
Chapter 22

“Halloween is just around the corner, isn’t it?”

Flynn nodded. “So, what?”

“Halloween is actually All Hallows’ Eve, and the day after that is known as All Hallows’ Day. That’s when the barrier between the mortal realm and the one beyond is the thinnest. What you witnessed earlier was kind of my fault.”

“How was it your—”

“I’m a necromancer, Gage. Those spirits were attracted to me. Well, my magic.”

“Oh!” Gage exclaimed softly. “Does this happen often?”

The tips of Calian’s ears reddened a little, and Gage thought that was cute, but he somehow managed to stop himself from chuckling out loud. He also had to bite his lower lip while waiting patiently for Calian to answer the question.

“No,” Calian replied. “Only around this time of the year. Usually, two or three days before, during, and after All Hallows’ Day. For the most part, I can control my magic just fine.”

“Are you telling Gage and me that your magic is rather wild right now?”

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