
Nothing is Fair

Friday, at six in the morning,

Anya hummed in satisfaction after a good night's sleep. Without opening her groggy eyes, she recounted her plan for the day. 

'Jog by the beach, workout, breakfast, leave the beach mansion with baby, submit the files, back to the…'

Her thoughts paused when she sensed the pillow was harder than usual. Snuggling her head, she moved her hand and froze.

Her arm which had to snuggle her little cuddle bug was on something hard that faintly rose and dropped. She could feel the distinct and regular rhythm of the heartbeats and calm breathing.

The woody cologne was soothing and the warmth was too relaxing and addictive to withdraw.

Anya: 😳

Cheeks flushed in embarrassment, Anya flung her eyelids open. There was no hint of grogginess left in those steely gray eyes. 

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