
Chapter 59

“Your number.”

Fuck. He went over to the counter, found a pen, and wrote his number on a napkin. “There. I’m gonna go talk to—”

“The police?”

He couldn’t go to the police. “Too early. They won’t do anything at this stage.”

Holly drummed a nail against the counter but nodded.

Nash bolted out of there, jogged down New Street, crossed through the Bathhouse Park, and zigzagged through the narrow cobblestoned alleys of Old Town until he came out on Harbor Street. Ellis lived in one of the newly built apartment houses there, and he almost crashed into an old woman as he rounded the corner to his door.

“Sorry.” He caught her elbow before sprinting on.

Frantically, he pounded on Ellis door until he heard him mutter on the other side. “What?” Ellis opened the door glaring, wearing nothing but sweats and with his blond hair pointing in every direction.

“Arlo is gone.”

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