
chapter 4 moving in with maka and going to school

(Zane) well that was easy I got all of my stuff into a backpack and went straight to maka house I knock on the door maka open the with a happy hi

(maka) hi Zane hope the walk was ok

(Zane) it was good

(maka) come on in I will take you to your room

(Zane) ok thanks for letting me live here with you, hope it was not too much trouble

(maka) It's no problem i was getting lonely living alone, it's no trouble at all, lets go to your new room

(Zane) ok, we walk down the hallway up some stairs and we entered a room and on the right-sided is maka room

(maka) well, Zane, you can unpack i will get dinner ready for us, and Zane please remember if you need anything just ask. well see you soon Zane, bye

(Zane) ok bye I better unpack i put my clothes into some drawers and after that, I lied on my new bed, just took a quick nap and I awoke when maka said dinner is ready I walk to where maka was in the kitchen making hot dogs while humming

(maka) oh Zane dinner is about to be ready so can you sort the table for me if that's not too much trouble

(Zane) it's no trouble at all we then sat down to eat dinner and after that, we talk for a bit about life and going to dwma tomorrow so we decided to go to bed for the night. the next day we went to dwma and meet with soul before school, we just went to school together like best friends should and there were millions of stairs

(Zane)(maka)(soul) why the hell is there so many stairs

(Zane) we went straight up the stairs and kept going and stopping but we finally managed to get up all those stairs we may it to class, there were quite a lot of students in this one class then I noticed there was death the Kid, Liz, Patty, Blackstar, Tsubaki and the teacher was stein Franken

(stein) look like we got 3 new students join us, everyone shut up or I will use you all for an experiment so be quiet and let these 3 introduce themself

(maka) hi I'm maka Albarn

(soul) hi l'm soul eater Evans

(Zane) hi I'm Zane

(stein) Zane what is your last name

(Zane) I don't have one

(stein) ok than. now you 3 go seat down somewhere

(blackstar) yo guys haven't seen you guys in a long time it feel like It was 100 years ago

(soul)(maka)(Zane) hi blackstar its been a long time since we seen each other

(Zane) I went for a seat at the back next to a window maka followed me by seating beside me because we really didn't know anyone other Blackstar and death the kid but those two really are the most confusing people to be around so I just listened to stein lesson, it was a lesson about a teams bond can help improve meister and weapon soul resonances so me and maka look over with a nodded to each other witch means training after school but first this.

(stein) ok everyone needs to partner up in a meister and weapon teams 2

(Zane)i look around to see soul with a girl so that's his meister not a bad choice I muttered quite so he probably does like her more then a friend

(maka) hey look at soul with that big happy smile on his face that's a first since he smiled that big ever so Zane you still want to partner up

(Zane) of course you should know better then anyone that we are a team that will crush all the kishin in the world

(maka) yeah your right lets go for number 1 in whatever I we do (high five)

(Zane) yeah (high five)

5 minutes later

(stein) ok since everyone is in teams of 2 get ready we are going out side to have a training session

2 minutes later outside

(stein) this is going to be a fight against meisters and weapons to prove that you are at lest capable of fighting against same weak kishin so for round one it is going to be maka and zane against soul and Kate

(everybody) this going to be fun to watch to scythes going against each other and don't forget the meisters power is the most important thing they need which means who has trained the hardest would win

(death the kid) they thing working hard will always work it, it really comes down knows there partner better and wavelength

(stein) I will let you start right now if you want just the word. yeah I forgot to mention you can kill each other if you want but that's up to you

(Zane)(maka)(soul)(kate) lets go you guy better be ready to die or get injured

(Zane) yo maka catch

(maka) ok lets win but not kill them ok

(Zane) ok I will do what ever orders you want

(kase) soul lets start this thing

(soul) yeah lets win

(Zane) maka I will do my best to help you out

(maka) thanks Zane

(stein) you can begin now

(maka) we ran to each other quite quickly then I saw soul scythe mode appear right in of me but thankfully it just clash with zane in the air but then Kate swung soul in every direction I couldn't even block same of the attacks but then my version start going black then I block out

(Zane) maka wake up. shit she is going to get hit right in the heart I need to do something. save maka! save maka!! save maka!!! I roared

(soul) its that bright dark red glow o no Kate run what ever you do just run or else you won't life

(kate) fu*k i knew this is bad when soul said run i can't do anything to hurt anyone here

(Zane) you shouldn't have tried to hurt maka or this won't have happened scythe and gun mode I ran right for Kate while shooting leaving maka by her self

(kate) what the fuck!!! it can chase me without the meister and it has a gun mode what he can you while he is in scythe mode maybe if I theat him by hurting maka I ran for maka but he predicted that I was going for maka. soul what do we do his going kill us

(soul) we have to wait wake up maka

(kate) ok but that could take forever

(soul) knowing maka she will wake up soon

(maka) I awoke up looking around to see Zane chasing kate and soul, he just kept swing and shooting. Zane come back

(Zane) wait where im i going i thought I was just trying to kill kate for hurting maka I look around to see maka call for me

(soul) see i tolled you maka would wake up so that put a end to that

(kate) damn that was scary i thought i was about to die for a second there

(maka) Zane chill out for awhile or good to sleep why i rest for a while

(Zane) I went back into my human form. ok ~YAWN~ night maka

(maka) ~YAWN~ night zane

(stein) now that was a show to watch and that kid is quite interesting he went straight against those 2 without any hesitation and to believe he is actually a gun and scythe weapon. well I better go checkout those 4

(everybody) what the hell just happened is there a scythe and gun form out there

(girl meisters) I want to be Zane's meister

15 minutes later

Chapitre suivant