
Sworn His Loyalty

As if Alvin was heading the meeting, everyone focused on Alvin and waited for him to speak.

Liam looked at Linus Collins. He easily guessed Alvin's intention at first sight but he was reluctant to come to any conclusion because Linus was new to the business field. 

Why would Alvin bring Linus there?

Will the shareholders approve Linus in the absence of the Chairman?

Was it some kind of revenge on Casper?

Casper had seen the Collins like dirt under his feet and threatened Elder Collins to stop Alvin. Now, Alvin was trying to hurt Casper's ego and hand over Casper's pride to the same Collins family.

Liam wanted to laugh at Casper's fate. Elder Collins had requested numerous times and begged Casper to send baby Alvin with them. But Casper didn't let Alvin live with the Collins family and treated Elder Collins like a beggar without allowing him to enter the mansion even to take a look at baby Alvin. 

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