
Azraq's ruthlessness - alliance assemble

"You are deciding by a DICE?!" Nazo and Bruno exclaimed in a annoyance.

"I don't brag about YOUR deciding methods too, so~" Azraq said.

"SHUT IT!" He added.

Rosa was on her way back to them.

"With the letter delivered we can escape in time." She thought to herself.

However, when Rosa got back she saw Nazo and Bruno lying on the ground and a sheriff standing before them.

"Nazo! Bruno!" Rosa shouted.

"Oh, shut---" Azraq looked at Rosa and immediately approached her.

"Hello beautiful lady... Is there anything I can help you with? Have you been bothered by those idiots?" He added energetically.

"No..." Rosa slowly pushed him away.

"But you could do something for me." She added.

"Anything, honey~." Azraq said wistfully.

"Could you let them go?" Rosa said with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course--- No... I can't." Azraq said.

"Right now, I'm here on my own time. Basically I'm not interested in bounties or anything else. I was hired by a friend of mine..." He added.

"Aren't sheriffs supposed to be unhireable?" Bruno asked.

Azraq stood still for a moment.

"I probably shouldn't have said that..." Azraq scratched his head and chuckled nervously.

"Forget about it." He added.

"HUH~?" The rest of them sounded.

"And you, madam..." Azraq looked at Rosa.

He pointed a finger behind her and made an icy slide on the ground.

"Stand back..." He pushed Rosa onto the slide.

"Woah~!" Rosa sounded as she rode down the slide.

Eventually Rosa hit her head and fell unconscious.

"Hey! Look what you did!" Bruno shouted.

"Do you doubt my decision? Nothing will happen to her in that place." Azraq said.

Azraq slowly approached Nazo and Bruno.

"It would be bad, if word got out that a sheriff killed someone in his spare time." Azraq moved closer.

"So I'm just going to beat the shit out of you. And let the others capture you." He added.

As he was getting closer Nazo and Bruno already got up. Nazo was prepared to fight, but Bruno, as usual, was not.

"Prepare yourself." Nazo said and took a fighting stance.

"You don't think we have anything on him..." Bruno said nervously.

"He's obviously on another level." He added.

"Well, what can we do..." Nazo said.

When Nazo was about to rush towards him, he noticed that he couldn't move. But neither could Bruno.

"What the?" Nazo wondered and swiftly looked down.

Azraq had froze their legs to the ground. When Nazo tilted his head back up, Azraq was already there to deliver a blow to his face. He didn't hesitate and landed many punches on Nazo.

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" Bruno was about to hit him with the frying pan.

Azraq immediately landed several punches with his fists and sent Bruno to the ground, breaking the ice around his feet. Bruno fell unconscious.

"Looks like it's just you and me now..." Azraq said in a serious tone while holding Nazo by the hair.

Nazo was bleeding all over his face and barely holding on to consciousness.

"I guess, I'm not getting any---" Azraq got interrupted by Nazo.

"Go---" Nazo spat out blood.

"What?" Azraq pulled Nazo closer so he could hear him better.

"Go to hell..." Nazo gathered all his energy and punched Azraq right in the face.

Azraq was pushed away, but Nazo fell to his knees.

"You little..." Azraq said through his teeth.

"This is an easy way, huh?" Nazo said wearily.

"Indeed is..." A smile appeared on Azraq's face.

"I'm itching to see the hard way..." Nazo devilishly smiled.

"Don't kid yourself. You can't even stand and want me to go on you seriously?" Azraq said in all seriousness.

Nazo stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"What kind of challenge would it be otherwise?" Nazo said.

In an instant Azraq vanished and reappeared behind Nazo.

"This is no challenge... Your life is on the line." Azraq said menacingly.

"And still you can't beat me, even if you pray to the gods." He added.

"Then finish me off with everything you've got." Nazo bowed his head and accepted defeat.

As Azraq was about to deliver the last and final blow to Nazo, a strong current of wind rose towards the temple.

"Here we go..." Nazo muttered.

"Huh?" Azraq raised an eyebrow and turned his head in the direction the wind was blowing from.

"Whatever..." He added as he tried to look Nazo in the face again, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Where are you?!" Azraq looked around and saw someone leaning Nazo against the wall.

"Who are---" Azraq interrupted Roza.

"How about you pick a fight with someone of equal power?" Roza nudged Azraq.

"Don't you think you're a bit harsh, lady?" Azraq said.

"Come fight me, captain piss pants." Roza smirked.

"Should I fight such a beautiful being or should I not?" Azraq said before flipping a coin.

"Eight... Alright, brace yourself." He added.

"That goes for you too." Roza appeared next to Azraq, delivered the first blow to his side and then immediately jumped away.

"For a woman, you can throw a punch, I must admit..." Azraq rubbed his side.

"I was told that there are only three men here, so I guess I can violate my little rule..." He added as he approached Rosa.

As he finished speaking, his right hand formed an ice sword. Azraq lunged at Rosa in a flash, but she dodged.

"You're not the only one who's done some training..." Roza said after she dodged his attack and gave a counterattack.

"You know... I don't use guns, but I'll make an exception for you." She smiled and loaded her guns.

Roza fired at Azraq, who just standing there, slicing bullets with his sword-like hand.

"Are you done?" Azraq said when Roza stopped firing.

"Crap, I don't have any more bullets..." Roza mentally checked her pockets.

"Don't take your eyes off me." Azraq told her, before he flashed through her.

When he appeared behind her, Azraq was walking slowly away from her.

"Wha---" Roza said and immediately shrieked in pain.

Azraq turned to her. Roza's arm fell off, leaving only frostbite. She fell to her knees and then to the ground.

"I'm not going to say I enjoyed our duel, but I'm a bit satisfied." Azraq approached her again.

"Tell the others I say greetings." He added as he extended his sword-like hand into the air.

Azraq was about to pierce Roza with his sword, but something stopped him.

"Hey! Asshole!" The voice was coming from the direction Perros had gone.

"Now what?!" Azraq shouted in annoyance.

Focusing his eyes further towards the forest, he saw Esco.

"Racoon?" Azraq said in surprise.

"YES! Racoon and his damn alliance." Esco shouted and the members of the Twins gang appeared beside him.

"Huh?" Azraq stood up and turned to them.

"What the?" Azraq stood up and turned to them.

"That's the sheriff, he's on our side!" Different voice came from the direction to the temple, the mercenaries.

"Who are those guys?" Raven asked.

"Didn't you hear 'em, they're on that guy's side." Esco explained to him.

"At last, more people to beat up." Fauna said triumphally.

"ADVANCE!" Flora shouted.

Members of Twins gang charged forward, with Esco, Fauna and Raven leading them.

"Watch out guys, they use guns!" Marco said with concern.

"Oh don't worry..." Flora said.

Marco exhaled a sigh of relief.

"You'll have to watch over yourself too." She added and pulled Marco with her.

"NO!" Marco helplessly shouted.

Azraq turned to the mercenaries.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" Azraq shouted at them uncomprehendingly.

"Fight, like your life depends on it... because it does..." He added and charged towards Esco and the others.

Meanwhile Perros was still on his journey through the mist.

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