
Chapter 6

“If you’re not a fan of zombies, what movies doyou like?”

“I’ll watch whatever—even horror movies—as long as it isn’t superheroes. I feel like everythingis superheroes these days. I liked it at first, I admit, but now it’s just too much.”

“But…Batman?” Viggo says, the corners of his mouth drooping, his eyebrows up in his hairline, and actual confusion shining from his eyes. He looks like I kicked his puppies again.

“Dude. Batman is just a guy with lots of money and fancy gadgets. He doesn’t have any superpowers. He’d lose against Superman in a heartbeat.” That sets him off into yet another laughing fit and I can’t help join in. “Yeah, that made me sound like I’m fourteen instead of forty, right?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Then let’s take the sensible, middle-aged route of agreeing to disagree.”

“Fuck sensible,” he says, and we burst out laughing again.

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