
Chapter 10

What Celeste didn't know however was that Bane would miss his call for coffee due to other important matters taking place.

What was supposed to be his calm evening turned into a hectic night when rival werewolves thought that they could get away with invading their territory on the edges.

This didn't go over well off course and ended up starting a fight when they wouldn't back off and leave.

It wasn't a situation that Bane usually had to interfere to help sort things out because there was enough other high ranking members in the pack to deal with it.

That night was different however when it became evident that the invaders had no intention of leaving and were looking of the variety who thought that they had the upper-hand simply based upon what they saw going on in front of them.

Bane had been preparing to go to one of his night clubs that evening to saw how business was doing if there was anything that he might need to change.

Half-way through getting ready was when he got the call about the problem.

He only knew to take it seriously because it was the Beta who had requested his attention.

It put him in a bit of a poor mood but there wasn't anything he could do about it. His pack needed him.

He couldn't promise anyone as he dropped getting changed and discarded the rest of his clothes that there wouldn't be a blood bath because that didn't know their place thought that they could challenge them and actually succeed.

The curse in living between both worlds was that he had to deal with problems from three different areas.

One because of the issues his human side had to deal with, two from being in the mafia, and three- a combination of both from being in mafia and being a werewolf.

The territory where his pack lived spanned the about a third of the forest and surrounding area in the Split Rock Mountain Wild Forest of Essex. There was enough dense forest and caves that the BlackStar pack hardly had to worry about humans stepping into their territory and causing problems.

Due to how large the area was, they had also had enough space to build a few facilities that they learned about from humans that helped to better take of the pack. Beyond medical and areas to take care of the pups and protect themselves against harsh winters, everything else they took care of was in the natural fashion that wolves preferred.

Due to the work that Bane did on the human side, he also had rented an apartment in the Essex area that made dealing with work and late night obligations easier to deal with rather having to travel back between the city and the pack land. Because of how well situated his pack was, there was little reason for the Alpha to be needed within the territory often unless issues such as the current one occurred.

It didn't take long for Bane to find where the issue was, the smell of blood was thick enough in the air.

"What's the situation, Aster?" he asked the beta once he was close enough to see what was going on.

There were two different set of wolves at the border who were standing off with each other. Injuries were noticeable on both sides but nothing that looked fatal. It was most at a stand-still for the current moment in time. Bane could easily tell who was the leader by the way that he was hanging to the back.

"They attacked during one of the last patrols. They won't say who they're with." The beta replied as he looked over to the other werewolves who looked like they were ready to start fighting again in a moment's notice if either side made the wrong move.

"I believe though based upon the fact that they mentioned something about revenge that perhaps they're part of the group who we killed the other night." Bane nodded his head in understanding before he took a step forward. He gave his body a firm shake to shift his fur so that it helped to build upon his intimidating appearance.

Being the alpha, he stood a good head taller over any of the other werewolves who were there. His pack members took a step back when they noticed that he was approaching to move to the front. Some of them were wary over the fact that he was there while others seemed appreciative since the intrudes gave the impression that they weren't planning on going anywhere.

"What is meaning of this?" Bane asked, his voice booming in his deepest tone to let the other side know that he wasn't to be taken lightly. Some of the smaller werewolves who were still in wolf form shrank back when he did this, mostly affected by the power they felt rolling off of him. He was also annoyed as this wasn't what he had wanted to spend his evening on.

"Didn't your mutt there explain to you already?" The werewolf who seemed to in charge of the group stepped forward as he spoke baring his teeth. Bane didn't react to this as he surveyed the other. It was evident by his appearance that he was someone who held a higher rank, but not the power behind him to wield which meant that he wasn't someone that Bane needed to worry about.

"I don't see any mutt around here so I hardly can guess what you're talking about." Bane replied in an indifferent tone of voice as he stared the other done.

"I might recommend that you leave our boarder if you don't want things to progress any further. For your sake, I think that would be the best option." He told the other who growled at him in response to this, obviously not liking the way the alpha was speaking to him.

"All I can see standing in front of me is a bunch of mutts who don't know their place and think that it is okay to kill their own kind when they haven't committed a crime." He took a step forward as he spoke, menace in his voice.

"Didn't commit a crime?" Bane repeated as he tilted his head, flexing the clawed fingers on his left hand as he spoke.

"They invaded territory that wasn't there, took something that didn't belong to them and hurt some of my pack members in the process, and you don't count that as a crime? I pity your pack for having such wolves in it." The last part of his comment caused the other to lunge at him. The alpha had no problem stepping to the side to avoid the attack and whipping around to counter and pin the other to the ground. His rested most of his weight on the middle of the other's back and kept his jaws loosely locked on to the other's shoulder.

The pressure he applied wasn't enough to break the skin, but enough to warn the other that he would bite down if he tried to move or resist too much. He let out a low growl in response to the other trying to thrash from under him even though there was little chance that he would be able to get up considering their power and size difference.

"Are you sure that you want keep up with this? I would hate for your pack to lose a member simply because they couldn't keep their pride and temper in check." Bane asked as he felt the other still digging his claws into the ground as he tried to figure out a way to get out from under him.

"Let me up and we'll fight this out fairly!" The wolf snapped as he tried to turn his head so that he could bite at Bane's face, he only hit air though as he was too far away to actually reach the other's muzzle.

It was evident that the others who had come along with this intruder were getting uncomfortable with the current position and wanted to move forward in order to try and do something to break it up. The only thing that was holding them back from interfering was that Aster had stepped forward just enough to warn them that if they tried to move, he wouldn't hesitate to attack them in response to this.

"Fair fight? You already lost this fight the moment that you tried to attack me and ended up in this position." Bane replied with a growl, increasing the pressure of his jaws when he felt the other fighting harder to try and get out from under him.

"I will repeat again that it would be in your best interest to leave here if you want to remain unscathed." The alpha warned again. If it wasn't for the fact that he had in idea of which pack in the area the wolves belonged to, he would almost think that they were rogues or ferals with the way that they were behaving.

"Not until this is over." The other snapped back again, not seeming to really be paying attention to what Bane was saying. It seemed like he was more fixated on getting the blood he had come to get rather than being rational about the situation. The alpha looked up as he kept his jaws locked on the other's shoulder. The wolf under him didn't even whine as he applied more pressure, the slight taste of blood coating his tongue.

"Do you want to see him die? If not I suggest you get him out of her and leave to never come here again." He told the other werewolves.

He wouldn't waste his time on killing such a low-life werewolf who hadn't apparently lost his rationality, but that didn't mean that he would allow him to go back unscathed since he didn't seem to care much for his life.

"I warned you." he then told the wolf under him. He took a deep breath before he crunched his jaws shut. He certain he broke bone with this action but made sure to avoid severing anything important or that doing damage that couldn't heal. He knew though that the pain would be enough to knock the other unconscious. If after this they came back again- he wouldn't be so generous about the situation.

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