
Being punished

{back to the present}

Now Zairo and Old man no longer went around collecting recyclables, instead they redesigned a small part of the training room and fashioned it into a shop, making the back of the house into the front door of the shop. They bought stuffs that people no longer needed and sold them to people who needed them, people brought their recyclable stuff to them instead of throwing them in a bin, Old man also repaired stuffs for people and Zairo would help him out some times. In conclusion they basically did almost anything. It was better than going from street to street picking up recyclables.

They named the shop "EVERYTHING YOU NEED STORE"

Old man had gone out earlier that morning to help grandma Pat fix her sink. Zairo was supposed to open the shop that morning, but he had slept in. He woke up by 8am, and the first thing on the his mind then was not the shop, it was food. So he prepared their breakfast and went to wash himself up.

He just finished eating and was about to go open the shop when Jato walked in with the bottles and ate Old man's food.

"Zairo why haven't you opened the Store yet, it's already 10:30"

Old man said as he walked in, striking panic in the minds of both boys. "Old man!!...why.., why,...are you here? He stammered as he spoke, Jato still had the food in his mouth. "why will I not be here, is this not my house, why is the store still locked? Old man asked in a puzzled tone.

" huh..,huh..,em.,I.., I" he just kept on stuttering

"I., I,.I.., you what, why do you keep stuttering? Old man asked now suspicious of what was going on. "Jato, don't you dare lie to me, what is going on" he now asks Jato since Zairo can't seem to find the right words to explain. Jato looks confused, he was already covered in sweat.

"Zairo told me to eat your food, because you wouldn't want it anymore!!! He just blurts out the rubbish that came to his lips.

" WHAT??? when did I say that, I told you your food was in the kitchen but you didn't ask me which one you just went for the biggest one and ate it"... "But you did not tell me which one was mine, you just told me to go" they both kept on bickering.

"Both of you STOP!!! Old man yells at the two of them. They both stopped talking." So let me get this straight, one forgot to show the other his food, and one ate my food..... Then why is the shop still closed" He asked in a frustrated and confused manner.

" I.., l woke up late" Zairo finally says. "What time exactly"..... "around 8am" he answered. "8AM!!!... So because I wasn't here to wake you up you just laid down on your bed and enjoyed the dream huh?.... Both of you, to the training room NOW.

Zairo looks at Jato in a way that said "I will kill you"

They move to the training room. "Now give me 20 push-ups with one hand." Old man please, I will make sure I ask about the food before I eat next time, please, and also it is good to exercise at least one hour after eating....Jato said almost in tears.

"Push-ups NOW." Old man says to the dismay of Jato. Zairo went down and started his own count. When he was at ten push-ups, Jato was at five, by the time Zairo was done, Jato was still at twelve. He was sweating profusely his whole boy was shaking.

"TWENTY" he says as he lies down flat on the floor. "You need this the most, you need to burn all this fat" Old man says. "water..,give me water I think I am dying" he says as he drags himself on the floor. Zairo turns to walk away from the room, "where are you going to, you think that is punishment enough? Old man asks, Jato's eyes widened with terror, "WHAT!!!, there is still more, please Old man the push-ups already took away the food I ate."

"Open the store, and then since it's been a long time since you went through garbage cans, you would both go out and search for recyclables." Old man said conclusively, and walked out of the room. Zairo looks at Jato who was still lying on the floor, he pounces on him and shakes him vigorously, " this is all your fault. You eat too much, you should have asked before eating."

"You should have told me which one was mine, and also that's not the only reason he punished us,..you did not open the store on time that's why the punishment was doubled" Jato said, pushing Zairo away from him. They both laid on the floor for a while and then stood up and went to open the store.

When they were through with the store, they went back into the main house only to find Old man eating chicken. Their mouths fell wide open. "Oh have you opened the shop? Old man asks with a mouth full of chicken. Apparently grandma Pat had given him some chicken as means of payment instead of money.

" you boys can go now I will stay in the shop". He stands up carries his plate of chicken with him, and goes to the store leaving both boys drooling.

They go out to the streets searching every bin they could find for recyclables because they knew they would both be in trouble if they came back empty handed. They picked till they felt it was enough and then headed back home.

On their way to the house, they saw a girl about twelve years of age in quiet alley, she was slim and had long brown hair. She was struggling with someone.

"Hey!!! Leave her alone" Zairo shouts. The person turns around, laughs and continues dragging the girl deeper into the alley. She keeps on struggling, "hey!! are you deaf, he said leave her alone"

"Or what" the man finally replies. Still holding unto the girl, he stops walking and turns to look at them, but before he could turn around completely, a flying kick lands on his face, making him lose his grip on the girl's hands, but there was no were for her to escape to and he was standing in the only path that led out of the alley.

"You little piss of SHIT!!! he yells as he throws a punch at Zairo, but he dodges it, and it only makes the man angrier. The man throws another punch, but misses again, then a kick, and a punch, and a kick again, and then a punch again he failed to land a single blow on Zairo. He kept on escaping each blow with ease. Zairo was getting really tired so he punches the man in the stomach which makes the man bend slightly in pain and then gives him a kick to the head.

All the while Jato was busy cheering and chanting for Zairo.

The man falls down to the ground, paving way for the girl to finally come out. She runs out happily and thankful. They all turned to walk away. "You little PEST!!!

They turned around to see the man on his feet,

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