
Quidditch Fiasco (II)

I head down the stairs into the rafters making sure no one is around. Once I confirm that the coast is clear I jump down catching myself with my cloak. I quickly run over to the Slytherin stands and as soon as I'm hidden by the tarp that covers the stands I make sure no one is around once again.

Confirming that no souls are in my line of sight I cover myself in my shroud it softly coats me like a fine mist of black fog. I lower myself then leap off the ground flying straight into the stand rafters. As I am about to hit the bottom of the stands I stop and float beneath the people. The fog around me shifts converging into my body as I morph into my true form, the world around me begins to change.

I see the souls of all the people around me through the walls as well as their vague images. In my dementor form, my sight instantly sees everything around me to a lesser extent, although it is much better than when in human form. Everything around me seems normal but something shocks me. The souls of Quirrell is different than the last time I saw it, it is no longer all throughout grey.

His soul now has a dark black section, as if a serious trauma has happened to him recently… did the vampires really hurt him that bad? But even more shocking it also has a dark blob attached to it just like Harry's does. The difference is this one is a bit bigger, it is almost half the size of Quirrell's own soul.

'I don't have time to dwell on it' I fly directly under where Snape and Quirrell were standing and slowly put my hand through the floor of the stands. I slowly grip a leg of each Quirrell and Snape before squeezing as hard as I can. Almost instantly I feel a snap come from their legs and I quickly let go.

I hear Snape yell and Quirrell squeals like a pig so I retract my hands and nod at my job well done. I slowly lower myself as I shift back to human form using my cloak of shadows to carry myself. If I were to get caught It will be easier to explain I can fly than to say 'I am an anti-animagus whose real form is a dementor'.

Not THAT would be bad.

As I get down to the bottom of the stands I calmly walk back to the Gryffindor area. When I arrive back at the top I head back to Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid.

"So how is Harry doing?" I ask Hermione and Ron who both look surprised I'm back so fast.

"He is better now, he's gettin' control again," Hagrid replies.

Hermione quickly stands up grabbing my arm pulling me off the stairs. I give her an odd look as I let her pull me to the stairway.

"Bold. I knew you liked me." I say giving her a cheeky grin.

"What did you do to Snape?" She presses me as she appears unamused and a little upset.

"Nothing... just made sure he would remember that he shouldn't be jinxing children," I give an innocent face as I look away not meeting her eyes.

"Then what about Quirrell?" she looks a bit angry this time.

"He was acting suspiciously too so I had to make sure…" I check her face for a second but she looks even angrier at my response. I quickly look away again and try to change the subject.

"So Harry is doing pretty well huh?" I say with an awkward smile.

She sighs with an exhausted look "Yeah, let's go watch I guess."

I let out a sigh of relief but as I do I hear her speak up "Still mad at you though." she doesn't even look back when she speaks.

I shrug "Can't please everybody."

As we stepped out to see the field again, Harry is nearly a hundred feet in the air racing straight at the ground chasing the snitch. Slytherin's Seeker is right on Harry's heels trying to bump him off his broom as they quickly approached the ground.

Hermione, Ron, and I run to the front of the stands to look down at the ground to see better. Slytherin's seeker pulls up when he is merely 3 meters off the ground while Harry is still going down.

When is only a mere a meter off the ground Harry pulls up nearly crashing his broom into the ground. Harry jumps on the back end while yanking on the front to balance himself as he slowly stands. He is standing on the broom like a surfer while reaching for the snitch.

He struggles while balancing on the thin piece of wood no wider than a few centimeters. Seeing the wall approaching and that he doesn't have long he jumps forward off of his broom. He rolls on the ground like a rag-doll and it looks like has landed on top of the snitch.

Harry slowly gets up but doesn't seem like he is carrying the snitch. He wobbles a bit before retching like he is about to vomit. But instead of vomiting, he coughs up the snitch staring at the ball in his hands with disbelief. Like a champion who just won a medal, he faces the crowd and holds it high.

"I'VE GOT THE SNITCH" he yells he is a bit far away though so I don't think anyone else can hear him.

The crowd bursts into cheers, even I cheered being influenced by the large crowd surrounding me.

After the game, we all head to Hagrid hut for tea.

"It was Snape! Hermione and I saw him cursing your broomstick. He was muttering a jinx without breaking eye contact." Ron says nearly yelling.

Hagrid looks uncomfortable about the accusation "An why in the blazes would he do somethin' like that?"

Harry speaks up finally "He tried to get past that three-headed dog during Hallowe'en. It bit him. I think he was trying to steal something."

Hagrid drops his tea in shock "How did you know about fluffy."

"Fluffy? Damn thing nearly bit my head off." I speak up a bit offended by the plushy name.

"Well, he is mine, bought him from a Greek gentleman I met in the pub las' year. I let Dumbledore use him to defend the s-"

"Yes?" Harry insistently pushed for Hagrid's words.

Hagrid shakes his head as he cleans up tea "Don't ask anymore, and stay away from that room, it is top secret."

"But Snape is trying to steal it." Ron insists

"Or Quirrell," I say causing Hermione to roll her eyes and everyone to look at me funny. 'Fuck em, I'm not wrong.' I justify to myself as I raise my nose to them.

"Rubbish, they are both Hogwarts teachers and would never do nuttin' of the sort."

"So why did he try and kill Harry then? I know what a jinx is when I see one Hagrid. His eyes never left Harry and he was chanting the entire time. I've read about them in the library to prepare for Defense Against The Dark Arts." Hermione speaks up with vindication in her voice.

"An' I'm tellin' you yer wrong. I don't know why Harry's broom was acting up but Snape wouldn't try to kill a student like that. Now listen to me, all of yeh, yer meddlin' in things that don't concern yeh. Forget about that dog, and' forget what it's Guarden. That is between Professor Dumbledore an Nicolas Flamel….dammit" Hagrid rants at us.

"The Nicolas Flamel?!" It's my turn to be shocked.

"Oh no, I shouldn'ta told you that, I really shouldn'ta told yeh that." Hagrid looks mad at himself as he paces away from us.

"Who is Nicolas Flamel?" Ron and Harry look confused... So does Hermione?

"Hermione we read about him last week, how did you forget?" She looks embarrassed as I mention it.

"So who is he?" Harry asks

"He is the first man to ever obtain true immortality. But at a nasty cost, he is basically no different from a walking corpse. He created the Philosophers stone which can do many things but the most impressive is creating an immortality potion." Hermione answers having remembered the text.

Hagrid looks pale, "You guys shouldn't know about that…"

"So that's what the dog is guarding?" Ron spoke up this time.

"I did it again.," Hagrid says while hitting his head with his palms, now even angrier at himself.

"Even if one wanted to steal it they couldn't not with Dumbledore here, he is the strongest wizard in the world. Even stronger than You-Know-Who." Hagrid adds

At this, we all nod. With Dumbledore here, there is no way someone could take the stone.

"I can tell Dumbledore," I tell them all.

They nod, they know I've spoken to him before and he seems to favor me. So I'm at the very least sure he will listen to my thoughts on the situation.

"Let's head back we don't wanna be in past curfew," I say

Hermione looks at the clock and see's there are only 5 minutes till curfew. She pushes us out of the hut and we start running. As we are leaving I can hear a sigh of relief come out of Hagrid.

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