
Chapter 503

Cain let the fleet go on their way once he was finished with his questions, and they made no attempt to attack the Wave Rider vessels, a fact that wasn't missed by the other Captains in the area.

"Things are getting stranger and stranger, but if they really do blame the Gnomes for killing off their leaders, it does at least make a little sense. I've also noticed that the leaders don't tell their underlings anything but what they need to do next, so it might also explain why we haven't been able to find anything out from the attackers. They didn't know anything for us to learn from them, other than their orders." One of the other Captains suggested when Cain returned and transformed back into his Wave Rider form, nearly dropping Cyrene on the ground before she could tighten her grip.

"So all we can do is wait for a big boss to answer?" Nila asked, not looking forward to a long period of nothing to do. 

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