
Arrival (1)

"We're finally getting there," Scarlett said enthusiastically, as the swift gust of wind blew her crimson hair. She was near the barricade of the boat, and most of the others were with her too, excluding Leroy, who was leaning against the cabin, white most drifting out of his mouth, as he gazed at the Island.

"Wouldn't it be better to get there after overcoming your nightmare?" her teacher said, grinning.

It has been three weeks and two days since they were in the boat, repeatedly tormented in nightmares every second, and now finally getting out of here. Well, that doesn't mean they succeeded, in overcoming their nightmares. Actually, most of them didn't, only Shin who joined later with Leroy had a better record in the nightmare, while Ileana eventually succeed after getting tormented a dozen times. 

"Usually, I would've like to spend more time on this sea," Mopher added, "but far more serious business awaits us on the island."

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