
Ch2: Their Beginning (2)

After lunch they lined up by the door before heading out, Lydia was so lost in conversation with Lily that she didn't notice she wasn't near Hayden. It wasn't until they were lining up that she realized, looking around she saw that he was talking to another boy making her pout and walk over.

Lily followed her over to them, when Lydia got to Hayden she pouted while looking at him, "Hayden, why weren't you over there with me and Lily?" she asked her hands on her hips while she was glaring at him.

Hayden smiled he thought she was to cute, her glare was nothing scary like his mothers, "Well you were having fun talking to Lily so I went to stand back here with Issac." He said while pointing to Issac who smiled and nodded at her.

She looked Issac over with her small glare before grabbing his hand, "Well we need to stick together so stay close." she then went back to talking to Lily who was giggling on the side.

Issac gave him a look and all he could do was shrug while holding Lydia's hand, he noticed she was possessive, a word his mom called him when she talked about him holding his favorite pillow. He didn't mind though as he followed her and Lily outside with the teachers watching all the students.

When they made it to the playground he tried to pull his hand away since Issac wanted to play power rangers but she was still holding his hand, "Where are you going?"

Hayden sighed while looking at her with a pout, "I want to go play power rangers with Issac!" he whined while shaking their still combined hands.

She looked at him with an intense look before nodding, "Alright but be careful you don't want to get hurt on you first day. I am going to play cooking with Lily." she said letting him go while patting his arm.

Hayden looked at her weirdly before nodding, he then went off to play with Issac who was waiting for him over in the field. The start to their game went with Hayden being the blue ranger while Issac was the red, he automatically became the leader since that is the role the red on played.

All of recess they had a 'hard' battle of fighting a giant alien monster from outer space, since they didn't have any of the other 'rangers' it was a hard fought battle they hardly won. When it was time to go back inside Lydia was already waiting for him at the edge of the playground, she frowned seeing him walk over all sweaty.

"Eww, you need to wipe off that sweat." She didn't say it in a bad way cause he didn't smell but he looked all messy with sweat on his brow.

Hayden didn't say anything but smiled at her before walking with the rest of the classes, Lydia frowned a moment before walking to grab his hand, "I didn't say I still didn't want to hold your hand, only that you needed to wipe your sweat away."

He smiled looking at her before they all went back inside, after going in Mrs. Ryan let each of them use a hand towel to wash their faces before announcing, "Alright guys nap time, your parents already brought in your mats so try and find the one with your stuff on it before sleeping."

All the kids moved to find their mats it wasn't hard for Hayden since he saw his pillow, with a smile he went right over to it and started to get ready to sleep. He didn't see the frown that Lydia was showing, their mats were across the room from each others.

He didn't seem to notice as he pulled back his cover and get on the mat, while lying down he held the corner of the pillow rubbing it softly while trying to sleep. It wasn't long before he was off to sleep, he didn't seem to notice that shortly after he did someone was crawling in next to him.

A pink bunny ear flopped over his face as Lydia moved her mat next to his, their teacher was watching the whole exchange as she slept next to him. She could only shake her head as the two seemed to be inseparable, well Lydia was, Hayden didn't seem to notice it as much.

Two hours later they were woken up again, there was now only an hour before school was out so for the rest of the day was free time. Mrs. Ryan set up different activities for them to do; reading, painting, writing practice, etc. most kids seemed to be slower since they were still waking up.

Before they knew it parents were there to pick them up, some had to still ride the bus but most parents were actually there to pick them up. Hayden saw his mom and quick picked up his backpack running to her, he threw himself into her embrace while hearing her laugh.

"Hey Hayden, how was your first day?! Did you make a lot of friends? Did you miss me? Mom missed you sooo much, it just wasn't the same without you at home with my today." She kissed all over his face while asking and telling him each of these things.

Hayden didn't mind his mom doing this instead he was happy too, it was only his first time away from her since he was born so of course he would miss her. "It was fun. I made three friends today, bur my favorite has to be Lydia," Hayden looked behind them and spotted her while pointing, "That is her we played together all day today."

His mom followed his pointing and nodded, "She is very pretty, what did you two do today?"

"Well we worked in our new work books, we were drawing, then at lunch I met Issac...." Hayden went on to tell her all about today in excitement.

His mom smiled down at him while taking his hand they were getting ready to leave but a voice caught them first, "HAYDEN!!" the sound of someone running over to them made them turn around.

Hayden knew the voice turning around he saw Lydia running to them while holding the hand of who he assumed was her father, "Hey Lydia did you need something?" Hayden asked clueless as she pouted at his words.

His mom tried to hold in her laugh at seeing the look that Lydia was giving him, "Of course you didn't say bye before leaving, and I wanted you to meet my dad before you left."

Hayden nodded while holding out a hand to the man, "Hayden Gallagher nice to meet you Mr. Martin."

Mr. Martin smiled while looking at Hayden, "Nice to meet you too, my daughter refused to go home until I met you. You can call me Gregory if you want no need to call me Mr. Martin."

Hayden nodded while introducing his mom to them, "This is my mom Ashley Gallagher. Well it was nice to meet you Mr. Martin but it is time to go home now, I will see you tomorrow Lydia."

His mom was trying to hold in her laugh at the moment, "Yes it was nice to meet the two of you, and thank you Lydia for becoming friends with my son. We need to get back home now but you will see him tomorrow."

Lydia pouted some, "Can you come over and play with me today?" she asked hopefully looking between her dad, Hayden, and Hayden's mom with big puppy dog eyes.

Ashley was tempted to say yes but they had some family visiting today so they needed to head home, "Sorry sweetheart, how about another day? We have some family visiting today so we have to get home and get the house ready for them."

"Grandpa is coming today?!" Hayden asked with excitement in his voice while looking at his mom, behind him Lydia was pouting more but she understood. She felt the same way when he grandmother came to visit them.

"Alright but can you promise to come and play on the weekend? That way I have some time to plan for us to do something?" Lydia asked hopeful again she knew her parents would agree she just wanted to make sure he would be there.

"That would be fine, by then he would have had a whole week with his grandfather so it is fine." Ashley said while wanting to go an pinch Lydia's cheeks cause she just looked to cute at the moment.

"Yay!!! Alright Hayden you aren't allowed to have any other plans this weekend since your mom has agreed alright?" Lydia put her tiny fist on her hips while glaring at him, Hayden smiled and nodded while hugging her before leaving with his mom.

On the car ride his mom played some of his favorite music while they both sung along, in a car next to them the people inside were looking at them like they were crazy. Who wouldn't though? At the moment they were listening to heavy metal while Hayden was doing all the screaming parts, this was something his mom got him hooked on.

The fact that she found him adorable while he did it also seemed to just add more reason for her to teach him.

When they pulled up to the house Hayden ran straight to his room, he knew his grandpa was coming and that the room had to be spotless. At the moment it was but he still had all his drawing things out from the previous night along with his Ukulele that he was learning to play.

"HAYDEN, WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER?" He could hear his mom yell asking from downstairs.

"Meatloaf!" He said with excitement as he joined her in the kitchen, he really wished she would let him help but she said he couldn't learn until he was ten. At the moment all he could do was watch from the stool that she set up next to where she prepped meals.

"Alright we will have meatloaf but you have to eat ever side that I cook with it, if you stuff yourself on meatloaf again I won't make it anymore." She said with a stern glare, unlike Lydia's he shivered in fright from this one and nodded his head quickly.

Since it was still some time from dinner he followed his mom into her office, she was a writer making fantasy and romance novels. He was the one who drew her book covers, sitting next to her computer was a type writer she used when she was in her special moods.

Next to her desk was his work station which had some unfinished drawings along with some clean pieces of paper, since she was going to work on her book he was going to finish some. Getting into his chair he started working on the cover for her book series that had been really popular at the moment, it was about some kid lost in a different world.

He didn't know the full details because she used big words he couldn't read yet in the book, and since he didn't like being read to then he hasn't heard the full stories. At the moment she was on book five, book four which she put out last year was already a best seller and people were talking to her about TV and Movie deals.

"Hayden? Can you draw a future version of yourself? I am using your image for the character in the book and this next book will finally have him on the cover." His mom asked stopping her typing and looking over to him.

Hayden froze a moment and thought it over, "Well which me do you want? Because who knows how I will turn out in the future so I could be fat or skinny, sooo...."

His mom raised a brow at him, "Do you really think that you father or grandfather would allow that?"

Hayden thought it over and knew she was right. His grandpa was a retired Marines Vet who still took his daily workout routine seriously, while his dad was also an Army Ranger who now worked in a special branch in the FBI.

It was impossible for him to get fat, they encouraged him to draw and do music but they also made sure that he was active and went out to play. Shaking his head he agreed with her and got to work on the cover, he already had the outline he just needed to bring in the bigger picture.

They got lost doing this for two hours until they heard the sound of his father getting home, well more like he came into the room stopping them, "Hey Kid, how was your first day of school?" he asked after giving his mom a kiss.

Hayden went to tell him all about it while his mom saved her worked shutting down her computer, Hayden didn't even stop as his dad picked him up carrying him into the kitchen. "Wow sounds like you had a full day. Well why don't you wash up and help your mother cook, I need to go pick your grandfather up from the airport."

"OH! Can I ride!" He asked in excitement looking hopeful.

"WHAT! You don't want to help your mother with cooking anymore? Now that you have friends at school and your grandfather is coming you don't want to be around me anymore?" His mom looked at him with a hurt expression her eyes were shinning with tears as she pouted at him.

Hayden was hit hard seeing his mom was about to cry, he jumped from his stool and ran over hugging her tightly while talking to his dad, "Go without me dad, mom needs me more and I will just see Grandpa when he gets here."

What he didn't see was his moms face clear up and put on a triumphant expression as she stuck her tongue out at her husband. He could only hold his laugh in while rolling his eyes, he knew that if he called her out on that then he would be in deep trouble with her.

"Alright well I will be back soon then." He said while shaking his head picking up his keys and leaving.

When Hayden let go of his mom she was still pouting but then showed a small smile as she helped him put on his apron, soon they were cooking together peacefully. It would have been a warm scene if it wasn't for them once again listening to heavy metal as they cooked the meat loaf.

Hayden though enjoyed it all but frowned when he saw his mom bringing out the broccoli it wasn't until she told him it would be with melted cheese that he smiled again at her.

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