
Chapter 12

Jules muttered nearby, less collected but not as hysterical as those outside. “Oh my god…oh my god…”

“911 is already on the way from the bomb threat,” Connor said, “and the nurse can’t help him. Em, I need you to look at me. I need you to focus on me.”

The pain in my chest had gone numb, cold as if someone had pressed an icepack to it. My vision swam but I saw Connor’s face above me. He had me laid back on the choir room floor, just inside the door, huddled and hidden behind rows of risers and chairs. His eyes looked even more honey-colored this close, wide with determination.

“It went right through, Em, but it didn’t get your heart. It was close though…too close. You need to feed. Now.”

“What are you talking about?” Jules said, shriller than before, pacing. “We have to help him!”

“Connor…” Aurora tried.

I shook my head. The girls were with us, they were here, they’d see…

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