
The last confrontations of the forest

Milena who was sitting on a stone watched as a group of helicopters arrived which had metal containers with them.

Once the helicopters came down, they did so, accompanied by some soldiers who began to collect the bodies.

One of those soldiers who had his face covered by a gas mask made a military salute to Milena and handed her a tablet with a detailed map.

When Milena took the tablet, it turned into a ring tattoo on her finger, so she just smiled. "If it weren't that, Ethan is the most anti-marriage person I know, and that Liam is still alive.

I might think that he is proposing to me. "

The soldier simply trembled, as Milena was the only one who could say something like that casually.

"You can retire now, soldier. I'll be in touch by satellite phone if I need anything."

The soldier nodded and Milena appeared her tablet to see the location where it was.

The first thing I notice is that I was in the southern forests so I had to move north to get out.

Along the way there were three registered villages, so Milena reviewed the satellite images and calculated how long it would take her to completely destroy those villages.

'If he used explosives it will take time, but I think that can be solved.'

Milena approached one of the helicopters, and with her hands tore off the minigun which she held carefully. "Inform HQ that I will need a backpack charger system with silver bullets for this beauty."

The soldier felt some fear but gave a military salute to inform the headquarters of Milena's request.

At night, while Milena was sleeping a little, she could hear the noise of a plane, so she opened her eyes and stretched her hands to see how a rather large wooden box fell from the sky.

When she approached it, she used her hands to take the wooden box as if it were paper. When she opened it, she realized that it was her backpack with ammunition for the minigun.

Placing her backpack of things in front of her body, she put on the heavy backpack that weighed at least 200 kg.

After taking the minigun, he attached the ammunition and began to walk towards the nearest town that was about 10 kilometers away.

When she got to the village, she raised the minigun and with a cigarette in her mouth he smiled before pulling the trigger as she walked through that place.

The silver bullets began to shoot out with astonishing speed as they shot through walls and cars like they were paper.

In order to see where the werewolves were, Milena had huge thermal vision goggles on her eyes, with which she knew where she could shoot.

In just a few minutes, she managed to kill hundreds of people belonging to a clan of werewolves, unlike the first massacre he committed.

This time, the minigun proved its power by completely eliminating enemies regardless of age or gender.

The bullets went through everything they crossed, unlike the first time the werewolves who were in that place did fight or tried.

But Milena, with her minigun proved to be truly dangerous because she did not even give them a chance to defend themselves before they were split in half or simply dropped dead by the thousands of bullets that will be fired every second by that weapon.

In just a few minutes, she completely wiped out the entire population of that place, so she decided to check some houses to see if it was worth staying and going to the next place.

When she entered the houses, she could see remains of people all over the place. The carnage she had committed was enough for her to see that there were no survivors.

With a smile on her face, Milena checked the bullet counter and realized that she had barely used 75% of the ammunition in the box.

So she went to the other two places to be able to completely end that plague before beginning her work outside the forest.

That same night, a few kilometers later, she started a real carnage in the next town. Perhaps the only difference was that one of the werewolves managed to attack her with some firearms.

Although they only created some wounds on his neck and hand, which were not fatal and even if they had been, they did not affect Milena at all.

Well, she easily managed to completely eliminate the enemies, leaving only their corpses behind.

Upon reaching the last town, he realized that it was much bigger, but without fear of failing; she began her massacre from the main avenue to the center of the town.

On the way, she had to face some werewolves who managed to run towards her however with the minigun in one hand and her assault rifle in the other.

She managed to completely assassinate her attackers without giving them the opportunity and attack her from short distances.

But when the center of the town approached, things began to get complicated because in that place the werewolves barricaded themselves and occupying a RGP.

They managed to destroy the weapons and Milena, for a moment they thought they had won, but Milena's remains began to slowly recover.

When she was recovered enough, Milena got up and turned parts of her body into werewolf parts.

Because of the curse she had she could not completely turn into a werewolf, but she can turn at least her two hands and her legs.

So in that way she began to run towards the town hall where the werewolves were sheltering, who used their weapons in a desperate attempt to kill her.

But it was completely useless. That is why they fought with all their might against Milena.

Confrontation at the beginning was complicated, since they had the numerical advantage. Milena behaved like a wild but intelligent beast because she knew how to move correctly.

With some movements, she managed to slowly but continuously kill all the werewolves that pounced on her. Despite this, the werewolves did not stop.

Because what they were actually protecting was their families, mainly children and weak women who couldn't fight.

But for Milena they were simply enemies that deserved to be completely destroyed no matter what.

She simply wanted to unleash his vengeance against those he hated the most and ended up being completely devoured by the hate she had.

If she wasn't going to be happy, no one would be.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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