
Definitely not grandma

"what..., what is that?? Chinju said pointing at the bed.

The whole room was covered in goo, dripping from the ceiling, on the bed, the floor, everywhere. The room was nothing short of disgusting. On the bed was two cocoons. That too was covered in goo. The hose thing was connected to one of the cocoons.

" I have no idea what that is, but I am now sure that that person out there is not grandma". They carefully walk towards the bed, making sure they don't trip over the goo. They wanted to take a closer look at the cocoons. It was tightly sealed, there was no way to know what was in it without having to tear it open.

"we will have to open it up"... "what.., why would you want to do that, you don't know what could be in that thing, what if it is something dangerous?? Chinju asked she was getting scared. " but that's the point, I need to know what is in this thing. Maybe we would find a clue on what happened to grandma"....chinju still did not think it was right, but she agrees. They look around and chinju spots a scissors. Zairo collects the scissors and starts cutting the cocoon open carefully. He suddenly spots something like a face. He tears it open a bit more,

"JATO!!,... Zairo and chinju were both in shock, how was Jato inside the cocoon. He carefully opens it up more, making sure not to hurt Jato. When he had cut it wide enough, he and Chinju pulled Jato out of the cocoon. Jato was all sticky and covered in goo. He's skin was pale, he was almost looking like a ghost. His hair had turned white,

"Jato, Jato wake up.., Jato!!... Zairo called out frantically. Chinju was confused she feared that Jato was already gone, that he was not breathing. Zairo placed his head on Jato's chest to check his heartbeat, but it was so faint that Zairo did not hear it. But then he listened more carefully and he heard his heart beating. Chinju was already in tears.

"he's still alive. Barely, but he is still alive. His heart is beating very slow. We just need to find away to get him out of here" Zairo says. "but what if something happens to him before then,.. I think we should do something first" Chinju says. "but what can we do huh?.., we've tried waking him up but it's not working, we have to get him to Old man as soon as possible".. "no, what if his heart totally stops beating by then huh, what will we do then huh?...., I've seen the case of a persons heart slowing down before in a movie, and they shocked him and his heart started beating normally.... She was looking at Zairo with expectations, and Zairo immediately understood where she was going with this.. "no way,.. I'm not going to shock him, have you not also watched were people die from these shocks huh? There is no way I'm doing this... He was looking very scared, worried and angry at the fact that she would ask him to do something like this....." I understand what you are talking about but right now you are Jato's only hope, there is a chance he might not make it for much longer. I believe in you. I know you can do this" her words were comforting and at the same time pressuring.

" you believe in me, but I don't believe in myself" Zairo says with his head down. "but I'm sure that Jato also believes in you and right now he is counting on you" she places her hand over his in a comforting gesture.

He looks at her and then looks at the pale Jato on the floor. He finally musters up his courage. He channels a small amount of lightning into his hands, he places it on Jato's chest. Jato jerks up but he does not wake up. Zairo channels more energy into his hands and tries again, but he still does not wake up. He tries it one more time, but it still does not work. They are both devastated. Zairo felt like he had failed Jato...

"Zairo.., Chinju..,

The sudden voice of Jato makes them both light up with joy." Jato you're awake,... How are you feeling..., what happened.., are you okay?? They both kept on throwing questions at him.


The scream which sounded more like an animal screeching made them jerk up in fear..."grandma I think you are sick, just calm down".

" huh..., Chinju that is not my grandma. My grandma is in that other cocoon on the bed, I think that is a demon." Jato explained in a whisper that was audible enough for them to hear. The revelation made Zairo and Chinju panic. The demon screeched even more. Then it started shedding the fake body it was using as a camouflage. From underneath the body emerged the demon. He stood up straight like a man, but he had three hands on each side, and they looked more like huge cockroach legs. His hair was brown and long, it reached his waist and covered on part of his face. He had a normal face, but when he opened his mouth, it opened all the way up to his ear. And out of his mouth came out a very long disgusting tongue.

" What in the world is this one"

The demon uses his tongue to try and get Chinju, but she was quick enough to dodge it, and it only made him angry. He moved towards them, Jato was still a very weak so he could not move. They had to protect him and protect themselves also. The room wasn't too big so it was easy for the demon to get a hold of them. He used his hands that had sharp pointy edges to try and poke them, but they evaded it. Zairo then realized that they could not focus on the demon and protect Jato at once, so he rolls Jato under the bed so he was safe from the demon, then he was ready to face the demon.

His hair turned red and his eyes were sparkling blue. Lightning emitting from his body. 'This was the second time she was seeing him in this state, but it still felt like it was the first. He was still young, but he looked so cool, so assuring, apart of the lightning he was emitting, he also emitted an unseen aura, one that says 'l will protect you', one that made you just want to depend on him'.....was what Chinju was thinking, when a slimy tongue wrapped her arm, and dragged her. Zairo picked up the scissors he had used to open up Jato, jumped up in the air and gave him a kick right in the head, making him let go of chinju.

This act made him angrier, he screeched in anger, slapped Zairo to the floor allowing the scissors to fall out of his hands. He walks up to Zairo and tries to stab him with his hands but Zairo gets a firm grip on them instead and channels lightning to them, making the demon stumble backwards screaming in pain. He then stands up holds unto two of the demons hands, and uses his powers to burn them to a crisp. Leaving the demon with just four hands remaining. The demon screeches in pain and as he falls to the ground. Zairo grabs ahold of the next arms and is about to burn those too when he could suddenly feel a piercing pain tearing into his skin. The demon had used it's last two hands to stab him in the stomach.

"NO!!!!....Chinju screamed, without any thought in her head and being totally clouded by anger, she picks up the scissors, and stabs the demon in the back. He screams in pain and releases Zairo who falls down to the ground, he slowly turns around to look at chinju, but she was not going to let him touch her. Immediately he turn and raised his hands to stab her with it, she stabs him right in the chest.

He still makes sure he stabs her, which makes Chinju more angry, she screams out in pain and anger as she pulls out the scissors and then stabs him again with it, this time, he falls to the ground. His hand was still in her shoulder so as he fell, she fell atop him.

It was like everything he did made her more angry, for her face had turn completely red because of the anger she was feeling. She was feeling more anger than pain. She pulled out the scissors and this time continuously stabs him all the while screaming at the top of her voice.

Zairo just watched on in disbelief. 'where did the nice young girl go???..

Always thankful to you all for reading.

I'm writing another novel 'HOWLERS'

Do check it out when you get a chance

Spoiler alert, "it's about werewolves"

Thanks guys.

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts
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