
A boat trip in Hawaii

Milena got out of the truck and started walking towards the counter of the small store next to the beach.

In order not to attract attention, she put on a blonde wig and green pupil glasses.

When she entered the store, she could see a man in his mid-35s with red hair and gray eyes.

"Welcome to my store miss, can you tell me that I can help you?"

Milena smiled and pointed to a dive team. "I am on vacation and I wish I could see the beautiful beaches that Hawaii has to offer, not to mention that I want to learn to dive.

In my childhood, there was a beautiful river where I lived. Sometimes I had the opportunity to enter it and I always wondered what was at the bottom.

That's why I came to this place recommended by a friend. "

The man smirked. "Your friend definitely has good taste, but since you want to learn to dive, I will gladly teach you.

My name is Jaimes. If you like you can wait on the sofa while I prepare all the things to start your journey at sea. "

Milena sat on the sofa and when she closed her eyes, she could feel the presence of several corpses and a woman with a child eating human flesh.

'Those bastards have a disgusting taste for human meat. What the hell would they be thinking to believe that human meat tastes so delicious.

If what that werewolf said in the factory is true, it is simply something mental that does not affect his behavior at all. It may just be the pleasure of eating meat.

But I suppose it is my duty to finish off this garbage that only kills for pleasure. '

At that moment Milena heard something, so she opened her eyes and she realized that Jaimes had already prepared everything.

"At this time, we will be able to see the beautiful reefs in the sea. Come with me. I will show you where my boat is."

Jaimes left the premises, and they walked to a small port on the beach, where a medium-sized boat was parked.

When Milena got on the boat, she could see through a glass on the floor the seabed. Jaimes realized her happiness and just smiled.

"It is strange that a girl like you could not see the sea. If it is not inconvenient, I would like to know what you do."

Milena who was looking at the sea through that glass answered casually, "I am dedicated to the removal of dogs. I work in a government kennel.

Every day I look for stray dogs that can represent a danger to society, sometimes my job is very simple.

Others are too complicated because the dog has rabies and it is impossible to do something against him, so I have permission to kill them on the spot. "

Milena raised her head and stared at Jaimes while she smiled at him. "But I enjoy my work at all times, because when I was a child I suffered a lot from dogs.

Especially those savages without leashes.

Fortunately, now I am in charge of the kennel where I am the one who controls the population of those animals. "

Jaimes just laughed "What an interesting job you have, but since you answered the question, I would also like to know why you never knew the sea."

Milena raised her head from her and looked at the blue sky. "Because I never had time for myself, I could only enjoy a short lot of joy in my life with my husband.

Unfortunately, a wild dog did something terrible to me and my husband, which makes me angry, but since I answered your question I would like you to answer me a question.

Why do dogs like human meat so much? "

Jaimes felt a chill run down his spine and at that moment when he turned around a machete completely pierced his heart.

At that moment Milena smiled and took off her wig. "Each one of you damn werewolves, you have dedicated yourself to being my life miserable, but I will take care of making your life miserable.

Some time ago, I eliminated the clan of the forest, children and adults included. Now I will kill your family for eating human flesh.

Damn heartless beasts, you kill innocents just to achieve one goal. "

Jaimes smiled and opened his mouth "You are just like us, a heartless beast."

Milena laughed and turned the knife to end the life of Jaimes. "I do not deny it. I am a monster. The difference is that I am one who kills monsters.

Don't worry, I'll kill your family quickly. I don't enjoy killing children or women. "

Milena disappeared her machete and started her way back to shore. While she was driving the boat, she took off her green pupils and smiled happily as she enjoyed the sea breeze.

When she reached the small dock under the boat and she started walking towards the store, where she once entered, she closed her eyes.

The two officers in the van were shocked when Milena covered in blood climbed into the driver's seat.

"You can report that the targets are eliminated. It is necessary for them to come for their bodies otherwise they could cause a misunderstanding and I think it is not fair that those bastards have the right to be considered victims when they were murderers.

Now we are going for the following objectives that I want to enjoy the next three days of vacation. "

The agents looked at each other and nodded. For the next few hours, Milena was touring different parts of Hawaii, killing and murdering all the werewolves without a clan that were on the island.

It was not until 2 in the morning when the massacre ended that Milena stretched out her arms and looked at the agents with joy.

"We have finally just killed the last of those rats. With this, I believe that they will not be able to carry out any terrorist attack or action against the civilian population.

There are more targets in this state. I don't want you to look me in the eye tomorrow to tell me that we have to go to another island, because I would get angry.

I hope you can understand that. "

The female agent shook her head. "There are no more werewolves. In this state, there were never a lot of werewolves, so we can end the mission."

Milena spread her hands with joy. "Tomorrow I will enjoy my vacation."

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