. And if we become demon hunters, I don't think I can deal with the fact that I kill every time...

" listen Chinju, I know how you feel, so I will not force anyone. I will give you three days to figure out if you want this or not. Today is Wednesday, so by Saturday, I will hope to hear your answers. If you decide to be a demon hunter by then, you come down into this room, but if you choose not to, then that is fine too, we will continue our daily training as usual...

They really didn't know what to do, giving them a choice made it even harder for them. It meant that they were accountable for their decisions. They just wished that someone would just tell them the right thing to do...

" I will go to the store now... Old man said standing up from where he was seated..... You children can stay here for awhile, before coming back up... Turn of the lights when you leave....

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