
Chapter 3

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A knock rattled the office door. Keith looked up from his computer. “Bobby? I thought you were meeting me out front.”

Bobby walked inside. “I was until I talked to Gray.” He sat down in the one of the two seats in front of the desk.

“Gray? Gray never has much to say. He quietly does his job well and then goes home.” Keith began to shut down his computer.

“Don’t do that…”

“What? Shut down the computer?” Keith raised his brows and waited for whatever Bobby was going to say. Bobby would get to the point eventually.

“Have receipts been down recently?” Bobby shifted to look at the screen.

“I just happened to be going through the receipts. We’ve been busier lately but when I tallied the amount of booze taken out of inventory, with the receipts for drinks, the revenue came up short. How did you know?”

Bobby smiled and answered in one word. “Gray.”

Keith leaned back in his chair. Bobby liked to pause for dramatic effect. “So, what did Gray have to say?”

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