
Chapter 031: Trideca-County (1)

Cap. Myera and the Grand Fleet sail once again to the sea with more quantities of products before the other empires are now being succumb by our products and I received an information from Cap. Myera & Certain Someone that Dusk Empire had an experimentation called { BABEL ASCENSION } we still don't know what it is, but for a certain its all about another level of their modification to life how much should we wait to stop these blasphemous acts Duke Sheira Skyetiello said we need more time before they will fall I know the Dusk Empire still a Magical Empire to Easteria so It's hard to easily pull them to the abyss yet there is another way of pulling them down immediately Allegiance of Empires yet we can't it will destroy the plans for Skyetiello Empire foundation and there were be more dangerous empire than Dusk Empire to get hold of their land.

Northeria Empire about them famine was spreading monthly together with the rise of cannibalism of the rulers to to the people why would they go on that process when I was delivering lots of foods yet they chose that path something's wrong where did the foods go according to the reports half of the foods can be spread to the people and to the ruler, so where is the other half go and you can't say the rulers did eat all of those by themselves cause not to be body shamers there are no freaking bellies swelling from them the rulers and the people of Northeria Empire have the same health no skinny & no obese, yet where did the food go? and how did the famine start? For the Akira Empire nothing is different before they're continuing building new fortresses and Jin de Dragons are still scouting their borders but why didn't Emperor Norlher Novakira notice them?

Here I'm wearing another extravagant but elegant dress capable of running if I want to and climbing through high building without destroying any parts of this dress I'm going to inspection or a visit to each Trideca-County they're always been in my side now since I defended the Acun Empire from siege before and been successful to my plans to govern, so its time to visit them to their residences and give some rewards I can bestow to them and my lessons with Archsage Fistes ended earlier than before my works was done before I left and Sir. Mylon took my position for the inspection of houses from the capital to towns to villages now I will start with House of Wearell of Count Wirxy Wearell on the north-east part of Acun Empire near at the sea.

County of Wearell between two rivers reflecting like the blue night sky flowing from villages to towns of Wearell Region bridges designed with lapis lazuli and houses floating to the sea connected one by one pillars where Azureallion standing above a mythical beast of House Wearell a stallion capable to dive and ride at the sea with an Azure color, for the plants and corals residing near, above, below the water with facilities that submerged its other half to the water and you can observe and experience the life under the sea, roads made of sea basalt that even if the sea had endless waves the roads will go up and down with a stable positions.

" Welcome Empress Amaris to the Wearell County, I Count Wirxy Wearell invites you inside of my house." He was wearing a cloak dyed on dark blue with their sigil a Azureallion being ridden by a sun I hold his hand and their massive gates open one by one a manor with total of 7 gates made from cold steel reflecting the moonlight when it rise at night, walls where submerged too on the water and plants floating & hanging everywhere and houses like those on sea myths.

" Thank you for inviting me Inside Count Wirxy

and its my second time coming here since I was still a Crowned Princess, for the view peaceful like the sea and beautiful such as a paradise right at the middle of the ocean." People of Wearell are lovers to all kind of bodies of water their clothes dyed like how they see the sea and buildings built capable for the land and sea and resources cultivated, gathered, and created under & above water.

" Please enjoy your visit here Empress Amaris the people of Wearell are willing to give a massive banquet at the sea for you anytime." Their foods, furnitures, utensils, decorations, and more are both representing Peace & War at the Sea like the Azureallion can be ridden as a partner for adventure and be a comrade for war.

" I'm just here to give Wearell County a reward for the previous achievements the Acun Empire received with the help of all Trideca-County." I summon a chest from One Nova Orb which I make as an inventory for now a chest adorned with blue gemstones and designed with markings of waves & ships I opened the chest and Count Wirxy bowed when he saw the inside of it where silk & cotton covering the interior and a medallion place on the middle.

" Thank you very much Empress Amaris Herean for this Herean-Wearell Medallion don't worry I will use this properly and I will not use it against my people." A medallion where their sigil and my house sigil together they can use it 13 times I created it for them to show to their people the House Herean the Heroes of People are supporting their House.

" I know you would use it properly Count Wirxy and I still have 12 medallions for the others you can use it 13 times, after your consumptions it will disappear the people will see this as an approval from House Herean their Saviors." He closed the chest and order to place it from somewhere safe and only the Count be able to use its authority.

" Please rest here first before going to another County Empress Amaris and I will let the some of my guards to accompany you, until the end of your visits at the Trideca-County." 13 Guards was summoned here holding tridents and shields like shells wearing armor and skins from Sea Magical Beasts together with an Helm cover their entire face.

" I will accept them and send them back after I visit all of the Trideca-County I will take an hour rest here first may I?" He nod his head and called his servants like everyone skin dark like the Count carrying a chairs with a cold exterior from the sea and a pillow like water was inside of it.

After my visit at House Wereall next is House Lyern near at the northern side of Acun Empire with a kilometers away from the sea place on a mountain with enormous forest around, Houses above the trees with bridges shining when the moonlight strikes it and some are Houses below the trees a tunnel connected them to an underground town square and for the House at the middle of the trees where flowers of night place every corner and an Image of Nighaw on one side a mythical beasts of House Lyern a gigantic hawk capable of camouflage when night comes.

" Nice to meet you again Countess Leax Lyern you still beautiful with your pale skin, lips like petals of rose raise from the moon and of course your eyes that can be compare to the Lunareans." A woman wearing a long dress adorned by night leaves and designed with crescent moons with hawks clinging from the edge and House Lyern sigil a Nighaw being ridden by a sun.

" Nice to meet you too Empress Amaris and stop with the flattery my little girl I will fall in love with you and destroy your romance with Emperor Armaros." She came to me trying to give me a hug I escape from being suffocate by those big two objects on her front she giggling before and after the attempt of hugging me.

" I'm sorry but I and Armaros are perfect couple that can never be broken by any seductions, Countess Leax can I enter you house I want to rest together with my guards from Count Wirxy." She was rubbing her hands when see notice the guards People of Wearell are known too for their physique muscular but smooth both Women and Men, I cough pretending a blood come out she was worried and a chuckles from me gives her a relief the gates open and we step on a room being pulled above with a certain object to reach the main house at the top of the mountain.

" Lyren County will always maintain their view beautiful as the night sky when the moon rise after the sun set to the west, please enjoy your rest at my place go take bath from the water cold as the wind of night and eat foods like in your dreams." People of Lyern who always want a comfortable living both morning & evening so their clothes giving them a relaxing feeling to their bodies and to their mind for its design like a beautiful garden or night paradise, together with their houses, decorations, cultures,and buildings connected to the forest and night.

" Then I would enjoy the luxury Countess Leax and I have a gift for you can be seat somewhere only two of us can talk." Her eyes closing and leaving a tiny bit for her sight and biting her lip a expression of something you may know.

" I thought you and Armors are perfect couple now you're asking me with something suspicious, come on let us have an affair now." Both of us laugh so loud and we move to a room covered with curtains dyed on a amethyst color and a twocouches adorned with gemstones, flowers, and more we sat and snacks was been brought to us cups made from fine wood together with drink made from delicious fruits also with snacks healthy like vegetables.

" I have a reward for House Lyern for the aid you offered to me since the beginning until now for the Acun Empire a Herean-Lyern Medallion you can use its authority13 times only." I took a chest adorned with violet gemstones designed with flowers & wings I opened it with an interior of black & violet silk with a pillow like nest where a medallion with Herean-Lyern Sigil together she took it and closed after she examined its inside and ordered her Nighaw she summon right on her side to be guard by it.

" Thank you Empress Amaris and please rest well and let my guards like what the Wearells did the Lyerns will also provide you their service." 13 Lyern Guards holding spears and curved swords to their hands and wearing an armor with cape like leaves put together and a helm like a head of Nighaw covering their upper part of the head.

Next, House Syrea from the northern part of the empire with kilometers away from House Lyern to the west but only a meters away from the shore place on plainlands surrounded with mountains like a meters away too, roads glimmering like gold accompanied with statues from the entrance to each side until you reach villages or towns on Syrea Region a statue of a bear standing with a golden thunderbolt and houses reaching the sky with wide gap at each other banners of House Syrea a mythical beast like a bear capable of climbing to the clouds and summoned lightning bolts by their claws or mouth called Zeur.

" I greet the other Sun of Acun Empire Empress Amaris from House Herean to House Syrea, I and the people of Syrea offer a humble stay here for days to years." A man with his brown skin, black hair & eyes a face with a mighty man wearing a long sleeve, pants, on topaz & citrine color with a leather from a magical beast like a bear on his back and an Axe with Mace on his waist I believe with a meter long and half wide.

" May the Bear live with everyone who was being sheltered by a single sun and fighting with the same moons." Showing my fist-and-palm salute to them he bowed his head together with the same salute I notice their sigil a Zeur with a sun riding its back.

" Make way for Empress Amaris and prepare a short banquet to everyone place all our mighty delicacies, also with our strong liquor and the entertainers of our people of Syrea." People of Syrea loves hunting and they move faster like they're hunting a predator now preparing a banquet on a short of time and Syrea Entertainers wearing leathers from magical beasts men & women dancing with instruments accompanied them along with a Bootle of wine drinking every time a stage of their performance ended.

" I would stay here until the moon rise Count Sheallx Syrea let us enjoy the party together with my reward for you, for helping with together with your fellow Counts & Countess for the Acun Empire a Herean-Syrea Medaillion." A chest adorned with yellow gemstones designed with claws & fangs with an exterior of brown silk and a leather pillow inside where the medallion place he hold it by both of his hands and give it a kiss before showing it to the people of Syrea with a mighty confidence.

" I Count Sheallx Syrea accept the Herean-Syrea Medallion with all of myighty together with my family and people, for the Empress of Acun, Amaris Herean together with the Emperor of Acun, Armaros Novun."

The crowd cheers so loud and a banquet with thousands of people coming until everyone living at the manor celebrate this day together with I the Empress and the Count Sheallx.

After the moon rise Count Sheallx give 13 Syrea Guards to me wearing an armor with a cape of leather and a hood like a head of a beast holding an double-headed Axe and Shields with pointy ends capable of stabbing they're riding Zeurs, the 13 Lyern Guards are flying from the sky riding Nighaws, the 13 Wearell riding Azureallions why did I not notice they're not just guards they're nobles fro a reason they bear a sigil of their house together with a sun to find their difference an Noble Guard have the sigil of the house together with a Sun a Non-Noble Guard have the sigil of the House without the Sun.

House Tarle from the north- west part of Acun Empire near at numerous caves or mines of red gemstones towers with a kilometer height with crystals around of it and red flame from the top of them and wide walls with wide gates that would took minutes to open guarded by pairs of golems inside and outside, Buildings behind the walls are made from dark colors from to roofs to the foundations dark red, dark blue, dark yellow, and more along with statues turning into golems made from dark color crystals holding certain weapons like swords, hammers, and spears.

" I the most beautiful lady of the Tarle Region,

Countess Therye Tarle a divine ruby to the empire offer herself...I mean my house for Empress Amaris to sleep for the night together with the Noble Guards of certain Nobles." A woman a tall height with a light skin and eyes, lips, hairs like rubies symbol of their family they're not blood-related to the Novuns it was their own trait wearing skirt where her legs are exposed but with a top wearing a suit and a jacket all of them are dark colors adorned with red gemstones with markings of fire Tarle sigil a Rubolem ridden by a sun, a mythical beast of House Tarle a golem different from a man made golem with gemstones on their bodies.

" Then I Empress Amaris both Every handsome and Gorgeous to all Easteria accept your offer Countess Therye." I took her hands and kiss them on their palms she was blushing when I did it her people and family laugh at her cause she is known a seductive woman to both men and women of their region.

"Pleasss....please come inside of our hou...House Empress Amaris and everyone prepare the most luxurious things on here right now." She ordered I stopped her people from getting endless extravagant things and pat her back even I can't truly reach all of it and smile at her she was blushing again.

" I just need to have a wonderful night here and a rest for my companions for our tomorrow visits to the other Trideca-County and I have a gift for you Countess Therye." She was fixing her expression or self before bowing her head and her hands welcoming me inside House Tarle we moved until we reach the quarters where my companions would stay and she introduce 13 Tarle Guards to me fully armored with their dark color and crystals place from them holding Hammers and Shields like a head of a golem.

" I offer my own chamber for Empress Amaris Herean to stay for the night and I will stay at the Count Chamber which is empty for the meantime please just call me or the servants for your orders." I called her to come closer and she was blushing every step she took I'm holding my laugh so she will not be shame and does she have a fetish to young boys or girls I'm 13 & 15 now after my birthday at Seraph 01, she was like double my age I believe.

" Please accept this Herean-Tarle Medallion together with its chest that I made by myself adorned with red gemstones and design with figurines and an interior where a pillow on black that I sew by my hands and silk I made by myself too, Can Countess Therye accpet my rewards for you after all you always aided me together with the others." I said and she scream and took the chest with excitement and fire was raising from his body flames like Rubies she bowed her head and left the room using a certain spell she was bragging it to her family and servants.

A day have already ended 4 out of 13 County received their rewards and I need to take a rest first before having a dinner or maybe not I should prepare too for the rumors about I and Countess Therye and Countess Leax too, Acun People loves Romantic Gossips everytime, for the next houses tomorrow 5 out of 13 will received their owned rewards.

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