
Classes Day 1 (II)

After Transfiguration is the class I am most looking forward to, I can tell most of the other students are excited as well. It is time for Defense Against The Dark Arts. Although my knowledge of the dark arts was… extensive, I had never actually been taught anything. I only learned the things I could myself since I didn't wanna try anything too powerful and hurt myself or someone else.

As we enter the room a strong stench of garlic permeated the entire area. I hear the other kids whispering roomers about how he had been scared by vampires in Romania. I honestly feel insulted, the man who brought me down was scared off by some pitiful bloodsuckers.

The same ones who have been forced into hiding for centuries? What happened to the confident man who was going on his trip around the world?

He says he got his turban from an African prince on his travels for taking care of zombies and that's why he wears it all the time. When the annoying runt Seamus asked how he took care of the zombies he started to blush and changed the subject to the weather.

When he walks by you could get a whiff of a nasty smell from his turban, it's like he has never taken off to wash it since he got it. The lesson itself was also a joke, getting past his stuttering was a job in itself and he barely even covered anything.


The days went by pretty fast, and I started waking up Ron and Harry early so we could eat breakfast together. I split my time between Ron/Harry and Hermione/Neville seldom hanging out with all of them at once since it seemed Ron and Harry thought Hermoine was stuck up. Not trying to be rude but she is indeed a bit stuck up, but she is a nice person under that rude exterior.

On Friday was our first day of potions and for the third time, I warned Harry not to give Snape a reason to go after him. I hope he listens to me since from Sirius's memories I know James was particularly ruthless to Snape.

During that breakfast was the first time we got our mail delivered hundreds of owls flew into the great hall and I spotted Aunties Owl Mura. I got a letter asking how my first week went, It made me happy to know I was being thought of, I wrote back a shortlist of events of everything that's occurred and the people I've met.

Harry got an invitation from Hagrid to meet him after classes for tea, he responded with a yes and he also invited Ron and me to come with him. Of course, we weren't going to decline.


When we get to potions class Snape started off by taking roll call and I was pained to see we had the Slytherin in our class with us. I don't hate them in particular, but my cousin is an annoying rat.

When he calls Harry's name he looks up from his scroll "Ah, Yes… Harry. Potter." he enunciated his words hard. "I forgot we have a celebrity this year," he speaks unnaturally slowly, it's kind of creepy. Harry looks uncomfortable.

When Snape speaks he gets chuckles from the ass-kissing Slytherin side, mainly from the blondie and his lackey's. Once Snape finishes roll call he becomes just like McGonagall and gives us a long speech.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he begins, looking between students, all of them are dodging his gaze save for Harry and me.

"As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron, with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...

I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death... if you aren't a bunch of uneducated children as I usually have to teach." as he ended his speech he was staring at me but unlike every other teacher so far it wasn't a scowl just his usual bored look.

After a moment of silence and some awkward eye contact his eyes quickly moved to Harry who is two seats away from me. His eyes flick to me and he gets a small grin before he looks back at Harry.

"Potter!" Harry jumps "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry glances at Hermoine and me, she has her hand up and is nearly jumping out of her seat like a madwoman while I lazily put my hand halfway up.

"I don't know sir," Harry said reluctantly having not read the LITERAL first page of our textbook.

Snape sneers at his answer.

"Tisk tisk, fame isn't everything I guess."

He ignores Hermione and me as he begins to pace.

"Let us try again. Potter" He speaks slowly and nearly spits the word Potter. "Where would you look if I told you to find me bezoar?"

Again Hermione and I put up our hands. There is no way Harry would know these things since he has been living a muggle life until 6 days ago. Malfoy and his lackeys were barely holding in their laughter at Harry's expense.

Unlike the Draught of Living Death, bezoar isn't even mentioned in any of the sections of the book that I've read. If it wasn't for Sid's books on poison I would have never heard of such a thing.

"I don't know Sir." "Didn't even open the book before coming did you Potter?" Snape snaps back.

Snape still ignoring Hermione and me.

"What's the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane? Potter..."

This time Hermione jumped out of her chair raising her hand as high as ever basically jumping. I still have my hand half up. But at this point I know he won't call on us, he just wants to shame Harry. I'm not against this style of teaching but he is going a bit far. Shame is a good motivator...

"I don't know," Harry says again with less confidence. "I think Hermione and Soren do though, why don't you try them."

Most of the Gryffindor students laugh at this and even some of the Slytherin do. Harry gets a small smirk as he lowers his head to hide it. I roll my eyes knowing he earned himself a lecture.

"Sit" Snape ordered Hermione. "For your information, Potter, asphodel, and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying that down?" he turned around in a dramatic fashion waving his robes.

Under his breath, I hear Harry whisper "No wonder my father bullied you." while taking notes. Ron, Hermione, Seamus, and I were all stunned that he just said that. It wasn't very loud and not many of us heard it, I don't think Snape did either, but it seems I am wrong.

Snape turns around quickly with wide eyes and a small vein popping out on his wide forehead. I grab my wand because the way he is looking at Harry looks like he will kill him at any moment. He gets right on top of Harry standing in front of his desk looking down on him with piercing eyes.

"20 points will be taken from Gryffindor and Mr. Potter will be serving detention with me on Saturday AND Sunday." Snape lets out a long breath as he snaps around in a far more dramatic fashion than earlier. I sigh in relief as I tuck my wand back under my robe.

Harry looks kind of shaken from it but what can I say? It is certainly his fault, even if you don't like someone that's no reason to make fun of their trauma.

The class continued as normal he separated us into groups of two, Snape would judge the Gryffindor students harshly… All except me, he praised me like no tomorrow which made the Gryffindor students look at me with resentment like I was a traitor.

He said I was a prodigy in potions and Malfoy wasn't far behind, but Neville, poor Neville can never catch a break and managed to melt a cauldron on his first try. I honestly don't know how he managed to make acid out of horned slugs, nettles, and crushed snake fangs. When the cauldron collapsed and drenched Neville making big red boils on his arms and legs.

Harry again got in trouble for letting Neville, his partner make such a blindingly obvious mistake, all you had to do was read the instructions. Even I was a bit upset with him having let Neville hurt himself. How did someone as talented as James have such an inept son?

Harry was about to argue but Ron kicked him before he could. Good thing too, he already had weekend detention doesn't want another two days.

After classes ended Harry, Ron, and I went to Hagrid's shack, I was still a bit upset with Harry but since Neville is fine I'll let it go.

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