
Chapter 55

He probably thinks I’m insane.

“You are,” something seemed to whisper back.

“?apul,” Arik prompted. “Romanian, yes? Means goat, if I’ve been advised correctly.” He paused, chuckling dryly. “And I have been.”

The age in ?apul’s face became more apparent as his frown deepened. “And?”

“Also a historian, European to be specific. I would have to assume that means you know quite a bit about the Roma.”

Distaste darkened ?apul’s eyes and twisted his lips. “Are you asking me if I’m familiar with Gypsy fairy-tales, young man? Because I have a Romanian background? Should I ask you if can fill me in on the mating dance of the Big Foot? As you are so very obviously American. Perhaps even which rifle would be the best to use. And why you’ll still be holding said rifle in your cold, clenched fingers after your death? Have a conversation on hamburgers and super-sized sodas? Or should we drop the stereotyping and get back to busi—”

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