
Ch.52 New teacher.

It has been a few days since we came back home. We spent a week in Paris. After the meeting with the Delacour, Paris had left a foul taste in my mouth, but I still stayed because of others. But after a week it was hard for me to stay there.

After the Delacour meeting, things remained somewhat similar with Coco and Daph as before, but things became a little intense with Alyssa. Whenever it was her time to sleepover, we wouldn't really sleep that much. Today was the first day back home, and I had a lesson with Adorabella.

Right now I was at the Greengrass manor, in the Adorabella's study. I was learning Occlumency under her and since she is the one who taught Daph. I was sitting on the sofa and she had some books on the table and she was explaining to me the concept of Occlumency.

She asked, "So what is Occlumency?"

I looked at her and said, "It is an obscure branch of magic, it helps its users to protect its mind against legilimency."

She looked at me with a plain expression and asked, "And how is it achieved?"

I said, "Essentially, by suppressing your emotions and thoughts deep within your mind and essentially putting up a veil around it to confuse the legilimens."

She said, "You are correct, but how do we form this said veil?"

I didn't have an answer, and I shrugged my shoulders and she stood up and said, "By using legilimency…" I was panicking a little now. I thought that was only for the movies and such, I thought I wouldn't have to endure that. She clearly stated, "Do not fret. I won't see any memories past this week. I promise." That calmed me a little. She said, "Now to make the said veil, I would first need to enter your mind."

She then came and sat next to me and she looked me in the eye and calmly said, "Ease your mind, let go of everything and just focus on my eyes." I nodded, and I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes were the same emerald green as Daph.

As I was looking into her eyes, I felt someone's presence in my mind. I felt cold piercing eyes in my mind. She asked, "Can you feel my presence?"

I nodded, and she said, "Good." She then pulled back and that icy gaze, that piercing feeling, faded away. She then said, "I announced the presence you felt. A skilled legilimens can silently enter your mind and you won't even know that they are there or they can induce pain if they don't care about discretion."

She took a pause and then said, "To defend against it, you would need to make a veil around your mind with your magic. The more proficient you are in controlling your magic, the better you will be, but it also depends upon your mental state. You must always be in control of yourself."

I nodded, and she said, "Now, I will enter your mind again. And you will concentrate on that part of the brain and try to make a veil, starting from that point and envelop your mind completely."

I nodded, and she again entered my mind and I felt that cold piercing gaze in my mind and I tried to make a veil around it. I imagined a thin veil covering my mind as I formed it in my mind. The eyes weren't piercing me anymore, but I could still feel them. She looked a little impressed, and she stopped and said, "Good, you were successful in creating a veil. Now I will try to read your memories. You will need to push me back and try to hold the veil intact. You get it?"

I nodded and sighed and said, "Yeah, I guess." She nodded, and she entered my mind and I could feel her eyes, and the eyes looked at me and I tried to keep the veil together, but the eyes widened and the gaze that they threw at me blew holes in the thin veil.

She saw the memories of the few days, but I started a jargon in my mind about werewolves and she stopped looking. She looked at me and squinted and I said, "So, how much did you see?"

She looked at me and said, "Enough." I looked down, and she said, "You could have done better you know." I looked at her and she nodded and hummed.

We trained for a few more eyes and she tore the veil every time, but each time was a little more difficult than before. She looked at me and said, "I guess it's enough for the day." She got up, and I sighed. During these times I could save myself by repeating the jargon, in all honesty I wouldn't have survived if she didn't stop from the kindness of her heart.

She said, "You can practice with Daph from now on when I am not free."

I nodded and then she smiled and said, "Now come, you must be hungry."

I nodded and said, "Starving." I went to have tea with her in the garden.


I was sitting in the garden and we were sipping tea and she had asked me about the deal with the Delacour and I had told her what had happened and she was a little sceptical that Florian had spilled anything; I was a little sceptical of it as well.

She looked at me and asked, "What if it was someone from the wolf's side?"

I nodded and said, "It is possible the wolves know about the marriage. Although it is not possible that they willingly spilled this information, I think it must have been a slipup."

She nodded and said, "That can be a possibility, but what about the radio technology and other things?"

I sighed and said, "Well, I think he deduced I am the common link between the two. I mean, why would a man like Florian let her daughter marry someone like me who has such a low reputation and why didn't he break it when he found I was getting engaged to Alyssa… but it is still a theory."

She chuckled and sipped tea and said, "That theory may have some merit to it." I looked at her and chuckled and she asked me, "What do you plan to do with him?"

I sighed and said, "It is simple. He wanted to do business with me. I will do it. I will make everything he wants and on the surface he will still be in control of everything, but slowly, when everyone depends on technology, I will exploit them. I will either A. Take away his power and put on a puppet in his place. Or B. Make him my puppet, whichever works."

She looked at me and said, "It will be hard and a gruelling task. You think you will do it?"

I shrugged and said, "I am not alone… I have friends to help me."

She chuckled and said, "Well, good luck. You will need it."


I was in the bathroom taking a shower after the mentally exhausting day. I heard footsteps outside the room and I heard, "You in the bathroom?" It was Alyssa.

I said, "Yeah." I turned off the shower and dried myself with a towel and I asked, "What is it?"

She sighed and said, "It's about the deal with the French."

I exhaled and stepped out of the bathroom and I asked, "What is it?"

She gave me a letter, and I took it and read it. She asked, "How was the Occlumency lesson?"

I hummed and said, "Yeah, it was good." He wants to make a deal on the name of Delacour, not the French Ministry of Magic. I sighed, and she looked at me and said, "It's a little annoying, I know, but still… we can work with it."

I sighed and said, "Well, yeah, but it kinda limits my options on what I can do to him."

She got up and walked to me and said, "If he is bothering you too much, we can silence him."

I chuckled and cupped her chin and said, "If I wanted to kill him. I could have done so… I want to take everything he has, everything he takes pride in, but now since he wants the deal to be in his name. The plans need to be changed a bit. I will get what I want."

I looked at her and I asked, "Will you help me?"

She softly said, "I will." She then tiptoed and kissed me. I picked her up, and she squealed and I put her on the bed and we started to make out.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I need to talk about two things.

1. I don't really have a plan on what to do with Delacour, so I am making it up as I go. So it can take some time to flesh it out a little. If you have any suggestions on what to do, let me know.

2. When mc says he could save himself by repeating that jargon, he was not; he was spared by Adorebella.

And yeah, that's it. If you liked the chapter, please leave some comments and throw some stones if you have them, but don't throw them at cotton. 🐍

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